I exercise twice a day, is it safe?

Hi all,

i walk for 30 minutes and i jog for 10 minutes in the morning and i repeat the same thing in the evening, is it safe or is it fine ?


  • Sarah_Wins
    Sarah_Wins Posts: 936 Member
    Safe? Well, you might grow an extra toe or two, and start producing estrogen, but it's worth it for the burn.
  • kmorganlfc
    kmorganlfc Posts: 115 Member
    Unless you have a medical condition which can be exacerbated through exercise, I'd say walking for 60 mins, and jogging for 20 mins per day is perfectly safe.
  • Sasha198
    Sasha198 Posts: 6 Member
    Of course its safe, but also try and sprint for 2 minutes and walk for 1 minute.
  • Ant_the_old_keith_lemon
    i believe when people say too much training is bad for you they are refering to time in anerobic zones, your regime is primarily low resitance low effort and is simply extending your daily "normal" activities slightly.

    most people walk to work, say 20 mins each way & or run for the bus... i dont see those people looking unfit or lethargic..

    you`ll know if you are doing too much as you wont be able to hit your max effort and will constantly feel drained - much like you do when you do not train.
  • AbdullaAlmoawdah
    @sarahqt2012 : LOL! Thanks.
    @kmorganlfc: Thanks
    @Sasha198: I think i'll start with the sprints in the middle of my journey because i'm very very heavy to do sprints, i'll just walk and jog until i loose at least 10kg's and then i'll race you :P
    @keith_lemon: I totally agree with you, btw you need to to teach me how you lost 41Kg !! WOW :))
  • bub_snig
    I exercise up to twice a day some days. I don't think there is anything wrong with it. I've been doing it for a few months now. had no issues or complaints. Except when I sprained my knee at netball but that was a stupidity injury not a "proper" injury.

    On days I play netball I still do a workout in the morning at the gym. And on mondays and saturdays I do one in the morning and one in the afternoon/early evening.

    I do take warm up and cool down very seriously although because I don't want to injure myself.
  • hendinerik
    hendinerik Posts: 287 Member
    Sounds like a good routine - I think 2 sensible activity periods will really boost your metabolism too. Like other posters say, you will know if it's too much. I know sometimes I come to my trainer thinking I don't have much in me, but it's amazing how much work he gets out of me.

    bub_snig has a point - maybe make sure to stretch a bit before the running... Good for you on getting 2 a day in, and it also sounds like a sustainable amount to keep the blood flowing through the legs (I have a computer job and I have to get up sometimes from sitting in the same position all day.)
  • paruls86
    paruls86 Posts: 188 Member
    I do C25K in the morning it wakes me up and am now sad if i miss one day. I do 30 DS (today's the last day I will start Tapout soon) after i come home from work i try to walk during lunch and am usually fine. i dont think you'd have any proble unless you skip rest which i feel can be a leisure walk if not working out makes you edgy
  • AbdullaAlmoawdah
    Thanks all, you all shared great opinions which a guy like me "new to the whole fitness thing" can really take benefits from.
  • acuratlsd
    acuratlsd Posts: 228
    My weekdays are from 0830 I walk to school and it takes me 30 min.
    Then I will get on the elliptical for an hour. Then do weights at the gym at school.
    Then I will walk home, another 30 min, later that night after dinner, I will go for a 2 hour walk around the block.

    If i catch a break, I got some 30 day shred I will throw in there to do a weight and arobic training together.

    People thinks that is too much but I can do it. I use to walk with a dog and I pooped him out. My friend is 5'3 and 160lbs and he couldn't keep up with my endurance. I am 5''10 and 255lbs....

    I think that I need to do it cause I want to loose the weight plus to be honest, I dont want to give up some foods so I work hard to eat them.
  • loopingcaterpillar
    loopingcaterpillar Posts: 157 Member
    my 6 year old does this much on the school run
  • acuratlsd
    acuratlsd Posts: 228
    thats a trooper
  • Arexxx
    Arexxx Posts: 486 Member

  • Ant_the_old_keith_lemon
    and if we all think back to cave men, they used to hunt for each meal! we all forget where the human body has come from :)

    abdulla - my secret, if you want to call it that was to use more energy than i consumed. i was never a massive eater, always skipping breakfast, having sugars and carbs for quick fixes in work (crisps [chips in american] & chocloate) and eating processed foods in the evening.

    i started eating breakfast, taking home made sanwiches to work and cut out any process foods, basically any meats that have been through a machine.

    oh and i started using some of the energy the foods i now consume give me... ive gone from being out of breath walking up the stairs to training for an olymic distance triathlon.

    ive not lost weight now for four months despite training everyday, why? because i have been training at the wrong intencity to loose (too high) however my endurance has developed ultra quick.. if you want to loose weight the key is not to drip with sweat only mildly perspire ;)
  • smanda65
    smanda65 Posts: 4 Member
    Why are some folks rude, (sarcastic). we don't know his medical history or weight. Also note he is in Dubai so heat can also be an issue especially carrying extra weight....keep hydrated!
  • davert123
    davert123 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Make sure you stretch out after your exercises and I'd guess you will be fine.
  • AbdullaAlmoawdah
    keith_lemon: Great reply, thanks man.
    smanda65: i wasn't clear in my question that's my fault, i live in the kingdom of Bahrain, a country in the middle east, the temperature here rises to 50c and i'm exercising outdoor and doing other exercises as well, that's why i asked this question.
  • davert123
    davert123 Posts: 1,568 Member
    @sarahqt2012 : LOL! Thanks.
    @kmorganlfc: Thanks
    @Sasha198: I think i'll start with the sprints in the middle of my journey because i'm very very heavy to do sprints, i'll just walk and jog until i loose at least 10kg's and then i'll race you :P
    @keith_lemon: I totally agree with you, btw you need to to teach me how you lost 41Kg !! WOW :))

    yes you are right to avoid sprints just yet. I started when I could run for about an hour - at this stage I think my muscles were strong enough. If you go to soon you could pull something which would set you back. for me its best to start off your running career slowly and then build up gradual. This time next year you will be most probably running the same distance as if you went at it like a bull in a china shop and didn't injure yourself - the problem with the latter though is that you may well hurt yourself which will put you back. If you are not already doing so,. try and frame it so this is for the rest of your life not just the next 6 months to put things into perspective. Sounds like you are thinking straight at the moment though which is good.
  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    Hi all,

    i walk for 30 minutes and i jog for 10 minutes in the morning and i repeat the same thing in the evening, is it safe or is it fine ?

    edited because i forgot to write what i was gonna say.. lol

    i run 4 times per day. i start out walking 10 minutes, then i run 20 minutes and i do this 4 times a day. doctor says this is better than running for an hour straight for many reasons.. so i cant see where your exercise regiment would be unsafe! As long as you are eating well, and stretching.. go for it! Just keep yourself hydrated! =)
  • Ant_the_old_keith_lemon
    a quick simple chance to your diet will sort you out, especially with your countries climate... good luck with your journey