A question for the runners...



  • lyttlewon
    lyttlewon Posts: 1,118 Member
    Do you have a particular goal in mind? For me there is an annual 10K hill run here, with a hill at the end that lasts a mile and they call it doomsday hill, I want to be able to run that. So I am still doing 5K, but I am adding in hill training. I am going to slowly lengthen until I am at 10K. Last weekend we did 10K cross country hiking and I only ran at the end, and I ran in intervals. I basically just did what my body told me it could do, with a bit of a push. At this point being able to complete is more important to me than speed so I am not paying attention to speed whatsoever. I am maintaining whatever speed I need in order to endure.
  • scottb81
    scottb81 Posts: 2,538 Member
    To increase your 5k speed you have to first increase your aerobic capacity which you do by running more at a fairly comfortable pace. You should also aim towards running once a week for 90+ minutes. So moving on to the 10k now is ideal.

    Read this for a great explanation. Athletic Training by Arthur Lydiard, available free at http://www.lydiardfoundation.org/pdfs/al_training_eng.pdf
  • dsanfordcasey
    Thank you everyone. My eventual goal is to run a marathon as I've always wanted to do so and am now a small way to achieving that goal.

    The consensus seems to be to increase the distance - which suits me as most of all I enjoy exploring the area.
  • Cheval13
    Cheval13 Posts: 392 Member
    There is also the 10% rule. As long as you don't increase your weekly mileage by more than 10% each week, you should be fine. :)