What Generic horror movie/tv show scenes get to you?



  • murphy612
    murphy612 Posts: 734 Member
    Any creepy creature crawling on the ceiling and walls.....eekkkk, creeps me out everytime
  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    I know it's cliche now, but creepy, dirty, pale girl who moves jerkily and has her creepy dirty hair obscuring her pale dirty face.

    Have you seen the previews for Sinister. The horror genre seems to currently be based around random, disturbing images and that appears to be the entire plot of this movie. Just a bunch of ****ing disturbing images. Like every scary movie preview you've seen in the last...five years, say, combined together into a full length feature film. Not going to be seeing that.
  • LesleeBeAlive
    Anything involving nails.
    Or something jumping out at the tv. Scares the shiz out of me everytime!
  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    Inbred, deformed, hillbillies creep me the **** out! IE: The Hill Have Eyes...esp. the rape scene. Can't watch it!
    This too. In the Texas Chainsaw Massacre remake (or reboot/reimagining/ whatever the hell you want to call it) the fact that everyone of those damn hillbillies is in on it. You can't go anywhere for help because they're just going to keep taking you back to the psycho! Yeesh.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,135 Member
    Insects/arthropods crawling out of people's mouths, ears, other holes. Not that that's limited to horror movies; it can be seen plenty on CSI.

    People getting attacked via the toilet. Been a long, long time since I've seen C.H.U.D., but wasn't there a scene of them attacking from a toilet? Maybe it was only on the VHS cover.
  • chelledawg14
    chelledawg14 Posts: 509 Member
    Wish I had time to really think about this because I'm a huge horror movie fan, but off hand I remember Children of the Corn being the first movie that freaked me out and the original Damien: The Omen and Rosemary's baby - no details I can remember right now, but I do recall those movies making me "think".
  • Mr_Cape219
    Mr_Cape219 Posts: 1,345 Member
    Insects/arthropods crawling out of people's mouths, ears, other holes. Not that that's limited to horror movies; it can be seen plenty on CSI.

    People getting attacked via the toilet. Been a long, long time since I've seen C.H.U.D., but wasn't there a scene of them attacking from a toilet? Maybe it was only on the VHS cover.

    You brought back a repressed memory of The X-Files...

  • DeniseBromley
    DeniseBromley Posts: 123 Member
    I was watching Bones last night on TV, and there was a scene where the remains of a dead body, ended up on a guy who was trying to get a car unstuck from the mud... and it was like whatever was left from this dead guys face was plastered onto the guys stomach when he fell in the mud... I was nauseus after seeing that
  • gkwatra
    gkwatra Posts: 431 Member
    Any electric chair scenes - especially in "The Green Mile." I always have to fast forward or leave the room during the one particular scene with Del ...
  • DenyseMarieL
    DenyseMarieL Posts: 673 Member
    Anything to do with ghosts, spirits, etc. "Insidious" is probably the most horrible movie I've seen in a while. So many unexpected weird creatures, jumping out at you.....yikes. I jump a foot high everytime.
  • gkwatra
    gkwatra Posts: 431 Member
    Insects/arthropods crawling out of people's mouths, ears, other holes. Not that that's limited to horror movies; it can be seen plenty on CSI.

    People getting attacked via the toilet. Been a long, long time since I've seen C.H.U.D., but wasn't there a scene of them attacking from a toilet? Maybe it was only on the VHS cover.

    Oddly enough, I don't get creeped out by any CSI Miami scenes ... I think it just has to do with how the special effects are done?
  • gkwatra
    gkwatra Posts: 431 Member
    The "Crank" movies with Jason Stratham. He's easy on the eyes, but those movies give me the creeps for days ... :sick:
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    The worst for me is the stuff you can't see. Blair Witch really freaked me out and I refuse to see any of the Paranormal Activity movies! Although it's not quite as scary, I'm not a fan of evil things that should be fun/innocent like kids, pets, dolls & toys...
  • HealthyBodySickMind
    HealthyBodySickMind Posts: 1,207 Member
    There was a scene in Dead Snow when the couple go at each other in the outdoor toilet. That turned my stomach. I almost couldn't wait for the nazi zombies to come eat them. Doing it in a portapotty is gross.
  • DeniseBromley
    DeniseBromley Posts: 123 Member
    I was watching Bones last night on TV, and there was a scene where the remains of a dead body, ended up on a guy who was trying to get a car unstuck from the mud... and it was like whatever was left from this dead guys face was plastered onto the guys stomach when he fell in the mud... I was nauseus after seeing that

    Anything really detailed like that gets me -- especially if there oozy pieces of dead decaying bodies /shudder
  • JordanSky26
    JordanSky26 Posts: 24 Member
    I hate creepy kids too it's beyond freaky.
  • ramonasowner
    ramonasowner Posts: 136 Member
    The Texas Chainsaw Massacre remake that just came out a few years back the bottle across the face and the dude pulls out his tooth. I nearly fainted I shut it off.
  • Beleg
    Beleg Posts: 227 Member
    Scary movies don't bother me But there is a scene from CSI a couple years ago with a guy dressed in a black leather suit and walked around like a spider. It freaked me out pretty good.
  • twoscimitars
    twoscimitars Posts: 272 Member
    The scene in the remake of House of Wax where the one dude is looking for his buddy, and he sees him sitting at the piano. He goes over and realizes that his buddy is now covered in wax and can't move - AND HE'S STILL ALIVE.

    I can't help myself, I keep imagining how horrible it would be to die that way. ACK.
  • Tracepa98
    Tracepa98 Posts: 219
    Most of the scenes from The Descent. (Something about complete darkness and creatures trying to find and devour you)

    The Shining- The creepy old lady in the tub

    The Messengers- Several parts when the ghosts/spirits come out at the end.

    Dawn of the dead remake- Creepy Zombie baby

    Shutter- When the girl shows up behind him as the flash goes off