Help I'm hungry all the time



  • MsKeelah919
    MsKeelah919 Posts: 332 Member
    Also try a multi-vitamin. When your body is missing vital micro nutrients it will stimulate you to still intake food in an effort to get what it needs. So even if full, you may be malnourished and your beautiful body is letting you know by continuing to 'need' food intake.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    Hi, I am a 34 year old female that can eat all day and still be hungry....What can I eat that will fill me, I've tried the protein diet, and I just end up eating to much, I've tried not eating all day to shrink my stomach the next day, none of these worked for me... please help
    When I began, I had a hard time with the food aspect. I could exercise! But the food part was hard.
    You will learn self really will!
    In the meantime, you will learn that you need to nourish yourself adequately, exercise hard, and rest!
  • tracybarnes1
    tracybarnes1 Posts: 54 Member
    Add Cinnamon (1-2 TBS) to Yogurt or Oatmeal, something that sticks to your stomach...the Cinnamon will curb those hunger pains and keep you full longer!!!!
  • pullipgirl
    pullipgirl Posts: 767 Member
    Try eating 2-3 filling meals a day instead of little 5-6 mini meals
  • rogue1022
    rogue1022 Posts: 9 Member
    Hope this helps! :)

    If you crave this…

    What you really need is…

    And here are healthy foods that have it:



    Raw nuts and seeds, legumes, fruits



    Broccoli, grapes, cheese, dried beans, calves liver, chicken


    Fresh fruits


    Chicken, beef, liver, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy, nuts, legumes, grains


    Cranberries, horseradish, cruciferous vegetables, kale, cabbage


    Cheese, liver, lamb, raisins, sweet potato, spinach

    ■Bread, toast


    High protein foods: fish, meat, nuts, beans

    ■Oily snacks, fatty foods


    Mustard and turnip greens, broccoli, kale, legumes, cheese, sesame

    ■Coffee or tea


    Chicken, beef, liver, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy, nuts, legumes


    Egg yolks, red peppers, muscle protein, garlic, onion, cruciferous vegetables

    NaCl (salt)

    Sea salt, apple cider vinegar (on salad)


    Meat, fish and poultry, seaweed, greens, black cherries

    ■Alcohol, recreational drugs


    Meat, poultry, seafood, dairy, nuts


    Granola, oatmeal


    Mustard and turnip greens, broccoli, kale, legumes, cheese, sesame


    Supplement glutamine powder for withdrawal, raw cabbage juice


    Sun-dried black olives, potato peel broth, seaweed, bitter greens

    ■Chewing ice


    Meat, fish, poultry, seaweed, greens, black cherries

    ■Burned food


    Fresh fruits

    ■Soda and other carbonated drinks


    Mustard and turnip greens, broccoli, kale, legumes, cheese, sesame

    ■Salty foods


    Raw goat milk, fish, unrefined sea salt

    ■Acid foods


    Raw nuts and seeds, legumes, fruits

    ■Preference for liquids rather than solids


    Flavor water with lemon or lime. You need 8 to 10 glasses per day.

    ■Preference for solids rather than liquids


    You have been so dehydrated for so long that you have lost your thirst. Flavor water with lemon or lime. You need 8 to 10 glasses per day.

    ■Cool drinks


    Walnuts, almonds, pecans, pineapple, blueberries

    ■Pre-menstrual cravings


    Red meats (especially organ meats), seafood, leafy vegetables, root vegetables

    ■General overeating


    Nuts, seeds; avoid refined starches


    Cheese, liver, lamb, raisins, sweet potato, spinach


    Vitamin C supplements or orange, green, red fruits and vegetables

    ■Lack of appetite

    Vitamin B1

    Nuts, seeds, beans, liver and other organ meats

    Vitamin B3

    Tuna, halibut, beef, chicken, turkey, pork, seeds and legumes


    Walnuts, almonds, pecans, pineapple, blueberries


    Raw goat milk, unrefined sea salt



    Nuts, seeds; avoid refined starches


    Vitamin C supplements or orange, green and red fruits and vegetables
  • CariBgood
    CariBgood Posts: 88 Member
  • HypersonicFitNess
    HypersonicFitNess Posts: 1,219 Member
    I am going to recommend you read this very short document - it shows you how certain foods actually "fill" you up and trigger you to be satisfied while others have the same or more calories and don't give that same satisfaction (I'll give you a hint ...processed, high fat, high calorie foods do not give you the "full" and "satisfied" filling while whole foods (fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, yes and lean meats DO give that sensation and make you "satisfied" at fewer calories)

    It has an advertisement at the end...but who cares the first part is the important part. I'm not trying to get you to buy their program or be a vegetarian, I just want you to read about the science part. :smile:
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Hi, I am a 34 year old female that can eat all day and still be hungry....What can I eat that will fill me, I've tried the protein diet, and I just end up eating to much, I've tried not eating all day to shrink my stomach the next day, none of these worked for me... please help

    How many calories are you allowing yourself a day?
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    I like bubbly water (better than plain water) it tickles my throat. (and the tiny bubbles keep my tummy a little more full between meals.

    also, for me: I can't do 'breads/cereals' at breakfast (pancakes, toast, Fruity Pebbles)- or I am STARVING all day!- but I am fine with those foods at lunch or dinner... and I try to get 20-30 grams of protein per meal (plus some in snacks)
  • Briko3
    Briko3 Posts: 266 Member
    Hi, I am a 34 year old female that can eat all day and still be hungry....What can I eat that will fill me, I've tried the protein diet, and I just end up eating to much, I've tried not eating all day to shrink my stomach the next day, none of these worked for me... please help
    The idea that your stomach shrinks is a myth.
    I'd stick with proteins and veg...

    It does gain elasticity. Otherwise everyone would be able to eat what eating competition champs eat. They work hard to stretch out their stomachs before competitions.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    I like that list, rogue!
  • dahkneeka
    dahkneeka Posts: 163 Member
    I have the same problem. I would consider myself a human garbage can.

    Amoungst other things (liquid, veges etc), I find eating WARM food tricks my mind into being full. For example, I would heat up my sandwich or eat cooked veges over cold/raw.
    It must be the comfort & satisfaction.

    Additioanlly, I have started eating small amounts more frequently. I dont feel deprived and can stay within my calorie limit (Example- I will eat half my sandwich, go for a walk, have some tea, eat the other half..etc)
  • gilaman0819
    you have the water angle covered. I would suggest two things. Chew your food more thoroughly. This will create more saliva with enzemyes released that helps the body think it has eaten. Secondly, I would eat a ton of raw veggies. Mass, fiber but low in cals. I liked the pickle idea also.

    Good luck. Be happy and healthy
  • castell5
    castell5 Posts: 234 Member
    Higher fiber foods help hold back hunger. But those foods can have unwanted "side effects" let's call them, that can clear a room! Some of the being "hungry all the time" is in your head. If you ate reasonably and your stomach has something to work on.. then you aren't really hungry. You are focusing on the "I'm not liking this diet crap!" idea. Eat healthy, enough calories to not starve, drink water, and then find something to occupy your mind. NOT TV.. WAY too many food commercials and you will notice every one when you are dieting. A good book. "Master of the Game" Sydney Sheldon "Timeline" Michael Creighton "White Shark" Peter Benchley all good books.. just to suggest a few. Good luck oh, also, hot liquids, tea, broth, etc.. seem to stave off hunger. Not sure why.
  • tracybarnes1
    tracybarnes1 Posts: 54 Member
    Broth is wonderful....forgot about that! Better than Bouillon 1 tsp/ 1 cup of water. Yum/Warm/15cal./and you get a cup of water added to your intake!!!! WIN WIN WIN WIN!:love::love: :love:
  • jenellie
    jenellie Posts: 15 Member
    1200 and it never seems to be enough. I used to be fine with 1200 I am not very active as I have a lot going on, work full time, school, and mother/wife leaves very little me to get sweaty time.... I did however take a plunge back in. Iam not going down without a fight. I am starting walking in the am before work for an hour, and eating better, veggies/meats......snacks consist of yogurt and more veggies... I have had a diet diary on here before but fell off am hoping to be more dedicated and I am finally, sick of being the you're so pretty if only you'd lose some weight girl....:smile:
  • jenellie
    jenellie Posts: 15 Member
    Thank you for all the helpful tips and suggestions, I truely appreciate them, and will take all and run with them, ok maybe walk at first lol :) Thank you again each and everyone of you for taking time out of your day to help me.
    God Bless
  • Lalouse
    Lalouse Posts: 221 Member

    I have been feeling the same way and I'm starting to think that it's mental or psychological. There is a difference between the two things that you have mentioned: 1) feeling hungry and 2) not feeling full. You can NOT feel hungry and NOT be full. That is, you can be satisfied with what you ate, and not feel hunger pains, but still not be full.

    I've started asking myself, do I need to feel full all the time? I'm working to battle the same feeling that you are at 1200 calories. I've started to realize that I need to move past wanting to feel full to mindful eating. Eating in moderation, and not necessarily feeling full all the time, but not feeling hungry either.

    I have a busy schedule just like you do and also have limited time to exercise, so I'm walking and running. You can do it! Instead of only thinking about what you are eating, also think about why you are eating, and whether you are really hungry or if you just want to feel full.

    I have good days and bad days, and you will too!
    Good luck!
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    1200 and it never seems to be enough. I used to be fine with 1200 I am not very active as I have a lot going on, work full time, school, and mother/wife leaves very little me to get sweaty time.... I did however take a plunge back in. Iam not going down without a fight. I am starting walking in the am before work for an hour, and eating better, veggies/meats......snacks consist of yogurt and more veggies... I have had a diet diary on here before but fell off am hoping to be more dedicated and I am finally, sick of being the you're so pretty if only you'd lose some weight girl....:smile:

    1200 Is too low. Most likely below your BMR (basal metabolic rate), the amount of calories your body needs a day if it slept 24 hours. You should be eating above BMR but below your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure). I would suggest upping your calories. You're hungry all the time because you're starving yourself!
  • LilLolo22
    LilLolo22 Posts: 229 Member
    Try protein and veggies with every meal, and piece of fruit or berries with nuts and/or cheese in between.