Anyone else doing 30 day shred or about to start?



  • pandorakick
    pandorakick Posts: 901 Member
    I have never heard of it till now. So I think I have signed up and tomorrow at 10am I will start..... Is that correct do you just log on and someone will tell me what to do? Is this a free site or will I get charged?
    Thanks Tracey

    The 30ds is a workout dvd by Jillian Michaels. It consists of three levels, which you do each for ten days before moving up to the next one. Every workout is about 20-25 minutes long. You can find them for free on YouTube.
    Hope this helps!
  • RMLMoore
    RMLMoore Posts: 130 Member
    Did my first one this morning! Took measurements and should probably take a photo I guess. Seems pretty good - clear that I am out of shape!
  • I have the dvd and started it 3 months ago but never got past the first week. I am ready to take it all the way this time, though so glad to see someone else starting as well! I'm starting tomorrow morning and plan to do it at least 6 days a's to all of us and good luck to everyone!
  • stephaniec78
    stephaniec78 Posts: 76 Member
    I finished day 6 level 1 today. It definitely gets easier but my arms and legs are still like jello when I finish. I am sore each morning but the workout makes the soreness go away.
  • aquariansmb
    aquariansmb Posts: 44 Member
    I recently started as well, today will be day 6 for me. I can see how some people could get bored with the same thing for 10 days straight on each level but I concentrate less on what she is saying and more on how hard I am pushing myself. I previewed level 2 last night and I am looking forward to the challenge!
  • Waiting for my DVD to come in!
  • Yogi_Carl
    Yogi_Carl Posts: 1,906 Member
    Waiting for my DVD to come in!

    While you wait - it is on You Tube - full routine
  • tray71
    tray71 Posts: 17 Member
    I have never heard of it till now. So I think I have signed up and tomorrow at 10am I will start..... Is that correct do you just log on and someone will tell me what to do? Is this a free site or will I get charged?
    Thanks Tracey
    No. You need to buy the dvd, or go to you-tube and type in Jillian Michels - 30 day shred, it will give you all 3 levels to watch/ do, they are there individually and one has all 3 together, just check the run times 28 mins for 1 level and 1:23 for all 3. Hope this od luck.
    Thank you so much
  • jessica182517
    jessica182517 Posts: 390 Member
    Today marks day 5 for me :) half way done with level one!! YAY it seems to be a little easier each time :) but i feel like my legs are getting all the exercise lol how is everyone else doing?
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    While searching for something else on Youtube (great place to check out fitness videos), I found the whole 30 Day Shred series, not just clips, so if anyone wants to try it before buying, check out You Tube.
  • RainbowBrightww23
    RainbowBrightww23 Posts: 30 Member
    To those just starting, it gets much easier! I was absolutely dying on day 1, and now on day 7 I can go the whole way through without stopping doing the 'harder' moves (except for the push up, I still have to do a modified version of that). Also, as a warning, I 'gained' weight (ie I'm assuming water retention) when I started doing the DVD, so don't get discouraged if you see the scale move up a couple pounds initially :)
  • mrsna
    mrsna Posts: 195 Member
    I am on my first week of level 3. I love it! I feel like I get good cardio and definitely toning up. It does get easier. You are in control. If you cheat or rest you only cheat yourself. If you push yourself and hang in there you will see change quickly. In a couple of weeks, after my body has adjusted to level 3, I am going to start ripped in 30. I will hang on to my 30DS and mix it in once I have gone through all 4 levels of ripped in 30. Can't wait to keep going forward and see what results come next!
  • compean02
    compean02 Posts: 4 Member
    Had lab band surgery and lost 60lbs. but stayed in the same number and started 30 day shred on Sept. 18.Yes it does work lost 3lbs but I can tell that I lost inches, doesnt feel like it but I can tell on my close. I do 30 day shred everyday in the morning and evening i do Zumba. . Theres times when I want to quit but my husband pushes me to keep going. So I know you can do it, dont give up.:smile:
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I just started. I will be doing Day 3 of level one tonight when I get home. I love it because it kicks my *kitten* in such a short time!
  • leighjade87
    leighjade87 Posts: 7 Member
    Anyone just starting? Im only on day 1 but could use some1 to help me along the way :)
  • Im on day 8 now and loving it. Lost 3 1/2lbs in first week and 2 inches. Im planning on doing 30 days in a row with no break. First 4 days I couldnt move, was in total agony but finidng it easier now and cant believe how quickly my body is adapting and changing :)
  • mica06
    mica06 Posts: 50 Member
    I started 30 day shred last night...i have to admit it was much harder than i thought it was going to be!! but i pushed myself through to the end of the 20 min workout and i was proud of my self for actually finishing it! I dont think i have ever really finished a whole workout of any dvd..but im determined and i cant wait to see my results at the end of the 30days :) Has anyone else started 30ds in the past few days or going to start? tell me what you think about it....and we can all check back in here when we finish to show off our results :) if anyone has already done your story? before and after pics? i could use the motivation!!

    I just started it today and it kicked my butt.. I didn't think it was gonna be a challenge being 20 minutes and all but it really gets u tired.
  • dalh
    dalh Posts: 82 Member
    I am on day 15. And I am pleased to see the changes in my body already! :smile:
  • mycrazy8splus1
    mycrazy8splus1 Posts: 1,558 Member
    I'm on day 16 now. It took close to 2 weeks before I started t really see adn feeel a difference. DON'T give up!!!! We CAN do this!
  • missy5277
    missy5277 Posts: 88 Member
    I will be doing level 1 day 8 tonight, i figured i can do this for 30 days without a break, i mean its 20 minutes right?! first two nights i thought i was going to die, i cant believe how much more you can do in just a few days! at first i couldnt do the first set of jumping jacks without stopping and now i can do the first 2 sets! i'm really excited to finish this.