Crossfit women's bodies - what's going on?



  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    you work hard ..

    i'll be starting crossfit next week and it reminds me A LOT of the type of non position specific training we'd do when i played rugby.

    i dont plan on eating paleo either. i like beer and rice too much :laugh:
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    I have at least one female friend who dramatically changed her body with CF. She was not fat to begin with, but was soft (no muscle tone) She now has roughly the same figure but is solid as a rock and still very feminine.

    I'm working up to CF. Just had knee surgery in February and really want to make sure I have my leg strength back before trying it.

    And as some have mentioned, you shouldn't be jumping in going balls to the wall right away. As with any weightlifting routine you should be starting light and figuring out what you're capable of before really pushing it.
  • bagge72
    bagge72 Posts: 1,377 Member
    I think that most of the women and men you see that are really in great shape doing CF were in great shape to begin with, and the sport helped them take it to the next level. I know plenty of people who do CF (because we all know they won't shut up about it) That don't look like all of those pictures we see on-line. I also know plenty of people at my gym that I see there everyday that are in just as good of shape as these people, and they don't do CF so it really is just somebody who works their butt off, and has good genetics! It can be done a ton of different ways, you just have to pick the right one.
    YouTube"Killing the Fat Man" That is one my inspirations. The guy was 270+lbs and after 10 weeks was 200lbs and taking his level 1 cert. If it doesn't do anything for you why does the Military, Law Enforcement, and Fire Dept. use it? Yes people who do it work our butts off, but isn't that the point?

    Reading comprehension? Where did I say it doesn't do anything for you? I said that the people you see in that good of shape were already in good shape, and took it to the next level with CF, but I also said that CF was not the only way to get in that good of shape, because I see people all of the time at my gym who look just as good. Try to not look for something bad in everything people say about CF, it can't be healthy. Also don't think CF is the only way to get in shape, because it isn't, and somebody didn't lose 7.5lbs a week because of the sport it was because of a lot of things, and it is a very unhealthy way to do it, and hopefully somebody taught that person how to maintain, because you can't starve yourself, and do CF forever.
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    Thanks to all who’ve shared their thoughts and experiences!

    @DavPul: Must have been some crazy weight you were pressing! I can’t help but admire the graft involved, though am of course sorry that happened.

    Really appreciate your advice. Injury-free recomp is indeed my goal :)

    @msf74: Keen insights into the motivational factors at play! I also agree with your thoughts on specificity/adaptation.

    I don’t think a straight cut/bulk is for me, though, if only because I can’t get my head around gaining (again) after working so hard to lose, even knowing killer glutes might be at the end of it. I suspect a trade-off will be necessary for me to stay sane :/

    @ bagge72: I can see selection bias being important here - CF could easily appeal to people used to rigorous training.

    @determinednoob: some sick part of me wants to see someone try that lard plan, don’t know why!
  • chsmith79
    chsmith79 Posts: 240 Member
    I think that most of the women and men you see that are really in great shape doing CF were in great shape to begin with, and the sport helped them take it to the next level. I know plenty of people who do CF (because we all know they won't shut up about it) That don't look like all of those pictures we see on-line. I also know plenty of people at my gym that I see there everyday that are in just as good of shape as these people, and they don't do CF so it really is just somebody who works their butt off, and has good genetics! It can be done a ton of different ways, you just have to pick the right one.
    YouTube"Killing the Fat Man" That is one my inspirations. The guy was 270+lbs and after 10 weeks was 200lbs and taking his level 1 cert. If it doesn't do anything for you why does the Military, Law Enforcement, and Fire Dept. use it? Yes people who do it work our butts off, but isn't that the point?

    Reading comprehension? Where did I say it doesn't do anything for you? I said that the people you see in that good of shape were already in good shape, and took it to the next level with CF, but I also said that CF was not the only way to get in that good of shape, because I see people all of the time at my gym who look just as good. Try to not look for something bad in everything people say about CF, it can't be healthy. Also don't think CF is the only way to get in shape, because it isn't, and somebody didn't lose 7.5lbs a week because of the sport it was because of a lot of things, and it is a very unhealthy way to do it, and hopefully somebody taught that person how to maintain, because you can't starve yourself, and do CF forever.

    Who said anything about starving yourself? I didn't say it was the only way to get in shape. It has worked for me so far and helped get me motivated in the first place. I love it, but people should do what they like and what works for them. I have nothing against any other workout routine. The YouTube diary I was referring to all he did was started CF and a Paleo Diet. I just don't understand why so many people attack CF or the people who participate because we are enthusiastic about it . Can it be dangerous? Yes if not done properly, but any fitness or exercise regiment when not done properly can be. I am just saying we can agree to disagree. it has worked for me and yes I am enthusiastic about it. I don't agree with everything Dave Castro (CF head of programming) says,but he said the main purpose of CF was to get people's butts off the couch and get them doing something.
  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    It's because cross fit is the absolute pinnacle of exercise. No other training method comes close to producing the results of crossfit due to the neural adaptions Over the wide variety of strength densities and modal planes.

    It's a well known fact that cross fitters are faster than sprinters, more jacked than bodybuilders and could no doubt complete at any Olympic lifting or endurance test on the planet and dominate.


  • caribougal
    caribougal Posts: 865 Member
    I eat Paleo (well, Primal actually) and I'm working up to Cross Fit. I've lost 15 pounds on diet alone, with another 5-10 lbs to go, and at least 5-10% body fat to lose. I started at 33% BF, and I'm down to 30%, although not the same scale, so I'm not really sure. Huzzah for Paleo, which I feel like I've got down pat. I know there are lots of critics out there, people who think it's extreme. For me, I'm enjoying the delicious foods I can eat now without a shred of guilt. I don't miss the bread/rice/pasta/beans/processed crap one teensy bit. Someone above mentioned that it's a high protein/low carb diet. I don't feel like my protein intake is that much higher than my SAD diet, except for breakfast.. I definitely eat more protein now for breakfast than I did before Paleo. And, sometimes my lunches were pure carb in the past, and now I usually have 1-3 oz protein at lunch. Otherwise, the big difference is that in addition to the protein I eat at every meal, I pile on the veggies... as much as I can stand. Since I am trying to lose weight, I do watch my cals but I'm guessing that as I increase my strength workouts I'll need to increase my cals too. That will be interesting to figure out. I'm curious if I'll actually feel hungrier. Now that diet is not an issue, I'm on to fitness through CF.

    Cross Fit anywhere is serious business, but in my town, it's hard core. In a town FULL of pro and semi-pro athletes and 3 CF boxes, I'm intimidated by the competition I think will be there. But, I've also heard it's an amazing community, and that's why people are dedicated to it. It's not just about the workout, but the support you get in the box and out. Could I get fit elsewhere? Yes, but I think that community part of it will end up being key to my adherence (as a poster above stated).

    I've started with a personal trainer at a small private gym with the StrongLifts 5x5 program (modified a bit). I'm only on Day 2, and seriously sore. I'll probably be paying 2-3 times for this personal trainer as I would be at CF, but I'm hoping that with 3 months of 5x5 three times a week, I'll feel strong enough to go to Cross Fit and not feel like a loser.

    I'm curious about this personal experiment... strength training out on a Paleo diet. I don't limit my carbs, but since I only eat veggies, fruit, meat, eggs, nuts I don't have a whole lot of sugar in my diet. My carbs naturally come in around 70-80g/day, I think. I don't aim for ketosis, and I have no idea if I'm in it or not (probably not), but I know when I work out I don't have a huge store of easy carbs to pull from. It will be interesting to see how my body changes.

    What I've learned from 2 days (I know, big deal) of strength training on 5x5 is that I have no grip strength in my left hand. I think I could lift heavier but my left hand just can't hold onto the bar. So annoying. And dead lifting is damned hard, but overhead presses are even harder. And, I love it.
  • bagge72
    bagge72 Posts: 1,377 Member
    I think that most of the women and men you see that are really in great shape doing CF were in great shape to begin with, and the sport helped them take it to the next level. I know plenty of people who do CF (because we all know they won't shut up about it) That don't look like all of those pictures we see on-line. I also know plenty of people at my gym that I see there everyday that are in just as good of shape as these people, and they don't do CF so it really is just somebody who works their butt off, and has good genetics! It can be done a ton of different ways, you just have to pick the right one.
    YouTube"Killing the Fat Man" That is one my inspirations. The guy was 270+lbs and after 10 weeks was 200lbs and taking his level 1 cert. If it doesn't do anything for you why does the Military, Law Enforcement, and Fire Dept. use it? Yes people who do it work our butts off, but isn't that the point?

    Reading comprehension? Where did I say it doesn't do anything for you? I said that the people you see in that good of shape were already in good shape, and took it to the next level with CF, but I also said that CF was not the only way to get in that good of shape, because I see people all of the time at my gym who look just as good. Try to not look for something bad in everything people say about CF, it can't be healthy. Also don't think CF is the only way to get in shape, because it isn't, and somebody didn't lose 7.5lbs a week because of the sport it was because of a lot of things, and it is a very unhealthy way to do it, and hopefully somebody taught that person how to maintain, because you can't starve yourself, and do CF forever.

    Who said anything about starving yourself? I didn't say it was the only way to get in shape. It has worked for me so far and helped get me motivated in the first place. I love it, but people should do what they like and what works for them. I have nothing against any other workout routine. The YouTube diary I was referring to all he did was started CF and a Paleo Diet. I just don't understand why so many people attack CF or the people who participate because we are enthusiastic about it . Can it be dangerous? Yes if not done properly, but any fitness or exercise regiment when not done properly can be. I am just saying we can agree to disagree. it has worked for me and yes I am enthusiastic about it. I don't agree with everything Dave Castro (CF head of programming) says,but he said the main purpose of CF was to get people's butts off the couch and get them doing something.

    It's not that we are agreeing to disagree, because I haven't found anything that we disagree on yet, but for some reason you are making up in your head that I'm attacking CF when I never did that. I said CF works, but there are other ways to do it as well. I think the problem with CF people is that they automatically think people are sh!tting on them, it's like they are looking for it so they can argue about it.
  • Determinednoob
    Determinednoob Posts: 2,001 Member
    I think that most of the women and men you see that are really in great shape doing CF were in great shape to begin with, and the sport helped them take it to the next level. I know plenty of people who do CF (because we all know they won't shut up about it) That don't look like all of those pictures we see on-line. I also know plenty of people at my gym that I see there everyday that are in just as good of shape as these people, and they don't do CF so it really is just somebody who works their butt off, and has good genetics! It can be done a ton of different ways, you just have to pick the right one.
    YouTube"Killing the Fat Man" That is one my inspirations. The guy was 270+lbs and after 10 weeks was 200lbs and taking his level 1 cert. If it doesn't do anything for you why does the Military, Law Enforcement, and Fire Dept. use it? Yes people who do it work our butts off, but isn't that the point?

    Reading comprehension? Where did I say it doesn't do anything for you? I said that the people you see in that good of shape were already in good shape, and took it to the next level with CF, but I also said that CF was not the only way to get in that good of shape, because I see people all of the time at my gym who look just as good. Try to not look for something bad in everything people say about CF, it can't be healthy. Also don't think CF is the only way to get in shape, because it isn't, and somebody didn't lose 7.5lbs a week because of the sport it was because of a lot of things, and it is a very unhealthy way to do it, and hopefully somebody taught that person how to maintain, because you can't starve yourself, and do CF forever.

    Who said anything about starving yourself? I didn't say it was the only way to get in shape. It has worked for me so far and helped get me motivated in the first place. I love it, but people should do what they like and what works for them. I have nothing against any other workout routine. The YouTube diary I was referring to all he did was started CF and a Paleo Diet. I just don't understand why so many people attack CF or the people who participate because we are enthusiastic about it . Can it be dangerous? Yes if not done properly, but any fitness or exercise regiment when not done properly can be. I am just saying we can agree to disagree. it has worked for me and yes I am enthusiastic about it. I don't agree with everything Dave Castro (CF head of programming) says,but he said the main purpose of CF was to get people's butts off the couch and get them doing something.

    Doing high rep oly lifts for time IS DOING IT WRONG. Just say'
  • chsmith79
    chsmith79 Posts: 240 Member
    I think that most of the women and men you see that are really in great shape doing CF were in great shape to begin with, and the sport helped them take it to the next level. I know plenty of people who do CF (because we all know they won't shut up about it) That don't look like all of those pictures we see on-line. I also know plenty of people at my gym that I see there everyday that are in just as good of shape as these people, and they don't do CF so it really is just somebody who works their butt off, and has good genetics! It can be done a ton of different ways, you just have to pick the right one.
    YouTube"Killing the Fat Man" That is one my inspirations. The guy was 270+lbs and after 10 weeks was 200lbs and taking his level 1 cert. If it doesn't do anything for you why does the Military, Law Enforcement, and Fire Dept. use it? Yes people who do it work our butts off, but isn't that the point?

    Reading comprehension? Where did I say it doesn't do anything for you? I said that the people you see in that good of shape were already in good shape, and took it to the next level with CF, but I also said that CF was not the only way to get in that good of shape, because I see people all of the time at my gym who look just as good. Try to not look for something bad in everything people say about CF, it can't be healthy. Also don't think CF is the only way to get in shape, because it isn't, and somebody didn't lose 7.5lbs a week because of the sport it was because of a lot of things, and it is a very unhealthy way to do it, and hopefully somebody taught that person how to maintain, because you can't starve yourself, and do CF forever.

    Who said anything about starving yourself? I didn't say it was the only way to get in shape. It has worked for me so far and helped get me motivated in the first place. I love it, but people should do what they like and what works for them. I have nothing against any other workout routine. The YouTube diary I was referring to all he did was started CF and a Paleo Diet. I just don't understand why so many people attack CF or the people who participate because we are enthusiastic about it . Can it be dangerous? Yes if not done properly, but any fitness or exercise regiment when not done properly can be. I am just saying we can agree to disagree. it has worked for me and yes I am enthusiastic about it. I don't agree with everything Dave Castro (CF head of programming) says,but he said the main purpose of CF was to get people's butts off the couch and get them doing something.

    It's not that we are agreeing to disagree, because I haven't found anything that we disagree on yet, but for some reason you are making up in your head that I'm attacking CF when I never did that. I said CF works, but there are other ways to do it as well. I think the problem with CF people is that they automatically think people are sh!tting on them, it's like they are looking for it so they can argue about it.

    I apologize, it is just so common on these boards. See above post. I don't believe CF is the only way, that being said, it works for me and keeps me motivated. I do apologize, I do not like to argue. I just don't see the point in bashing someone else's workout routine if it works for them(whatever it may be). See above post. bagge72 I do apologize to you.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    Here is my take, coming from a woman who did Crossfit 3x a week for over a year.

    I learned ALOT. I learned lifts I never would have tried on my own, like deadlifts, clean and jerk, push press, etc.. I also was in pretty good shape. I didn't buy into the whole Paleo thing (I tried it, it wasn't for me) but I adapted a lot of good habits from Crossfit in general, and I became a lot more fit and a better runner which I stunk at before. I stopped going because a) it was expensive b) my schedule didn't allow for it and c) they did too much chest, arm, and shoulder stuff and not enough legs. My personal opinion is that it is better for dudes. It is good to get stronger and get more comfortable lifting weights, but I get better results working out on my own.

    Also, the women in my Crossfit box are too top heavy, and they don't look good. I think they look very mannish. It could be because of my trainer and what he does, which like I said, are more pullups, pushups, arm stuff in general. But I agree, the women don't look good. But I do feel it is a good program to get started and get comfortable lifting weights. I never lifted weights (aside from Barbie weights) before I did it, I was too scared, and now I lift heavy and I love it!
  • RobAsRx
    RobAsRx Posts: 17
    Here is my take, coming from a woman who did Crossfit 3x a week for over a year.

    I learned ALOT. I learned lifts I never would have tried on my own, like deadlifts, clean and jerk, push press, etc.. I also was in pretty good shape. I didn't buy into the whole Paleo thing (I tried it, it wasn't for me) but I adapted a lot of good habits from Crossfit in general, and I became a lot more fit and a better runner which I stunk at before. I stopped going because a) it was expensive b) my schedule didn't allow for it and c) they did too much chest, arm, and shoulder stuff and not enough legs. My personal opinion is that it is better for dudes. It is good to get stronger and get more comfortable lifting weights, but I get better results working out on my own.

    Also, the women in my Crossfit box are too top heavy, and they don't look good. I think they look very mannish. It could be because of my trainer and what he does, which like I said, are more pullups, pushups, arm stuff in general. But I agree, the women don't look good. But I do feel it is a good program to get started and get comfortable lifting weights. I never lifted weights (aside from Barbie weights) before I did it, I was too scared, and now I lift heavy and I love it!

    That's really surprising to hear that you didn't really get too much leg work in Crossfit. It sounds like your coach seriously neglected some of the major Crossfit movements.

    Almost all of the barbell work, especially the two Olympic Lifts and Deadlifts, are majorly leg focused. Since starting Crossfit, I don't know if I've ever squatted more in my life! Wall Balls, Lunges, Broad Jumps, Box Jumps, Double Unders, GHD, ect are all major leg work. That's why most of the elite women Crossfit competitors (larger and smaller frames) have such large thighs and solid glutes.

    The good thing about Crossfit Gyms is that they are owner operated licencess of the CF name. So if you have a gym that doesn't program to your liking, you can try another gym and hopefully they program their workouts to your needs. Like anything else... if you're getting more out of working out on your own than it's probably best to do so. I was a garage Crossfitter until I found a great local CF gym for me.

    I'm glad that you commented, as most opinions on Crossfit are from people who've never tried it. Even though you're not going to a CF gym, it's great to hear that you took something away from your experience there!
  • rkr22401
    rkr22401 Posts: 216 Member
    Thread reminds me of a joke I heard...

    How do you know if someone does Crossfit?

    Don't worry, they'll tell you.