Feel like crap!, went over calories by 1000+



  • LeenaRuns
    LeenaRuns Posts: 1,309 Member
    Mourn it and move on.
  • jamers3111
    jamers3111 Posts: 495 Member
    Breath. :) It's OK. We all have days like this. This will not destroy you. Start fresh today. The more you beat yourself up the more likely you will be to keep binging. You got this.

    PS your puppy is adorable!!
  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    It took WAY more than two days to put the weight on in the first place, so don't beat yourself up for it. Life happens and as long as you can make more good choices than bad, you're going in the right direction. Good luck!
  • No worries!! I went over 1000kcals too yesterday!! I ate half a jar of peanutbutter (almost 1200kcals). You'll live sweety ;). Today's a new day!

  • glwerth
    glwerth Posts: 335 Member
    I feel so upset and guilty, I know I went over my calorie limit by over 1000 calories today
    I went out for my brothers birthday and had a chicken souvlaki which was covered in oil, and I had a piece of chocolate mousse cake which was heaps:( I feel so depressed, Plus tomorrow I have another birthday party to go to and I know I have to go over my calories because my friend and has cooked greek food especially for me and I can't refuse to eat food someone made just for me:(

    I don't know what to do with myself, I feel like i'm going to gain so much weight and my healthy diet has been ruined:(

    Live your life.

    In the greater scheme of things, you're having a couple of days where you're not eating as well. That doesn't negate your progress nor will it remove the progress.

    Worst case, it will set you back a day or two.

    Sounds as if you don't do this habitually, so enjoy for the two days (yesterday and today, I think) and then go back to your usual habits, happy that the healthy eating is your habit now.

    Good luck.
  • hollybug1016
    hollybug1016 Posts: 8 Member
    You'll only sabotage yourself by feeling bad about it. If you keep beating yourself up, you're going to fall into the "oh well, I already overate, might as well finish this gallon of ice cream" syndrome. Then you feel bad for THAT and the cycle continues. Listen to the people here that are telling you it's ok instead of that nasty voice inside that tells you how much you suck for screwing up. To make matters worse, you're not even enjoying the food you are indulging in because of guilt, so what are you gaining?? This isn't just about counting calories and losing weight. This is more about developing a healthy relationship with food and with yourself. You're good. You haven't ruined anything. Enjoy your party tomorrow, taste that food and appreciate it and forgive yourself.
  • rezn8
    rezn8 Posts: 263 Member
    You can eat those things occasionally without sabotage. You have to really learn to control the portions. If you are on a 3500 calorie deficet per week then can safely eat over a couple days wiithout gaining that week as long as you don't go over that deficet. You should make sure you don't completely over do the fats though.
  • jennibee70
    jennibee70 Posts: 1,067 Member
    You find yourself looking for exercise calories to make up any excess....taking the stairs; cleaning the house like a maniac; digging the garden - all of these count!!

    I'm so glad I'm not the only one who does this! I washed the dishes, that must count as light cleaning, right?

    OP, don't worry about it, you need to have fun sometimes! Spending time with your family and friends should be a happy thing, not a cause for guilt, you can always rectify the calories later, but you can't get back the time with your family.
  • skyhealth
    skyhealth Posts: 38 Member
    You'll only sabotage yourself by feeling bad about it. If you keep beating yourself up, you're going to fall into the "oh well, I already overate, might as well finish this gallon of ice cream" syndrome. Then you feel bad for THAT and the cycle continues. Listen to the people here that are telling you it's ok instead of that nasty voice inside that tells you how much you suck for screwing up. To make matters worse, you're not even enjoying the food you are indulging in because of guilt, so what are you gaining?? This isn't just about counting calories and losing weight. This is more about developing a healthy relationship with food and with yourself. You're good. You haven't ruined anything. Enjoy your party tomorrow, taste that food and appreciate it and forgive yourself.

    Thank you everyone so much! I need to keep telling myself that this is alright and we all make mistakes once in a while. I just hate it how I don't enjoy eating the unhealthy food anymore and I just think about how bad it is when I eat it, so I don't even enjoy it haha. I really need to not be so hard on myself, I think I'll just try my best to forget it and move on. After tomorrow's break I'll try get back on track with healthy eating again!
  • MSam1205
    MSam1205 Posts: 439 Member
    Just saw this article online, and it may help explain why we do go over our goals some days. Not making excuses for my slips...

  • skyhealth
    skyhealth Posts: 38 Member
    Guy's it is the morning of the party today.
    I weighed myself as soon as I got up and went to the toilet (I couldn't help weighing myself) and I'm up 3lbs:(
    I feel so discouraged again, do you think it may be waterweight?
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    I feel so upset and guilty, I know I went over my calorie limit by over 1000 calories today
    I went out for my brothers birthday and had a chicken souvlaki which was covered in oil, and I had a piece of chocolate mousse cake which was heaps:( I feel so depressed, Plus tomorrow I have another birthday party to go to and I know I have to go over my calories because my friend and has cooked greek food especially for me and I can't refuse to eat food someone made just for me:(

    I don't know what to do with myself, I feel like i'm going to gain so much weight and my healthy diet has been ruined:(

    Whats TDEE? You may still be in a deficit.
  • esjohnson03
    esjohnson03 Posts: 17 Member
    Plus tomorrow I have another birthday party to go to and I know I have to go over my calories because my friend and has cooked greek food especially for me and I can't refuse to eat food someone made just for me:(

    So have a smaller portion and ask if you can take some with afterward? That way you A) won't feel guilty later and B) will have more good Greek food for the next day(s). Either way, not the end of the world.
  • heartofhope
    Oh my gosh, i loved reading all these post, I ate 7 chocolate chip coolies after breakfast. felt the same way. after reading the post . im not going to treat myself badly. t
  • cici52
    cici52 Posts: 34 Member
    Know the feeling. Have found a WOE that accomodates a normal life and am losing weight too. Check out JUDDD/Alternate Day Diet. There are a couple threads here to explain it plus a huge supportive forum on the Low Carb Friends site (though it is not necessarily a LC WOL). Good luck.
  • blackbeauty43
    blackbeauty43 Posts: 21 Member
    I went over by 3000 for my 26th Birthday, most of it in Alc. Don't worry about it, consider it an off day and eat like a champion for the next week or two ;)
  • lilawolf
    lilawolf Posts: 1,690 Member
    Get back on track day after tomorrow. You have your whole life ahead of you. A couple of days of poor eating, is nothing in the long run. Try to get as much exercise as you can, then move on.

    ETA: Besides, you are already at your goal weight! Now you get to eat more, and bouncing up and down a couple of pounds in no big deal. If you gain a bit, you obviously know how to lose it!
  • davert123
    davert123 Posts: 1,568 Member
    welcome to the real world and not the world that we would like :-) I've done the same. The only way forward is to dust yourself down and get on with it. As long as you carry on this time next year this wont matter at all :-)
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    Meh. I go way over on a pretty regular basis. Take a look at my diary (it's public) for today, I'm 1002 over and will probably add more as the night goes on. Then take a look at my ticker. Clearly my bi-monthly high days have not ruined anything.

    I don't even consider the occasional overage a setback. It's life. All of my previous diets failed miserably because I tried to deprive myself of parties, drinks, and cake.
  • TheCaren
    TheCaren Posts: 894 Member
    Thank's guys for making me feel a little better!
    I just feel so guilty and like such a failure because I know i'm going to do it tomorrow aswell, I guess I just have to deal with it and get back on track after tomorrow.
    I went over my weekly calories aswell and I just can't seem to get over it:(

    That's just that ugly voice in your head telling you you're a failure. IT'S NOT REAL. In the real world, there are going to be souvlaki and chocolate mousse cake days. That's just real life. The problem with me is not that once in a while I go over by 1000 calories. I would argue that NONE of us are here because once in a while we go over our ideal number of calories. I'm here because I was doing it every day. Easily by 1000.

    That ugly voice in your head will say "oh well, this week is shot. Tomorrow I might as well PIG OUT! Don't do it. Enjoy the greek food your friend made. Just remember portion control. That's all. And then Sunday, focus on meeting your nutritional goals (mine are lowering fat and sugars and increasing protein. Yours may be different). Oh and tomorrow, drink TONS of water throughout the day.