Here again...will fail again...



  • jillian769
    jillian769 Posts: 247 Member
    If you aren't really really realllllly motivated and gung ho to start with then you probably will fail. You have to have your head right and your emotions and mentality right to succeed. When I started 19 months ago I was so heavy and tired that it took all my strength just to get to the was crazy. I was intensely focused though and determined to do everything in my power to lose my weight. I have only missed a few days of exercise in all these months, and that was due to a miscarriage and when we had a death in the family. I have never given up. Even on the days that I gave into my cravings and ate a zillion calories I went right back to business the next days. Not every day will be perfect, and not every day will you feel excited and motivated to do this, but if you don't give up you absolutely will succeed. Write a list of all the things that you hate about being over weight and a list of what's positive about being overweight, and then look at it every day. I have lost 107 pounds and can do so many things with my body that I couldn't do at my heaviest. I feel so healthy!!!! You can do this is you want to, and you will be so proud of yourself. Good luck!!!!:smile:
  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    Attitude makes a huge difference. If you go in expecting to fail, you will.
  • alisonmaynard70
    alisonmaynard70 Posts: 20 Member
    I am trying this again but I have no motivation. I will fail yet again...

    I'm not depressed, I just know me. I was always fit and lean until I got married and had a few medical setbacks, diagnosed with PCOS and all that comes with that.

    I was shocked when I gained 80 lbs in one year and then 30 the next. I have not gained any more weight and I was able to lose 25 but I still see my self thin even though I do in pics see myself as two ton tilly!!!

    I'ts not my fault for gaining the weight but it defiantly is my fault for not loosing it.

    I have very small bones and well, I fractured my bones in my feet yet again from the weight. You think I would learn but nope!

    I wish I had someone to give me my food and help me exercise but I don't and I don't want to be on a TV weight-loss show...

    I'm not a junk food person, I don't like ice-cream and cakes or any sweats, I never have, not even when I was little, I even have to put water in Crystal light because it taste to sweat for me...not even half and half... more water that CL. I love veggies and chicken and all kinds of fish so eating right is not hard for me. My downfall is pasta and exercise....Pasta I will have once a week but always an organic kind like Fiber Gourmet and Miracle Noodles. As far as exercise, I have an extremely high heart rate when resting 105 to 110 and I am scared to push myself for fear of having a stroke or heart attack.

    Any who, I am back and we will see what happens....:tongue:

    Well, I suggest as you are starting out again to get some food that is quick and easy like microwave dinners, prepackaged salads, and steam-able veggies.. Believe it or not, I have been in your shoes. I was told about the salads that Walmart had ready made, and it has made a WORLD of difference for me. Also, schedule 6 smaller meals for yourself, and drink LOTS of water with or without the CL. I know if I can do this anyone can. I am into week 3 and I have faltered here and there, but I did NOT allow my fall downs to keep me down. Not to mention you have a TON of awesome people on this website that will back you up and help keep you motivated.

    Feel free to add me!
  • alisonmaynard70
    alisonmaynard70 Posts: 20 Member
    I am trying this again but I have no motivation. I will fail yet again...

    I'm not depressed, I just know me. I was always fit and lean until I got married and had a few medical setbacks, diagnosed with PCOS and all that comes with that.

    I was shocked when I gained 80 lbs in one year and then 30 the next. I have not gained any more weight and I was able to lose 25 but I still see my self thin even though I do in pics see myself as two ton tilly!!!

    I'ts not my fault for gaining the weight but it defiantly is my fault for not loosing it.

    I have very small bones and well, I fractured my bones in my feet yet again from the weight. You think I would learn but nope!

    I wish I had someone to give me my food and help me exercise but I don't and I don't want to be on a TV weight-loss show...

    I'm not a junk food person, I don't like ice-cream and cakes or any sweats, I never have, not even when I was little, I even have to put water in Crystal light because it taste to sweat for me...not even half and half... more water that CL. I love veggies and chicken and all kinds of fish so eating right is not hard for me. My downfall is pasta and exercise....Pasta I will have once a week but always an organic kind like Fiber Gourmet and Miracle Noodles. As far as exercise, I have an extremely high heart rate when resting 105 to 110 and I am scared to push myself for fear of having a stroke or heart attack.

    Any who, I am back and we will see what happens....:tongue:

    Well, I suggest as you are starting out again to get some food that is quick and easy like microwave dinners, prepackaged salads, and steam-able veggies.. Believe it or not, I have been in your shoes. I was told about the salads that Walmart had ready made, and it has made a WORLD of difference for me. Also, schedule 6 smaller meals for yourself, and drink LOTS of water with or without the CL. I know if I can do this anyone can. I am into week 3 and I have faltered here and there, but I did NOT allow my fall downs to keep me down. Not to mention you have a TON of awesome people on this website that will back you up and help keep you motivated.

    Feel free to add me!

    Ooops my reply was added to your post. My bad!
  • sayafeh
    sayafeh Posts: 6 Member
    You can do this! :happy: Connect every single day with someone on here. People who can encourage you and have similar goals. :smile: Make your food diary public so that you can have some accountability and just start out by moving (walking, gardening, lower impact exercises) for 20 minutes, 2-3x a day. I think with your personality/situation, the best thing would be to slowly work a habit into your daily routine and then work on upping workout intensity later. That is what has kept me going and not giving up, because normally I don't have a lot of motivation. Turn exercise and healthy eating into your lifestyle and not just a temporary thing! You can succeed! All you need is the will to. :D

    Good luck!
  • KrazyAsianNic
    KrazyAsianNic Posts: 1,227 Member
    I wish you luck on your journey. If you need an extra friend for motivation and support, feel free to add me.

    Just stay optimistic. The more you think you will fail, the more you will. If you think positively that you will succeed this time, you're more likely to succeed!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    awesome coverage I have a appointment Tuesday...

    Cool, glad your going to the dr. For me my HR was 90-100 resting. After exercising for a few months my doc went :noway: checked again and said "Huh, RHR is 70. What have you changed?" At that point I had only lost a few pounds (I went on the lose 35 or so), showed him my diary, explained the exercise (which was only 20 min a day). His next expression was :bigsmile: :love: :love:

    He explained that my heart had been working harder because it was out of shape. When I worked up a sweat, even for 20 minutes, I was exercising my heart and making it stronger. It was working more efficiently in pumping, so it need less pumps to get the blood thru my body!! WOOT WOOT!

    Your post has made me look more closely at myself today. Thank YOU!!

    Yes it was negative. I was really pissed at you calling yoursel two ton tilly. Would you let someone call your friend that?:huh: No way. You MUST be your own best friend.

    You are on the right track, coming here. Make some friends that believe as you do, or motivate you. My 1st friend here was Tamtastic. Tami was coming up on 100 pounds lost with out weight loss sx. It occured to me that if she did that, I could lose the 50 I needed to lose, right?? It was all the encouragment and motivation I needed.

    Tamtam and I met in person after I lost all my weight. It was such a treat to hug her skinny butt! :drinker:

    Good luck. I shall call you Titilating Tilly :glasses:
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    Log in, log your food, the good,bad and ugly...nothing more. Make no changes if you're not ready

    When you are ready you will have a diary to look back on to see where you can make changes. When you are ready just make small changes, slowly...they will add up eventually.

    MyFitnessPal is just a tool, use it as you see fit
  • jamielovesjbs
    jamielovesjbs Posts: 154 Member
    one day at a time....
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    First throw the attitude of failing out the window, if you believe you will fail, then you will fail. If you believe you can then you will. It's mind over matter. You are the only one who can do this. No one can do it for you, if so, I'm sure none of us would have to be here.

    Even healthy foods can be bad for you if you eat to much. That is why counting calories is the key. Working out is only 4% of weight loss success. People lose weight every day without working out. There are light workouts you can do, walking, sit ups, jumping jacks, jump rope, something is out there for you.

    This has to be about you and 100% about you, you have to want it, there is no room for excuses on this journey, if I let every bad day or bump in the road stop me, I'd still weigh 250 lbs or more.
  • threeohtwo
    threeohtwo Posts: 153 Member
    There are so many things i want to say to you.
    First, PCOS does not have to stop you. I have PCOS and even a little exercise helps even blood sugar so that you are able to lose weight like a normal person. I know that you mentioned fractures so do no impact exercises. Elliptical, water aerobics etc. Anything that will get your heart rate up.

    Secondly, If you eat healthy and gained that much weight then your portions must be out of control. I've been there. I crave carbs. Carbs carbs carbs. I want to eat them all. You can have them. You need to pair them with protein to minimize the impact on your blood sugar and ensure that you don't eat MORE carbs.

    Lastly, I heard once that when you are ready to lose weight you will. When you are ready you WILL. No excuses. It's lifelong. If you lose 20 and then gain 10 then get back on track. This will affect you forever. It's a struggle to lose weight and keep it off but its no piece of cake being overweight either.

    Feel free to message me for advice.
  • lesliefb
    lesliefb Posts: 88 Member
    Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you will.

    That's exactly what I was going to say. One of my fav quotes by Henry Ford.
  • needles85365
    needles85365 Posts: 491 Member
    You will fail again if you keep saying that to yourself. You need to change your focus from weight loss, diet to making healthy choices. You can succeed at this making one food choice at a time, Keep logging and getting active, walk around the block you don't have to go to a gym. Talk with your doctor about how much to push yourself. Best of luck....not luck, hard work.
  • MiSo_SeXy
    MiSo_SeXy Posts: 210 Member
    Well you made the choice to come back and try again
    That's step one

    Step two, change your out look on this.

    I'm a very impatient person. I wanted to lose fast and a lot
    But it doesn't work that way.. Its one day at a time. hell
    Its one meal at a time some days...

    If you mess up a meal.. just make better choices for the next
    One, take a walk to alleviate some of the guilt and calories
    From the bad meal.

    Just one step at a time oh! And make friends, its easier to stay
    On top of your game when you feel like you don't wanna let
    Ppl down. Plus seeing others progresses can really help motivate^^

    Alot of the mfp members here are really supportive and amazing
    Good luck
  • dreamyearthmama
    My heart goes out to you, PCOS can be devastating in so many ways and weight gain is definetly one of them! I wanted to respond to you because I understand what it feels like to be where you are with your heart rate. When I was pregnant with my son, I started having issues with tachycardia as well and have had to face a lot of the same fears. It's almost like having death hang over your head all the time because you are stuck in this place of wanting to be healthier-needing to incorporate excersize in order to accomplish this. My advice to you, build a relationship with a Cardiologist and find out about treatments for your tachycardia. Dealing with this will take a HUGE weight off your shoulders. There are medication options, ablation surgeries and other options that might not only help treat this condition, but could also make it go completely away. My tachycardia was caused by the blood pressure meds I was on and I also have had anxiety attacks that can cause my heart to race up to 200 bpm. This has been managed well for the last 6 months since I went off the bp meds with only 1 episode-caused by anxiety.

    Please add me if you'd like. I'll be praying for you.

  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you will.

    I was getting down to the "reply" button to post these words!!
  • joannaorgovan
    joannaorgovan Posts: 71 Member
    I'm so glad Bill Gates didn't have that attitude, otherwise we'd be technologically retarded. Change you attitude and change you life. Don't sit there crying in your beer!!! Do something about it.
  • jmklenzo
    I am in line for a hip replacement as soon as I loose 20 lbs. I have had trouble loosing weight due to some medications that I had to take a few years ago. Three weeks ago I started again with MFP. I am extremely OCD now in watching what I eat and making sure that I upload EVERYTHING to MFP. So far I am down 17lbs,

    I am looking to buddy up with someone to talk to about loosing weight - the ups and downs (no pun intended). I know that I have been here so many times in the past, but never have I been so dedicated to loosing all this extra poundage.
  • SheilasLifeChange
    Today is your NEW day.....Just don't give in or give Up!
  • blakejohn
    blakejohn Posts: 1,129 Member
    I'm so glad Bill Gates didn't have that attitude, otherwise we'd be technologically retarded. Change you attitude and change you life. Don't sit there crying in your beer!!! Do something about it.

    "there's a tear in my beer cause I'm crying for you dear"

    Hank Williams Sr