A Question for Women (Only)



  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    My cycle has a water bottle mounted on it so I guess you could say I retain more water when I'm on it....

    Smarty pants! :tongue:

    I've actually been surprised to see a loss right before. I weigh myself anyway, but I try not to have a lifting day the day before WI.
  • thoseblueeyes
    thoseblueeyes Posts: 812 Member
    I always WI no matter what. I know it's my cycle but I want to see a even bigger loss the following week. ( I only WI once a week)
  • Cougarita65
    Cougarita65 Posts: 240 Member
    I'm 47, I'm just waiting for my eggs to finally run out...ha ha ha, then ill be lighter then air!!!!!
  • ajro0610
    ajro0610 Posts: 21 Member
    I weigh myself at the same time everyday no matter what. This keeps me honest. However, during my cycle, I do not record my weight. This way I can't get too annoyed at the fluctuations because it ALWAYS goes up at least 2 - 4 pounds.
  • jessilee119
    jessilee119 Posts: 444 Member
    My cycle has a water bottle mounted on it so I guess you could say I retain more water when I'm on it....

  • faylenechung
    faylenechung Posts: 107 Member
    I still weight myself. I just know that I weight 2 to 5 lbs more that week so I do not put it in my MPF.
  • Amo_Angelus
    Amo_Angelus Posts: 604 Member
    Yes I do continue to weigh myself during TOM and yes I do see a marked increase in weight thanks to the water retention. But I know that I'm going to gain weight during my TOM so it doesn't really bother me, then again, I only weigh myself as a secondary indicator anyway.
  • TattedXMomXStace
    typically i gain ywhere from 4 - 8 pounds when its time for my cycle. . . i bloat a lot so i know that when i weigh in its not my real weight. . . typically if i know ifs coming i weigh in AFTER my cycle finishes . . when my bloating goes away.

    Everybodys body is different. . . women bloat more or less than each other during their cycles. . .

    If you weigh in after ur cycle (not before) it makes for the better by seeing a huge loss instead of a huge gain and a huge loss. . lol
  • alhunt8587
    I always skip that week when it comes to weighing! The scale always goes up a pound or two that week so to avoid disappointment I just do not weigh that week! :)
  • Sailatsorf
    Sailatsorf Posts: 161 Member
    I weigh myself every day regardless so that I have a good handle on how my weight fluctuates, and I can see what's working for me and what isn't. I always gain 3-4 pounds around TOM, and it always falls right back off a day or two after.
  • indipeach
    My cycle has a water bottle mounted on it so I guess you could say I retain more water when I'm on it....

  • cheerforsteelers
    cheerforsteelers Posts: 686 Member
    I still weigh in just to see how much my body is changing during that time. I don't freak out though because I know there will be a difference, but I continue with my exercise routine.
  • _CowgirlUp_
    _CowgirlUp_ Posts: 585 Member
    IF I had a cycle anymore (hysterectomy in 2001) I would avoid it for that very reason. Bloat/water retention would depress me.
  • oneworkoutatatime
    My cycle has a water bottle mounted on it so I guess you could say I retain more water when I'm on it....

    :laugh: :laugh: well played
  • cheninaerin
    I weigh myself regardless but I don't let a couple extra pounds get me down because i'm aware my body is holding on to excess water.
  • bricktowngal
    Yeah I skip weighing myself during that time of month I always retain water and gain about 3 lbs
  • Stella_Leigh
    Stella_Leigh Posts: 189 Member
    I usually skip it for a few days before and a few days after, just to be sure the water weight is gone.
  • Marc713
    Marc713 Posts: 328 Member
    My cycle has a water bottle mounted on it so I guess you could say I retain more water when I'm on it....

    Winner! That was awesome, I needed a good Monday chuckle!

    Don't worry about the scale so much if what it tells you has a tendancy to be upsetting. If you are fine knowing your body will fluctuate some, it won't matter...but more people than not have a bad relationship with their scale.
  • myfitnessval
    myfitnessval Posts: 687 Member
    i will now. i didnt the first time and all i did was stress myself out trying to figure out how to reduce 4lbs of water weight (you cant) lol. just wait it out and wait a week to weigh.
  • LittleMissRainey
    LittleMissRainey Posts: 440 Member
    This month I weighed every day during TOM (time of the month), because I recently started reducing calories and wanted to see if it made a difference.

    Normally I'm a complete monster, mood swings, crying at adverts on TV, the works. I'm bloated, hormonal, and depressed that I gain 5lbs every TOM and sometimes it doesn't always come off.

    But this time, with reduced calories (roughly 1200-1400 a day), ate more protein (which helped with cramps funnily enough) and drinking craploads of water I actually MAINTAINED every single day!! I'm so gobsmacked, it's a miracle.

    Even better: I was 1lb down yesterday. My faith in Mother Nature is restored :)