How much child support do you get?



  • sirthickness
    You guys need to move to PA!!!

    You get a percentage of his -potential- income.
    Marry a doctor who now works at McD's to spite you? Your child support is on a doctor's salary. Keeps idiots from doing this. Even if you terminate your rights, you still have to pay.
    i hope that's a two-way street.
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    You guys need to move to PA!!!

    You get a percentage of his -potential- income.
    Marry a doctor who now works at McD's to spite you? Your child support is on a doctor's salary. Keeps idiots from doing this. Even if you terminate your rights, you still have to pay.
    i hope that's a two-way street.
    Nope. You have to have a pricey lawyer, even if your ex is a crackwh0re. It can be done, you just have to know PEOPLE who know PEOPLE.
  • sizzle92
    sizzle92 Posts: 1,015 Member
    You guys need to move to PA!!!

    You get a percentage of his -potential- income.
    Marry a doctor who now works at McD's to spite you? Your child support is on a doctor's salary. Keeps idiots from doing this. Even if you terminate your rights, you still have to pay.

    That sounds crazy! How would that even work???? You can't pay what you don't make! :/
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    3 children, my ex is ordered to pay $600. I get 0.
    IF I am lucky he will buy them a few things here and there.
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    You guys need to move to PA!!!

    You get a percentage of his -potential- income.
    Marry a doctor who now works at McD's to spite you? Your child support is on a doctor's salary. Keeps idiots from doing this. Even if you terminate your rights, you still have to pay.

    That sounds crazy! How would that even work???? You can't pay what you don't make! :/

    This keeps parents from just quitting their job. You wouldn't believe how many people do that!! If you get laid off and have proof, that's one thing, but you can't just pick up a job at McD's, they don't go for that!
  • sizzle92
    sizzle92 Posts: 1,015 Member
    That's good though!^^^
  • LisaMarie8713
    I get $0 support. He covers their insurance costs, and daycare costs fully. We each pay a percentage of school fees based on income. We have joint custody, 50/50, and my portion to pay is 37% since he makes nearly double my income.

    Its been a perfect solution for us, but then again, we had a mild split. No love there...
  • VerucaSult
    VerucaSult Posts: 35 Member
    2 kids/$90 a week. He doesn't pay it though. Hasn't seen our daughter in 2.5 years or our son for 6 months... alcoholic and abusive. I would rather not receive the support then to make them see him. He owes me $30,000 in assets and bills and owes my kids $6000 in back support.
  • martymays
    martymays Posts: 188 Member
    One child, $500.00/mo plus insurance. I also spend money on her besides that for clothes and whatnot. I love my girl, so it's still a bargain.
  • plymouth2119
    $280 a month originally set at min. Wage of $7.15, which includes $40.00 of Insurance plus back pay, well well he is now a licensed electrician apprentice he got it in June, i did my homework found the proof online , so going back to court for my increase its been 3 years , he makes more than $15 at the minimum, he is getting a divorce so he hasn't seen his only son Since August, but i see pics of him and his soon to be x wife's kids..on his moms Facebook.
    i just do my homework.
  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    Even if you terminate your rights, you still have to pay.
    That is not technically true. Terminating rights eliminates the obligation to pay child support, even in Pennsylvania. However, in Pennsylvania, you cannot legally voluntarily terminate your rights unless you have another person willing to step in and fill your role, like an adoptive (step)parent.
  • DamnImASexyBitch
    DamnImASexyBitch Posts: 740 Member
    Not anywhere enough to support THEM the way they should be. I thank God that my husband ( not their biological father ) has stepped in and they want and need for nothing even though it's not his responsibility. They get $37.50 a week split between TWO kids. Their dad is a deadbeat and often begs his mother to cover that. He doesn't have a job ( so he says ) so I guess I should be glad they get anything at all. Up until this past year he was collecting social security disability under the reason of social anxiety disorder. He was found to be a fraud, and now owes the government $15k. Karma. Gotta love it.
  • jcr85
    jcr85 Posts: 229
    You guys need to move to PA!!!

    You get a percentage of his -potential- income.
    Marry a doctor who now works at McD's to spite you? Your child support is on a doctor's salary. Keeps idiots from doing this. Even if you terminate your rights, you still have to pay.

    and this is why I will never have kids.
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    0 from his biological father. My husband now helps out a great deal, I'm so lucky to have him.
  • kramalicious
    If someone terminates parental rights they don't have to pay child support, unless they owe some back support. You might be thinking of visitation instead.
    More states are going to shared income model, based on how much the parents make and what the kids need.
    The rest of you should take those deadbeats to court IMO. Although I understand why some people would rather not have anything to do with those sorry parents who are more detrimental to their kids than helpful.
    "i'm just sayin'"
  • eksproductions
    eksproductions Posts: 138 Member
    MA is 28% of your pay. Don't forget ladies, these kids need their fathers.
  • ms_rayzd
    I have a daughter with special needs (seizures every week), hosptial bills out my *kitten*, can't afford day care although she's 13 and I will get $0. Well, to be honest I just filed last week, Child Support office said they won't be able to do anything because I don't have an address, a middle name or a SSN. I gave them his work mailing address and phone number but they won't do anything with it. He gets to live the high road and my daughter and I get to struggle with bankrupcy around the corner. :)
  • 1981simm
    1981simm Posts: 123 Member
    We pay 600 a month for one little girl who sees none of it... her mom lives on low income housing that she pays nothing for and receives the max food stamps and has four other children with three other dads from whom she also receives support and works two jobs under the table so that she doesn't have to report income... the only upside is that we get her every other weekend half of holidays and summer:/ I just wish that her mother could at least dress her so that she wasn't made fun of at school but the only new clothes she gets I buy and send home to find that her mother wears them. I'm all for paying for what my child needs but I feel her mother has the system worked and I just have to sit and pay:/ oh well
  • sizzle92
    sizzle92 Posts: 1,015 Member
    One child, $500.00/mo plus insurance. I also spend money on her besides that for clothes and whatnot. I love my girl, so it's still a bargain.

    Why can't my ex be like you?????
  • martymays
    martymays Posts: 188 Member
    One child, $500.00/mo plus insurance. I also spend money on her besides that for clothes and whatnot. I love my girl, so it's still a bargain.

    Why can't my ex be like you?????

    When my ex and I married, she had 2 kids from a previous marriage. Their father was a deadbeat and never paid a dime support. After a few years, he volunteered to give up parental rights to stay out of jail for failure to pay child support. So I was able to adopt them after that. They are both responsible adults now. I think seeing their biological father like he was made me even more detrmined to do the right thing when we divorced. I don't aways get it right, but it's not from lack of trying.