Do you have any "rules"?



  • mjterp
    mjterp Posts: 650 Member
    This is lifestyle for no hard and fast rules. Just slowly building better habits. What I have done so far is
    LOG EVERYTHING (I try to log BEFORE I eat it, kind of like checking to see if I have enough money before buying an item)
    -not drinking calories (I used to do starbucks or high sugar coffee drinks almost daily. Now it is a couple times a year max)
    -increasing water consumption (this has helped my metabolism tremendously!)
    -eating breakfast so my body can burn fat NOT muscle for its energy requirements
    -moving more of my calories earlier in the day when I am using them so fat isn't being stored overnight
    -adding more activity (got a fitbit to challenge myself to more steps/stairs. Using the bathroom upstairs at work, parking further away, taking the long way around...going to get a person instead of IMing them at work...etc)
    -adding c25k
    -not eating anymore if I'm not going to burn the calories (no eating right before going to bed or mindless eating while watching tv...That said, most of my tv watching happens on the treadmill!)

    it is a gradual work in progress and I find that when I have a particularly challenging/stressful time, I back slide...BUT that each time I fall back, I am more firm in some of my early habits so I am not turning to the easy things of childhood. Also, each time I fall back I am falling LESS far than the time before. My progress may slow during times of stress due to backsliding, comfort foods and such...but STALLS NOT STOPS.

    I know this doesn't sound like much...they are gradual habits that I am adding in as time goes on...then when I feel comfortable and successful, I find my next healthy habit to build in. I am accountable to MFP friends. I sometimes need extra motivation so I make a commitment to them and they will check with me to see if I followed through. This has been especially hard for me with reguard to adding activity...but I feel like it is finally coming together. I was blessed with a scale victory today...and it is getting time to research what my new healthy habit will be! This is a GOAL is not a is maintaining that weight once I get there!

    Best wishes to all of you on YOUR journies!
  • blakejohn
    blakejohn Posts: 1,129 Member
    It's only ok up to the first knuckle. Otherwise it's exit only.

    Woe son to much info
  • klacount77
    klacount77 Posts: 270 Member
    It's only ok up to the first knuckle. Otherwise it's exit only.

    Wow, I think I heart you! Lol
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    No food after midnight.
    Don't get wet.
    No bright light.

    Wait, no, that's for my mogwai. I don't have any rules for myself.
  • icimani
    icimani Posts: 1,454 Member
    - try to eat every 4-5 hours

    - don't go more than 2 days in a row without some sort of 'intentional' exercising

    - refuel within 30 minutes after exercising
  • pucenavel
    pucenavel Posts: 972 Member
    Never run in an airport.
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    No real rules save one... If I have not had any progress in a few days, change something.
  • angel79202
    angel79202 Posts: 1,012 Member
    Well mine keep changing, right now:
    1- avoid artificial sweeteners as much as possible
    2- do not go below 1400 calories
    3- exercise 6 days a week
    4- no fried food
    5- desserts 2 or less days a week
    6- don't get discouraged
    7- don't let a number define me, there is much more to weight loss than just the number
    8- at least 85 grams of protein (per my dietitian)

  • misslindseylou
    misslindseylou Posts: 141 Member
    My rules are:

    Drink lots of water
    Don't stress if I screw up
    Each day is a new start when it comes to hitting my caloric and exercise goals
  • tryclyn
    tryclyn Posts: 2,414 Member
    One rule: Eat anything, but log everything.

    It's only ok up to the first knuckle. Otherwise it's exit only.

    Ron White would say you're doing it wrong.
  • nadinab
    nadinab Posts: 124 Member
    1 - No calories in drinks, except coffee and occasionally some wine <3
    2 - Always exercise on a Monday.
    3 - Never skip exercise for more then two days.
    4 - Friday is a NO exercise day. It's treat time.
    5 - Prepare all meals on a Sunday.

    there are some more that I cannot think of but have stuck on my pinboard!
  • HappyandToned
    HappyandToned Posts: 49 Member
    I actually have QUITE a few. ;)

    1- At *LEAST* 3-4 times at the gym, per week
    2- No pasta.. EVER
    3- No dairy, or at least a very limited amount
    4- No wheat, or gluten, or at least a very limited amount
    5- Not too much use of oil. Prefer to steam, or boil
    6- Alcohol is extremely limited. Drink water, or green tea, when thirsty
    7- Keep sugar intake low
    8- No eating after dinner
    9- No fried foods
    10- No fast food

    There's probably more, but right now that's all that's coming to me. Before anyone goes on about how strict that is, the reason is I have hypothyroidism and weight-loss is really bloody hard. :)
  • jogglesngoggles
    jogglesngoggles Posts: 362 Member
    NO diet Soda, no low fat or fat free dairy products!

    this...I'd rather have the higher cals/fat then some crazy chemicals. My biggest rule is if I can't pronounce the ingredients, I don't want it in my body!!
  • 1. water/tea/fruit smoothies are my drink with every meal
    2. Veggies and Fruits take up half my plate or more :)
    3.Vitamins everyday!
    5 no eating carbs or anything over 100 calories after Dinner!
    6. workout 6 days a week
  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member
    Basically stick to the plan. I plan out my workouts on Sunday night & I practically know what I'm gonna eat all week for th most part. I pre log my food the night before. So just sticking to that is my rule & I abide by them very well.
  • Tami113
    Tami113 Posts: 117 Member
    i think the biggest rule i follow is to not drink my calories except for one or two glasses of milk a day. I like to make sure that the calories i eat are filling and satisfying

    also i allow myself a cheat day or a cheat snack once a week where i can eat anything i want within reason.
  • Louisianababy93
    Louisianababy93 Posts: 1,709 Member
    Try to stay in my calories & IF i go over it by a few hundred, it's time to break out the kinect, cardio dvd, or go for a wall/jog!
  • stephaniec78
    stephaniec78 Posts: 76 Member
    I only have one strict rule. Log everything. In the past I have lost weight and then decided I didn't need to log anymore. I gained the weight right back. I now know that to lose weight and to keep it off, I have to log everything I eat. Even if I have a bad day it helps me to know everything I ate.
  • LauriePar
    LauriePar Posts: 253 Member
    I don
  • LauriePar
    LauriePar Posts: 253 Member
    I don't do rules. My life requires II eat enough fiber and have a maximum amount of calcium every day and still stay under my calories. I fully understand: calories in-- calories out!