Is anyone on Meds that CAUSE weight gain?



  • lbryony76
    lbryony76 Posts: 12 Member
    I gained over a stone in two months on Seroxat (paxil). I've just come off that (hellish withdrawal, caused massive mood swings, electric shocks and friend loss) and gone onto Cirtalopram with seems to be allowing me to lose weight but still really slow progress. Beta blockers don't help either but I'm allowed to take them as and when I need them now instead of three a day which limits the damage. I also don't have a gall bladder which must surely affect how fat gets processed. I can't wait to be off all the meds.
  • AquaFitQueen
    AquaFitQueen Posts: 218 Member
    I gained over a stone in two months on Seroxat (paxil). I've just come off that (hellish withdrawal, caused massive mood swings, electric shocks and friend loss) and gone onto Cirtalopram with seems to be allowing me to lose weight but still really slow progress. Beta blockers don't help either but I'm allowed to take them as and when I need them now instead of three a day which limits the damage. I also don't have a gall bladder which must surely affect how fat gets processed. I can't wait to be off all the meds.

    I quit sertraline (Zoloft) 200mg cold turkey. O.M.G. Insanity. Had restless leg syndrom for 2 months and dry mouth and anxiety! Ugh some of these meds cause more than they fix! I quit all my meds in Feb (not recommended for anyone else) as most of my stress triggers are gone and I have been so much happier and myself, but man....those years on meds did quite a number on me!
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    yep, on minocycline....gaining :grumble:
  • Dauntlessness
    Dauntlessness Posts: 1,489 Member
    I'm going to take a shot in the dark here but do you have pcos too? I have met several people like myself that have bipolar and hormone issues-thyroid issues falls into that. It weird how that works, certain diagnosis tends to fall together. What has helped me is Methotrexate. It leveled my hormone levels. Exercise has been a key factor in helping it as well.

    Lithium cause me to have weight gain. A number of antidepressants did too. I have been bipolar since I was pretty much born. At 3 years old, I was evaluated. I didn't get officially diagnosed until I was 12. I have been on many medications so trust me when I say this. The less meds the better sometimes. Its amazing how doctors can prescribe meds, meds and more meds and eventually you dont know what is working because they cant single one out.

    There was a study a few years back that had amazing outcomes.Basically a low dose of mood stabilizer like Lamictal and therapy had the most positive effect on people with bipolar. Antidepressants had a really bad one. They think it worked mostly because some people don't know if the mood swing is caused by environmental stress or if it is truly a mood swing chemical reaction. Therapy helps you define those symptoms. I hope that helps

    Lamictal hasn't made me gain weight btw.
  • Yes2HealthyAriel
    Yes2HealthyAriel Posts: 453 Member
    a few years ago I gained 30 pounds with depakote, it made me hungry all the time. Usually doctors will take you off of a medication if there is any significant weight gain. Talk to your doctor about your concerns and he/she may be able to put you on something that doesnt cause weight gain
  • goldfinger88
    goldfinger88 Posts: 686 Member
    I take some medication that causes weight gain and makes weight loss incredibly hard and slow. In fact, hidden in the long list of side effects, you'll find that as a side effect and I know many people experience it. I can't speak to any particular medication but you should look it up on the Internet and look at the side effects. Generally you can still lose weight. Just don't expect the result others get. And don't get discouraged. Also, you can talk with your doctor about taking something else.
  • Jester522
    Jester522 Posts: 392
    HIIT? Thanks, not "feeling bad" meds have helped that thank goodness.

    Just finished 15 minutes and Im beat.
    High Intensity Interval Training = HIIT

    5minutes light walk around 3.0 on a treadmill... 45s all out sprint ~12.0/12.5, rest 1m walking at 2.0 speed. Repeat 8-10 times then walk 5 minutes to loosen up.

    Far more exciting then jogging/running... well, as exciting as cardio can be. Accomplish more in less time, greater fat loss while sparring muscle tissue, doesn't lower anabolic hormones like standard aerobic bores.

    All the drugs you mentioned are associated with weight gain. Especially the bipolar ones as they tend to cause bad changes in eating habits too. Anticoagulants like coumadin and lovenox can cause lower body weight gain but thankfully its subcutaneous and not as detrimental to hormonal health.
  • leahartmann
    I´m bipolar as well and also gaine weight from my medication. To make it short, I agree with those saying that you CAN lose weight, but you have to be very patient! It takes more time than it does for others.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    I was taking a medication that caused me to gain a massive amount of weight. The doctor eventually took me off of it because nothing I did helped. However, with the psych meds, talk to your doctor and don't be afraid to ask your doctor to consult with the drug company about this issue. For instance, some of the weight gain associated with SOME of the psych meds can be reduced through limiting carbs. Ask your doctor to find out what the ins and outs are for your particular meds.
  • seamonkey789
    Interesting...WEllbutrin should offset the weight gain effects of those other medications. It's actually none to cause weight loss.

    Known to cause it but doesn't in everyone. this medication is also prescribed to help you quit smoking but this is a rare feat. And one med cannot outweigh the effects of the other three. But thanks, I did overlook the "loss" effect. Although it has proven to be of no worth to me.

    I read about it because I was going to take it for depression -- they sometimes combine it with anti-psychotics to minimize weight gain. I wasn't trying to be snarky or rude, sorry if you took it that way.

    Actually, they combine metformin with anti-psychotics to minimize weight gain because most of them raise your blood sugar and cholesterol.

    The weight loss side effects from wellbutrin, topamax, zonegran, etc, vary from person to person and I have never heard of any of those being prescribed to off set weight loss. And to be honest, giving an anti depressant to someone who is currently on an anti-psychotic requires close monitoring by the doctor by some people because in certain conditions, anti depressants can worsen their condition.

    To the OP, i am also bipolar and currently taking Geodon and Seroquel. I have been on seroquel on and off since 2006. The first time I was on it was in 2006 at 150 mgs and I gained 35 lbs and it wasn't controlling my symptoms, so we switched to Geodon.

    I am currently taking seroquel doses for the past year ranging between 100-300mgs and have not gained any weight. My p-doc still makes me get my blood sugar and cholesterol monitored.

    Have you had a metabolic panel recently and checked your blood sugar?
  • stines72
    stines72 Posts: 853 Member
    yes i am on a med that causes weight gain but slowly coming off of the drug.
  • tiffanysb
    tiffanysb Posts: 15 Member
    I'm on lithium, Cymbalta, Vyvanse, and Yaz. Surprisingly, I think I got lucky because the lithium didn't cause me to gain weight at all; same with the Cymbalta and the Yaz (birth control).
  • 6mimi
    6mimi Posts: 1,439 Member
    I'm on Cymbalta for Fibromyalsia and restless leg syndrome. I think it is making my weight loss very slow. It can be a little discouraging but without it my body aches constantly. If I try to amp up my workouts to offset it, it flares up the fibromyalia. Grrrr... I am just going to keep on pushing forwards and never give up.