Intimidated by the gym?

Okay - so I have an AWESOME community center where I live that includes an incredible gym...that I can attend for free. I used to work out with a personal trainer a few years back. But, I have not really stepped into a gym since then. So, about 2-3 months ago, I went into our gym. I felt overwhelmed and a bit intimidated....mainly because I'm an overweight 40-something year old woman and this community gym was FILLED with high school jocks flocking around the weight machines.

I really want to just "own" my weight loss / fitness program. But, I feel incredibly out of place....any suggestions????


  • JerseyPook
    Hmmm...somehow this got posted twice cuz my computer hiccuped! Sorry!!
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    the majority of people at the gym are into what they are doing. they will only notice you if you make unusual noises or stink really bad

    seriously, have a set idea what you will be doing there and dont walk around aimlessly
  • vynnette26
    vynnette26 Posts: 58 Member
    Just Do It!!!!!!!! You have a goal to meet. After a few times in the gym you will get comfortable
  • Jersey_Devil
    Jersey_Devil Posts: 4,142 Member
    seriously- just do your thing. You have to step out of your comfort zone. you will feel uncomfortable at first, but the more you go, the more you will feel like you fit in. Before you know it, you will be walking into the gym like you took it over and you own it.
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    Most people are intimidated at first. You just have to make yourself go. Once you are there you will realize that nobody is paying any attention to what you are doing. They are there doing their own thing.

    Put on your head phones and go to work. It will be like a second home before you know it.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Everyone feels weird the first time they walk into a gym. It doesn't take long to feel at home there, though. Just focus on what you're doing and don't worry about anyone else.
  • JerseyPook
    Thanks for all of the encouragement...I know that I "have" to do it. I'm normally a "dive right in" kind of person. For some reason, this has me stopped in my tracks!
  • Jersey_Devil
    Jersey_Devil Posts: 4,142 Member
    Thanks for all of the encouragement...I know that I "have" to do it. I'm normally a "dive right in" kind of person. For some reason, this has me stopped in my tracks!

    So what part of Jersey do you live in? If you live in my neck of the woods, I'll set everyone straight at your gym for you! :)
  • mdorsey2010
    I used to feel that way so I understand but honestly, just go in there and do what you need to do. 95% of the people are in there to do their's and not worried about what you're doing at all! Good luck!!!
  • AnguishLanguish
    AnguishLanguish Posts: 149 Member
    I was feeling the same when I first started going, I thought everyone would be looking at me and laughing. I soon realised that I was the only person looking at people (to make sure they weren't looking at me) and people really don't care, they are there to get fit/stay fit and so are you. I find going early (5:30am) helps beat the crowds. Good luck!!
  • JerseyPook
    Thanks for all of the encouragement...I know that I "have" to do it. I'm normally a "dive right in" kind of person. For some reason, this has me stopped in my tracks!

    So what part of Jersey do you live in? If you live in my neck of the woods, I'll set everyone straight at your gym for you! :)

    Unfortunately, I'm in Florida currently!! If I were in Jersey, I'd have plenty of buddies to go with...down here, I'm on my own! :(
  • alkemnitz
    I also have a place where I can work out for free. But when it came to the weight machines, I didn't have a clue. So I mainly stuck to walking on the treadmill (while holding on because I have no sense of balance), elliptical or I would walk 3 miles outdoors. Long story short, I have issues with sticking to it. So back in early August, I FINALLY joined our local Y. It's brand new and HUGE. I became a member and joined the 12 fitness program and keep track of my cardio/strength training on I'm basically told what to do (on the weight machines, mostly. I do whatever kind of cardio I want) and do it. I know when their slowest times are and go in then since I have issues with anxiety. Anyway, I've lost 19 pounds in roughly 2 months. Best of luck to you :)
  • Jersey_Devil
    Jersey_Devil Posts: 4,142 Member
    Thanks for all of the encouragement...I know that I "have" to do it. I'm normally a "dive right in" kind of person. For some reason, this has me stopped in my tracks!

    So what part of Jersey do you live in? If you live in my neck of the woods, I'll set everyone straight at your gym for you! :)

    Unfortunately, I'm in Florida currently!! If I were in Jersey, I'd have plenty of buddies to go with...down here, I'm on my own! :(

    you've got to change your name to Floridapook then ;)
  • JerseyPook
    Thanks for all of the encouragement...I know that I "have" to do it. I'm normally a "dive right in" kind of person. For some reason, this has me stopped in my tracks!

    So what part of Jersey do you live in? If you live in my neck of the woods, I'll set everyone straight at your gym for you! :)

    Unfortunately, I'm in Florida currently!! If I were in Jersey, I'd have plenty of buddies to go with...down here, I'm on my own! :(

    you've got to change your name to Floridapook then ;)

    Bite. Your. Tongue.
  • myth4ever
    myth4ever Posts: 372
    act like you been there before....Like you the owner! That's what the regulars do.....You are One of US!!!!! Come on in just wipe your feet at the door and ...

  • JerseyPook
    act like you been there before....Like you the owner! That's what the regulars do.....You are One of US!!!!! Come on in just wipe your feet at the door and ...


    Please, I'm so OCD I'd alphabetize them if I could! LOL I am super conscious about cleaning after I use equipment and returning things to where they belong...that is not a problem. Getting the "Friday Night Lights" crew outta my way is more of my issue!!!
  • simplydawnb
    simplydawnb Posts: 6 Member
    I hate gyms. I've sunk more money into those places over the years with no return on investment...until I found a trainer not affiliated with a gym. If the trainer worked for you a few years back, maybe you can find one again? My trainer focuses more on cross-fit stuff and has his own place -- no mirrors, no jocks, no intimidation. He's changed my life and I modify what I learn from him to do at-home workouts on days when I need extra or don't see him. Three months and 50 lbs later, I'd never do it another way...

    Good luck!
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    I use a community centre that's often full of young dudes, & I'm in my 30s. I'm no bunny, but I'm not treated like someone's aunty either.

    I get looks because I'm the only female anywhere near the weights, but I think it's mostly just curiosity/novelty. I think they're just like, 'hunh'.

    The atmosphere is pretty respectful overall. I've been offered help when I was confused (adjusting the benches, which I think are as old as I am) or hurt (trapped under a BB). (Still don't think I'd ask anyone to spot me or anything, though.)
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    act like you been there before....Like you the owner! That's what the regulars do.....You are One of US!!!!! Come on in just wipe your feet at the door and ...


    Please, I'm so OCD I'd alphabetize them if I could! LOL I am super conscious about cleaning after I use equipment and returning things to where they belong...that is not a problem. Getting the "Friday Night Lights" crew outta my way is more of my issue!!!

    LOL - Maybe I am kind of an aunty... I didn't see them wiping anything until I did it.
  • jodiwerda
    jodiwerda Posts: 6 Member
    A friend told me walking through the door is the hard part. She was right. Just go a couple of times or maybe get a session or two with a trainer and you will be right at home. It worked for me.