Do you have any "rules"?

&& What are they for?
IE: No food after 7, and exercise 3 times a week
or no fast food
or exercise during every commercial

I'm pretty sure I'm going to start a no eating in the car rule.

Do you have any "rules"
and have they been easy to stick by?


  • MissSusieQ
    MissSusieQ Posts: 533 Member
    no eating extra stuff because i'm hungry until i've eaten all the things i've planned to eat for the day.
    stops me going on a toast binge at work
  • stines72
    stines72 Posts: 853 Member
    how do you eat in the car? haha multitasking is hard for me when im driving...
    anyways.. my rules
    1. never miss 2 days per week of cardio
    2. no sugary drinks like gatorade or juices or soda
    3. absolutely no junk food!
    4. at least one snack a day usually at night a few hours after dinner
  • i allow myself to have a bad day once a week, else i think i end up with more than one bad day, also my 2nd rule if i know im under my calories sometimes i let myself have a little of something bad now and then as i know im under my goal :)
  • how do you eat in the car? haha multitasking is hard for me when im driving...
    anyways.. my rules
    1. never miss 2 days per week of cardio
    2. no sugary drinks like gatorade or juices or soda
    3. absolutely no junk food!
    4. at least one snack a day usually at night a few hours after dinner

    Woah, didn't even thing about giving up drinks D: I'm a pepsi freak
    good plan, good plan
  • Don't miss more than one day of exercise a week; nothing but water, vitamin water, and coffee to drink; and if I go way over my calories one day, I try to balance it the next by exercising a ton and eating a little under.
  • i wouldnt worry about pepsi its not bad if its pepsi max
  • Don't miss more than one day of exercise a week; nothing but water, vitamin water, and coffee to drink; and if I go way over my calories one day, I try to balance it the next by exercising a ton and eating a little under.

    What is vitamin water?
    and just plain coffee?
  • NareenaTheGypsy
    NareenaTheGypsy Posts: 475 Member
    Oh I have LOTS of those rules.. lol.

    1- Always eat the veggies first at dinner time. Helps me to feel full sooner and I don't eat the higher cal/carb stuff as much.
    2- Workout DVDs (a different one every month currently) 6 days a week. On the 7th day, I walk.. or heavy cleaning.. or something!
    3- Always have water with me while I drive. I drink a LOT more while driving. Thankfully my job means lots of driving (US Postal Svc)
    4- Have a little taste/bite of something that I really want, only if I can put it down after. A taste/bite, and throw it out or give it to hubby!
  • stines72
    stines72 Posts: 853 Member
    Don't miss more than one day of exercise a week; nothing but water, vitamin water, and coffee to drink; and if I go way over my calories one day, I try to balance it the next by exercising a ton and eating a little under.

    What is vitamin water?
    and just plain coffee?
    vitamin water is a drink kind of like gatorade, but it contains different vitamins in it depending on which kind you get.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    For me it's so not about rules. It's about choices.
  • Ruthe8
    Ruthe8 Posts: 423 Member
    Don't miss more than one day of exercise a week; nothing but water, vitamin water, and coffee to drink; and if I go way over my calories one day, I try to balance it the next by exercising a ton and eating a little under.

    What is vitamin water?
    and just plain coffee?
    Vitamin Water might as well be Kool-Aid. Some people think it's healthy just because it says "vitamin" in the name.

    I don't have any rules, I think that's unhealthy.
  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
    Never go to bed unless I have the next day's menu all planned out. I'm a little OCD. I like planning. Usually I have 6-8 days planned ahead down to every calorie. Even if I end up changing things later, I need to have it all planned out ahead of time.
  • stines72
    stines72 Posts: 853 Member
    Never go to bed unless I have the next day's menu all planned out. I'm a little OCD. I like planning. Usually I have 6-8 days planned ahead down to every calorie. Even if I end up changing things later, I need to have it all planned out ahead of time.

    i think thats a good habit to have. when i first started out i never made sure i was stockedup on the healthy foods so when i ran out i had to resort to eating unhealthy things sometimes... but now i make sure the day before that i have everything i need for the next day
  • Never go to bed unless I have the next day's menu all planned out. I'm a little OCD. I like planning. Usually I have 6-8 days planned ahead down to every calorie. Even if I end up changing things later, I need to have it all planned out ahead of time.

    That's a really great idea!
  • Salvi30
    Salvi30 Posts: 196 Member
  • sharleengc
    sharleengc Posts: 792 Member
    1) I have one "free day" a week. Usually the day I go grocery shopping since that's when I go to town.

    2) Plan the next day out ahead (at least main meals), sometimes I log snacks ahead, sometimes I don't but I'm aware of what I have left over after main meals.

    3) Sweet tooth must be filled once per's my favorite! But, I do keep it within my goals.
  • RumpusP
    RumpusP Posts: 163 Member
    I have a basic plan laid out by my gastric bypass docs that I try to exceed:

    Min 80oz of water or decaf tea a day (no other fluids except -if I hit the 80oz- I'm allowed one cup of regular tea)
    Min of 1 hr exercise a day
    Keep calories as low as possible
    Min 50g protein a day
    2 x Celebrate Multi-Complete vitamins
    3 x Celebrate Calcium Plus 500
    1 x B-12 sublingual once a week
    Eating broken up to 2-3 meals a day

    For the first time in 9 months I ate something off my diet: about 9 cups of air-popped, no-butter popcorn. I'm not going to sweat it, though. Tomorrow ill be back on track.
  • klacount77
    klacount77 Posts: 270 Member
    My only rules are:

    Eat Slowly - I tend to eat less when I do.
    Stop eating when full - I have a habit of cleaning my plate ... Even if it makes me sick to eat it all.
  • drusilla126
    drusilla126 Posts: 478 Member
    No elevators and eat an apple every day
  • lcn1220
    lcn1220 Posts: 124 Member
    1. Try to eat as close to the natural source as much as possible.
    2. Half a plate of veggies at lunch and dinner, two pieces of fruit somewhere in the day.
    3. At minimum 1g of protein per lb of lean body mass. I do goal + some more.

    Everything else with regards to cals/macros is gravy. Really. Usually find these three rules keep my cals and macros where they're supposed to be.

    4. Don't let one day of botched whatever (meals/exercise) snowball into two or more days.
    5. If I screw up, self correct by the next meal or next exercise session.