Do you have any "rules"?



  • princeza9
    princeza9 Posts: 337 Member
    I wouldn't say "rules" but I do try to pre-log as much as possible, but I do log everything- the good/bad/ugly. Run at least 3 days a week, Zumba at last 2x, at-home strength at least 2x... at least 2 5k races per month (though that might change during winter, I'm in Utah and I'm a native Vermonter- I'll be hitting the slopes). Drink more water than anything else.

    While I can be hard on myself- I'm learning to be more go with the flow. I find that works for me.
  • kareinlib
    Don't miss more than one day of exercise a week; nothing but water, vitamin water, and coffee to drink; and if I go way over my calories one day, I try to balance it the next by exercising a ton and eating a little under.

    What is vitamin water?
    and just plain coffee?

    Nah, I can't drink coffee black, but even with a little half&half in it, coffee really doesn't have very many calories in it, and the caffiene has benefits.

    And Vitamin Water is a bottled drink that is artificially sweetened and has antioxidants, etc. in it. Vitamin Water Zero has no calories. :)
  • kareinlib
    I only have one rule, DO NOT EAT ANYTHING THAT HAS NOT ALREADY BEEN LOGGED. this rule has kept me from going over many times, once i log it, if i do not like how it looks, i will not eat it.

    This is actually a pretty great idea.
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    If you're hungry, eat, but be reasonable with your choices.
    If you're starving, you're doing it wrong.
    Set some fitness goals and work to achieve them.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    i allow myself pizza twice a week, and no more than two slices each time.
  • IronmanPanda
    IronmanPanda Posts: 2,083 Member
    It's only ok up to the first knuckle. Otherwise it's exit only.
  • april522
    april522 Posts: 388 Member
    For me it's so not about rules. It's about choices.
    Agree! This is me! The more rules I make (and break), the more stressed I get - and I'm a stress eater. I just try to stay under my calories for the day. If I go over, I don't sweat it. I work to get 5 days of cardio a week. That's about it!
  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member
    I only have one rule, DO NOT EAT ANYTHING THAT HAS NOT ALREADY BEEN LOGGED. this rule has kept me from going over many times, once i log it, if i do not like how it looks, i will not eat it.

    This is a pain when eatting out, but we do not eat out much, and when we do, we do our research first. Log before we even order, keeps my wife and I on track.
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    && What are they for?
    IE: No food after 7, and exercise 3 times a week
    or no fast food
    or exercise during every commercial

    I'm pretty sure I'm going to start a no eating in the car rule.

    Do you have any "rules"
    and have they been easy to stick by?

    don't go grocery shopping when hungry. make a shopping list beforehand and stick to it. this helps prevent buying anything that would normally be a no-no. that said, i also believe that you can allow yourself to eat anything you want on occasion, so long as you log it and make sure to offset the extra calories the day before or the next day. for example, if you want to have pizza while watching a football game, just know that you'll need to eater fewer calories on Saturday and Monday to offset any overage on Sunday. also, buy as healthy a pizza as possible. :)
  • dsmpunk
    dsmpunk Posts: 262 Member
    I only have one rule, DO NOT EAT ANYTHING THAT HAS NOT ALREADY BEEN LOGGED. this rule has kept me from going over many times, once i log it, if i do not like how it looks, i will not eat it.

    That is a really good idea. Sometimes I will log stuff after I eat it and it doesn't fit my macros/calories for the day. By then of course, its too late.
  • MzStarrQueenB
    MzStarrQueenB Posts: 194 Member
    My rules are eat only 1200 cal a day.

    Walk/jog at least 3 days a week at a fast pace.

    Drink 8-10 glasses of water a day.

    Drink a glass of water before breakfast.

    Healthy snack before unhealthy.

    If I’m hungry between meals and snacks I drink water then wait 15 mins. If I’m still hungry after 15 mins I eat the healthiest snack which is one serving of fresh fruit or veggies.

    If you set your mind to it, you can accomplish anything.....
  • martintanz
    RE: eating in the car. Actually it is preferable to eat a homemade sandwich and some fruit in the car to eating cafeteria or takeout food.

    Meet the basic macros MFP set up for me. (protein, fiber, fat, carbs)
    Avoid the worst of the worst. (e.g. french fries, chips, cinnamon roles, donuts, cola)
    Exercise 5 days/week.
    Eat a lunch packed from home at least 3 days/week.
    When eating out, log the food (or at least look it up) before ordering. Amazing how no matter how hungry you are, knowing that burger, pizza, or chinese takeout has 1,000 calories and 60 gms of fat will make me think twice.
  • zebisis
    zebisis Posts: 157

    Vitamin Water might as well be Kool-Aid. Some people think it's healthy just because it says "vitamin" in the name.

    I don't have any rules, I think that's unhealthy.


  • blakejohn
    blakejohn Posts: 1,129 Member
    No rules for me really. I would be too hard on myself if I 'broke' one. I'm not perfect. Why set myself up to fail?

    come on sometime breaking rules is FUN :tongue:
  • zaph0d
    zaph0d Posts: 1,172 Member
    Never skip strength training workouts
  • cmeade20
    cmeade20 Posts: 1,238 Member
    No tonic (I believe most people call it soda)

    Atleast a gallon of water a day

    Aim to workout daily but no less than 5 workouts a week

    Atleast 120 grams protein per day.
  • Off10h8ed
    Off10h8ed Posts: 282 Member
    For me it's so not about rules. It's about choices.

    ^^^ THIS ^^^
  • Litlbeast
    Litlbeast Posts: 340 Member
    I have too many food rules to post. You'd all be like:

    My diary's public. It's pretty simple day-to-day.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    My one rule: allow myself some time off.. from logging, working out, what ever it is.

    If I'm not feeling it, then I'm not going to force myself.. and I know I'll always pick up at a later date.
  • pt85
    pt85 Posts: 28 Member
    1) Ceaseless Practice....
    2) Only 3 bags of Homestyle Popcorn per Relapse.....
    3) See rule #1