
  • sspahn49
    sspahn49 Posts: 49 Member
    Good for you!!! I quit 18 months ago, it is tough to do but so worth it. I feel better, BP is better and I am losing the weight I gained. Hang in there, also there is a great support website called Become an Ex.org. Tons of info and support. Congrats on a great decision.
  • rabbit1951
    rabbit1951 Posts: 31 Member
    You did the right thing Josh! I quit June 13, 2009 after smoking for over 40 years. Don't know how this happened, but never had ONE craving- honest to gosh. Now have to lose the resulting weight and I'm optimistic I can do that, too. Good luck to you!
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    Im very proud of you.
  • I quit April 9, 2009 and never looked back. Decided I wanted to live!
  • 916lude
    916lude Posts: 305
    This is just a message to say that I am a non-smoker, heart and soul, as of Tuesday last week, and officially for the first time since I was 13. I feel it inside me that I detest cigarettes, and I have never felt like this during the last times I have tried to quit. I have no interest in cigarettes, and I am loving myself right now! Post if you feel the same!

    The best type of quitter to be!!! Congrats. I quit about a year and three months ago cold turkey. Crazy how much I can't stand the smell anymore. For me, once I passed a year it was all behind me from there. Good luck!
  • That's awesome congrats to you
  • Kougra
    Kougra Posts: 358 Member
    Congrats!! i quit 14 months ago after almost 30 years!! Haven't felt this good in years! it was the best gift I gave myself for my 45th birthday!! =^_^=
  • I quit smoking 7 years ago, and it's by far the best thing I ever did for myself health wise. I will tell you that even now I still have cravings on occasion, especially when seeing someone in a movie or on TV smoking. Odd then, that being around someone who is smoking doesn't cause cravings, just the opposite. I agree with one of the above posters that the smell now seems disgusting to me. :laugh: My checkbook certainly loves me a lot more now, as well.
  • shawndogg98
    shawndogg98 Posts: 2 Member
    Congrats! Its a tough habit to quit.
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    You are strong and powerful and


    can do it. :)

  • serenity216
    serenity216 Posts: 512 Member
    That's awesome! Congrats!
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member

    Quit compleely 10 years ago after off and on smoking for 20 years. I'm an obnoxious ex-smoker unfortunately. My husband tries and fails to quit periodically, whining about how hard it is, and I have no sympathy. Hard? How hard is it to stop sticking them between your lips and lighting them?
  • awesome! Congratulations! Its been 2 1/2 years for me and it was the best thing i could have ever done for myself. I also detest cigarettes and the smell of them make me physically ill!
  • Lrdoflamancha
    Lrdoflamancha Posts: 1,280 Member
    Well it has been 9.5 hours since I quit, still no cravings at all. I do have to admit that I notice other people smoking everywhere I go.

    I quit in the beginning of this year! The smell grosses me out, I can't believe I stunk like that! Haha!
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,145 Member
    OP, if you have any leftovers, send 'em my way. :smokin:

    Congrats to all.
  • Wonderwoman2677
    Wonderwoman2677 Posts: 428 Member

  • WDEvy
    WDEvy Posts: 814 Member
    Going on 6 weeks! I climbed a mountain yesterday and I wasn't ot of breath!! I miss my smokes sometimes but that was definitely beating any cravings!
  • WDEvy
    WDEvy Posts: 814 Member
    Well it has been 9.5 hours since I quit, still no cravings at all. I do have to admit that I notice other people smoking everywhere I go.

    YES! I can smell it from a mile away too!
  • I quit Nov. 13, 2009. Yeah for US!!!! :flowerforyou: