Killer egg yolks

Serious question though - what's so bad about egg yolks? I see lots of people eating just egg whites, is it the cals, the cholesterol, what? And what do you do with all the leftover yolks?


  • RedWeb
    RedWeb Posts: 108 Member
    Nothing. Eat away. Just had a lovely egg for breakfast.
  • I keep away from eggs after I found out there fat content
  • For most it's the cholesterol, however a healthy person shouldn't worry about eggs.
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    I keep away from eggs after I found out there fat content

    I eat them for precisely that reason.

    Good fat too, excellent fuel for brain and body.

    In fact I'm going to boil up 4 now to take with me as I play cricket tomorrow :)
  • RedWeb
    RedWeb Posts: 108 Member
    I keep away from eggs after I found out there fat content

    Think we're talking chicken eggs and not easter eggs :-)
  • AquaFitQueen
    AquaFitQueen Posts: 218 Member
    Eggs are a HUGE part of my life. Filling, low cal, low carb and high protein. You can eat em scrambled, fried, boiled, devilled, made into an omelet etc. Eggs got a bad rap in the 70/80's and some people have no cared to keep up with the science! Hurrah for runny egg yolks!
  • GeorgieLove708
    GeorgieLove708 Posts: 442 Member
    Nothing wrong with egg yolks. I eat several whole eggs every day. Yum! :)
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    For most it's the cholesterol, however a healthy person shouldn't worry about eggs.

    Ah cholesterol ... Does dietary cholesterol raise blood serum cholesterol? Does having 'high' cholesterol predict heart disease anyway?

    No on both counts ... Off to boil those eggs now ...
  • fraser112
    fraser112 Posts: 405
    Eggs are a HUGE part of my life. Filling, low cal, low carb and high protein. You can eat em scrambled, fried, boiled, devilled, made into an omelet etc. Eggs got a bad rap in the 70/80's and some people have no cared to keep up with the science! Hurrah for runny egg yolks!

    Im on a diet and i just ate 4 eggs fried in butter with 2.5 massive sausages. Ill be full for the next 8 hours and still have 1200 cals to eat today :laugh:
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    all the nutrients are in the yolk...just sayin'!
  • Dont_Eat_Me
    Dont_Eat_Me Posts: 36 Member
    Whole Eggs are yummy. I eat atleast 1-2 dozen a week. Sometimes I even feel like eating a whole dozen as a snack.
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    I eat at least one egg a day and sometimes up to 4 . I also keep egg beaters on hand as a protein source. They are a great source of protein.
  • For most it's the cholesterol, however a healthy person shouldn't worry about eggs.

    Ah cholesterol ... Does dietary cholesterol raise blood serum cholesterol? Does having 'high' cholesterol predict heart disease anyway?

    No on both counts ... Off to boil those eggs now ...

    That's usually what I tell people, but I know how a lot of us get about our peer reviewed studies on these boards, and I wasn't really prepared to dig any up. :wink:
  • TexasTroy
    TexasTroy Posts: 477 Member
    Eat away....yolks are filled with high quality nutrients and arent nearly as bad for you as once thought. I love'em.
  • urglewurgle
    urglewurgle Posts: 224 Member
    I also eat loads of eggs... Even raw in a smoothie for breakfast!
  • byrnekg
    byrnekg Posts: 12
    Most of the protein is in the white, all the cholestoral and fat is in the yolk. and i eat a LOT of eggs. trying to build muscle. so i eat the yolk of maybe 4 out of 18 eggs. the rest i dump. if ur only eating 1 egg a day then eat the yolk. nicest part. if ur eating them like me then dump em
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Eggs were considered one of the evil foods for a long time, turns out they're actually good for you. The link between dietary cholesterol and serum cholesterol is tenuous at best.

    Inexpensive & nutritious..........what's not to like about eggs?
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    For me, I pretty much hate eggs, except boiled, and I can not stand the yolk, makes me want to gag and puke. But boiled egg whites (which I do like and can eat) give me a little extra protein and don't inflate my carbs.
  • Just a small quote from a scientific article:

    "Eggs should be considered in a similar way as other protein-rich foods and selected as part of a varied diet that is low in saturated fat and contains a variety of cardio-protective foods such as fish, whole grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes and nuts."

    Ref: Unscrambling the research: Eggs, serum cholesterol and coronary heart disease; S. NATOLI, T. MARKOVIC, D. LIM, M. NOAKES and K. KOSTNER, 2007; Nutrition & Dietetics; 64: 105–111

    I eat a large soft boiled egg every morning.
  • First, your body needs some fat to function properly--current guidelines suggest a minimum of 20% of your calories from fat. Fat is satisfying, and even though it is calorie dense, you will probably be less hungry after you eat it. Egg yolks got a bad rap because of their cholesterol content, but it turns out that saturated fat is worse for your LDL levels than dietary cholesterol. In the meantime, there's lots of good stuff in an egg yolk that a whole generation or two missed out on. As long as you plan for the calories and keep your saturated fat (not total fat) low, you will do great. The rest of your fats should be the kind from things like nuts, salmon, olive oil, and avocados.