Pre-logging Food Diaries



  • vabchloser
    vabchloser Posts: 223 Member
    I usually eat my breakfast, pre-log dinner and a snack, then that tells me what I have to budget for lunch and some day time snacks. That way I don't end up way over or way under at the end of the day.

    Usually I am within about 20 calories of 1350, my goal for the day.
  • ningggsm
    ningggsm Posts: 202
    I often pre-log but only for the day. I normally don't go past that unless I have a meal out planned and I want to just make the decisions on what I am eating ahead of time.

    I am starting NROLFW myself and planning my day helps me to make sure I am on track for my protein, fat and carbs seem to balance out as long as I am getting my protein in.

    I log exercise in the am sometimes too but only because I *earn* a set amount of calories following the NROLFW plan so I can log on a day when I know I am going to be going to the gym.

    Hi. :) What's NROLFW? Havn't heard of it. :P
  • ningggsm
    ningggsm Posts: 202
    I usually prelog so I know what I have to eat. It keeps me accountable so that I don't go over. That and if I want to eat something like FroYo, I know I will be able to fit it in.

    Awesome. :) I love frozen yogurt. Congrats on your weightloss btw! Amazing job!
  • andreanicole686
    andreanicole686 Posts: 406 Member
    Ever since I started pre-logging it helped me big time in keeping myself accountable for what I was going to eat. I usually try to pre-log the next day or two days. If I need to make a few changes I will but I usually keep it to what it says.
  • LeggyAmericanGirl
    LeggyAmericanGirl Posts: 285 Member
    The first step in success is PLAN
  • omanitshann
    i almost always pre log. 95% of the time i stick to what I log, unless I have an extra snack or something. I just like knowing, takes the stress off over eating.
  • monicalosesweight
    monicalosesweight Posts: 1,173 Member
    I try to pre-log at least my breakfast and my lunch. I generally find that I tend to follow it though sometimes I'll bring one or two items and may move them around or eat less so I'll modify the quantities at work. It works for me which is nice. Dinner...that's more a fly by the pants sorta deal. I never know what I'm planning on eating.
  • carrietehbear
    carrietehbear Posts: 384 Member
    I pre-log my food during the work week. I eat what I log 95% of the time. If anything changes it is usually dinner and evening snack. Actually, I usually end up having to add more food to those meals because of my workouts. My weekends are a little less predictable so I don't usually get to pre-log.
  • suckerlove
    I pre log most things and that way I can get myself to about 1000 of my 1250 cal and if I need a snack I add it later.
  • ShannonMpls
    ShannonMpls Posts: 1,936 Member
    My question is, do many of you actually end up eating what you've entered? And do you find it easier to have all of this planned out beforehand, than deciding what you're eating at every meal right then and there?

    I pre-log virtually every weekday.

    It's MUCH easier for me this way. We do our menu planning and shopping Sunday mornings. I create all the recipes in MFP and see how the carb/protein/sodium etc balances out. Based on that I set up my week. If I am having a higher carb, lower protein dinner, I know to structure my lunch appropriately so I hit my macros. If a certain meal is very high calorie, I know to go lighter on my snacks.

    I sometimes deviate from my plan but not typically. In fact, pre-logging helps me stay on track. It's easier to say "no" to a cookie at work if I know what I'm having for dinner and treats that day and I know the cookie won't fit.
  • SomeoneSomeplace
    SomeoneSomeplace Posts: 1,094 Member
    I always prelog at least BEFORE I eat a meal and sometimes the day before. I try and plan out my meals in advance based on what I have in fridge and stuff and if I go out to dinner I like to check on menu before I go to log the amount of calories I'll probably eat to see how much I need to burn off and what my best options are

    The way I see it there isn't much of a point to logging AFTER because you already ate it and can't change it if it makes you go way over so I do it before I've saved myself from eating a lot of things I've assumed were low cal but ended up being super high cal & switched them out for something healthier
  • sharleengc
    sharleengc Posts: 792 Member
    As long as I only prelog a day or 2, I stick to it pretty exact...I may change serving sizes based on if I actually have snacks. Some days I'm fine without snacks and sometimes I need them. I usually prelog main meals and use the "leftovers" for snacks...if I don't eat snacks, I can have a larger lunch/dinner portion.

    If I try to log a whole week or more than a few days at once, I don't always stick to it because things change or I don't feel like it. A day or two and I'm pretty consistent.
  • SafioraLinnea
    SafioraLinnea Posts: 628 Member
    I prelog my food in the morning about half the time, and then if my choices change, I adjust them in the evening. I personally don't really care if I stick to my intentions, as long as my changes result in similar macro and calorie content.
  • Michellereducf
    Michellereducf Posts: 168 Member
    Sometimes yes so I don't end up going over.
  • irisheyez718
    irisheyez718 Posts: 677 Member
    I pre-log mine as much as I can. Most of tomorrow is pre-logged already. It helps me see where I might fall short on my macros. Sometimes I make small changes, but usually I stick to it.
  • Nerdybreisawesome
    Nerdybreisawesome Posts: 359 Member
    I do it every morning.
  • cncrafton
    cncrafton Posts: 82 Member
    I pre-log lunch and dinner a few days in advance, sometimes a week, but allow myself to swap meals if I'm not feeling it that day. It definitely helps me to know how many calories I have for snacking and it keeps me from going over, for sure.
  • ningggsm
    ningggsm Posts: 202
    My question is, do many of you actually end up eating what you've entered? And do you find it easier to have all of this planned out beforehand, than deciding what you're eating at every meal right then and there?

    I pre-log virtually every weekday.

    It's MUCH easier for me this way. We do our menu planning and shopping Sunday mornings. I create all the recipes in MFP and see how the carb/protein/sodium etc balances out. Based on that I set up my week. If I am having a higher carb, lower protein dinner, I know to structure my lunch appropriately so I hit my macros. If a certain meal is very high calorie, I know to go lighter on my snacks.

    I sometimes deviate from my plan but not typically. In fact, pre-logging helps me stay on track. It's easier to say "no" to a cookie at work if I know what I'm having for dinner and treats that day and I know the cookie won't fit.

    This is great. Thank you. :) I'll try pre-logging a day or two in advance and see how it goes from there.
    Congrats on your weightloss btw! What an amazing job. :) You look wonderful!
  • NCISFanatic01
    NCISFanatic01 Posts: 53 Member
    How many of you do this? I think it's interesting when I see others pre-logging their meals and snacks in, I guess it does give you an idea of what your calorie intake will be for that day. My question is, do many of you actually end up eating what you've entered? And do you find it easier to have all of this planned out beforehand, than deciding what you're eating at every meal right then and there?

    I do it sometimes. I set up weekly menus for shopping purposes, and unless I change it up a little and make the meals on different days then originally scheduled I usually have the right meals down each day
  • cardozojoann
    cardozojoann Posts: 85 Member
    I do!!!!! I love to preplan my meals so I don't get off track. It helps me out alot