I got called an old grandma while running.



  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    Damn kids.
  • That was rude. If that were my kid they'd be punished for being rude.

    I don't appreciate comments from children who have no manners. My step kids think I'm old but I'm a known person to them however, it is not polite to say things they intend to be mean to anyone. Even if it is true, it's not ok to hurt someone's feelings.
  • jesp1216
    jesp1216 Posts: 100
    Don't let it phase you! My 5 year old niece asked me a few weeks ago if i had a baby in my belly (as she has a new sister and now thinks every fat person is pregnant). It hurt :(
  • mdb543
    mdb543 Posts: 219 Member
    That's terrible!! I have never ran outside because I'm self conscious of other people for just this reason. I'm younger yes, but I stink at running and feel that people would look at me like "what is she doing? Running, walking, running again?" I know, something I need to get over, but go you for getting out there. Kids are mean now-a-days!!
  • gina4766
    gina4766 Posts: 13 Member
    I am 46 and a grandmother of 9, They don't even call me grandma, I am GiGi. It does make you feel old to be called Grandma. I still have an 8 year old and I am old enough to be his classmates mothers, mother. Or basically my 8 year olds grandmother seeing as how my oldest is old enough to be his mother.
  • gombolyu
    gombolyu Posts: 136 Member
    I would of replied "that hilarious coming from a five year old"...
    kids hate it when you think they are younger than they are,

    That's fantastic.:))) I will use it.:)
  • AggieLu
    AggieLu Posts: 873 Member
    Kids are extremely cruel, sometimes unintentionally, sometimes on purpose. Look at yourself, you know who you are. Why should the opinion of a 7 year old matter? You're young and beautiful. That kid is probably gonna become fat at some point. Karma works that way :) xo
  • LoveLiveLift
    LoveLiveLift Posts: 459 Member
    Don't let it get to you. At 7 y.o. she would probably think I was old. My 5 y.o. cousin was talking about how old he was and then started talking about other ages. When he got to my age (22 @ the time), he proclaimed that "22? That's ooooold. That's ANCIENT!" Just gotta laugh it off.

    Great job on your run! :flowerforyou:
  • Jen32285
    Jen32285 Posts: 281 Member
    My 6...almost 7 year old thinks i'm old. I'm 27.
  • svelt123
    svelt123 Posts: 173 Member
    HI, I think you look terrific! Remember, the kid was just a kid. My 18 year old thinks that I am old at 48. (and I have salt and pepper hair) (a little more salt than pepper :wink:
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    Guys call me grandma and old lady at work all the time, I'm 31 and a lot of them are around 21-23 who call me this. Just laugh at it and go along with it. You know you aren't old, it's just a kid being a kid.

    To make you laugh here are a few jokes I hear on a weekly basis:

    -Johndrow is so old she qualed on the musket.
    -Johndrow was there for the commissioning of the USS Constitution
    -When Johndrow went to boot camp they had 3 point covers.
    -Johndrow is an expert on the cannon.
    -Hey did you remember your walker and oxygen tank today?
  • miadvh
    miadvh Posts: 290 Member
    I do my best not to take what kids say too seriously..like others have said, they don't think of old the same way we do. Of course, it's still rude and hopefully the parent said something to them..so that they know better.

    Of course..when my 10 year old brother feels the need to remind me of how big I am, it actually really hurts and I'm tempted to smack him at times..(although I never do haha).
  • When student-teaching, my 7-year-olds found out that I was 22. They gasped because that was "SO old!". One even said that I shouldn't worry about being so old because I don't look too old, haha.

    I know that stuff hurts, but just know that you're awesome and probably look amazing!
  • I get jeered all the time while out power walking or jogging...but by older teens and young adults...I pay no mind to it and I exercise with my music on full blast...It still stings though...just a lifetime of crap like that and it never seems to end!!!!!!!!!
  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member
    I would of replied "that hilarious coming from a five year old"...
    kids hate it when you think they are younger than they are,
    ^ That!
  • how do you think I felt when this happened - I'm about 52 at the time, struggling trying to do a speed walk uphill, not overweight at the time, and gray hair granny zips by me with ease - running her gramma as off. i was actually angry with her.

    The last 5k I did (34yrs old) and I thought I was doing really well since I was beating my previous times. . .until an 80+ lady easily blew by me. She was the top in her age bracket and did it better than probably 75% of us. I feel ya, but extremely impressed with someone still moving like that when I struggle at my age lol
  • lesliematheny
    lesliematheny Posts: 1 Member
    I am 49 and a sub teacher. I walked into a class last week and the kids were whispering (she's old)....
  • malicent
    malicent Posts: 127
    Lmao I'm 25 and constantly get carded in casinos, or when doing anything that requires a certain age. I've had highschoolers think I was one of them. "What school do you go to?" "UCLA..." "HUH?" ROFL.
  • sbilyeu75
    sbilyeu75 Posts: 567 Member
    Don't let it phase you! My 5 year old niece asked me a few weeks ago if i had a baby in my belly (as she has a new sister and now thinks every fat person is pregnant). It hurt :(

    HA! My daughter said I was fat yesterday and that I was having a baby. It took me a whole day to convince her that I'm not having a baby.
  • ABrideToBE
    ABrideToBE Posts: 94 Member
    A kid asked me if I was having a boy or a girl and I'm not even pregnant.

    Don't sweat the small stuff, it's small stuff.