Anyone else....



  • default
    default Posts: 124 Member
    try to find something that you like to do that involves excercise ie: soccer, basketball, wrestling, etc. Then not only will you be motivated to exercise to do the sport or whatever you may start to do supplementary workouts to enhance your ability.
  • marcoscu
    marcoscu Posts: 99 Member
    Yep, me too. It is only my love for pizza, cakes, chocolate that drives me to exercise and to keep on doing so now I am below my target weight!
  • Joreanasaurous
    Joreanasaurous Posts: 1,384 Member
    Me! I hate it. I've always just felt like a big bumbling mass with an achey back and feet. I haven't exercised in months but I'm eating okay so I'm hoping that one day I'll actually feel like I can workout without dying.

    I hate to break it to you, but losing weight is not equal to getting fit. The only way to get fit is to exercise. If you wait until you lose weight to start exercising, you'll just feel like a smaller bumbling mass with an achey back and feet. Best to start building good habits, and use it to help with your weight loss.

    Couldn't have said it better. Thank you.
  • JediSwan
    JediSwan Posts: 455 Member
    I used to be the same as you and it took me a long while to get out of that phase. You too can do that and get to a point where you eventually look forward to the exercise. It becomes second nature like brushing your teeth in the morning. So, just give it time. And try various workouts and routines until you find the one you like. :)
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    I do think part of it has to to with my size makes it hard to do back freaking HURTS after i do the elliptical cause my boobs are ginormous and put stress on my back....and walking kills my feet and knees....but i try to stick with it hoping one day that the pain will eventually pay off and i won't be in so much pain working out in the future. But it is really hard to move around in general when you are over 200 lbs lol.
  • bhfood
    bhfood Posts: 77
    oh, yeah. you're definitely not the only one. I used to feel that way and had to force myself to do it, but something's changed in me in 2 mo. I feel bad (I mean sluggish and depressed) if I DON'T workout. It just takes time. Are you committed or.....?
  • bhfood
    bhfood Posts: 77
    to dumbblond, I know what you mean, but just do it! it will get easier. I have only lost 5 lbs but I feel soooooooooooo much better. more energy, cheerful even. (that's not my usual personality previously I'd say I was an eeyore melancholy). you can friend me if you need encouragement.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    NO! I LOVE exercising. Seriously!

    Sometimes I might dread going to the gym and I'll tell my self I'm going to take it easy but I never do. Once I'm there and I'm in the groove I start to feel awesome and I go all out. I love the gains that I've made in strength and endurance. I love to sweat and I love the feeling that I have when it's done. It's a sense of fulfillment and accomplishment.
  • JediSwan
    JediSwan Posts: 455 Member
    I do think part of it has to to with my size makes it hard to do back freaking HURTS after i do the elliptical cause my boobs are ginormous and put stress on my back....and walking kills my feet and knees....but i try to stick with it hoping one day that the pain will eventually pay off and i won't be in so much pain working out in the future. But it is really hard to move around in general when you are over 200 lbs lol.

    Me knees are shot! But I can tell you since I lost the 36 lbs I am down now, they feel much better. Yup. Sucked at first because everything hurt. I am also well endowed in the chest and its frustrating. I wanted a breast reduction honestly. Now, its better. The more you push yourself and do what you can, the better you will feel down the road. I cannot tell you when or how long or how hard, only you can decide. I am currently 221 and my knees sometimes still bother me. I do feel much better than I used to though. I know it may seem awful now, but trust me when I say you will feel better and you will love yourself later for pushing yourself. :)