What was the last thing you let them do?



  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    Life is too short not to love life and have someone to spend it with.. Move on
  • Newf77
    Newf77 Posts: 802 Member
    For your physical health, I hope you are useing birth control.
  • Nessiechickie
    Nessiechickie Posts: 1,392 Member
    Lots of good responses here.

    As a final note, don't buy into that crap if anyone tries to convince you you're wrong or the bad guy all the time. It's a load of baloney.

    When I did leave, I ended up leaving the majority of our stuff (game consoles, money, etc) with him and literally started fresh. If I knew what I know now (that I was still the devil and the scummiest person who walked the earth) I would've taken a hell of a lot more with me that was rightfully mine to take.

    People will get away with whatever they can... you have to be the one to stand up for yourself. Time, experience, and courage will help you learn to do that, but first you have to realize you're worth that effort. Put your foot down and learn to trust your gut instincts when it comes to people and your feelings toward them and how they're treating you.

    Life's too short to waste it on negative people, especially when they're the ones closest to you.

    Thank you.
    Think I'm going to go into hiding this week from him.
    "Do-Me" get back into doing the gym start 30ds with a smile on my face and reconnect with some old friends.
    People make fun when they come into this thread, but it really does such when it happens to you and someone has warped your mind into thinking your the problem.
  • futurestarz
    I was kind of in the same position at 21. Just remember that you were what...16 when you guys started dating... 16 year-olds don't usually tend to make the best decisions when it comes to guys. I know there are some couples out there who end up marrying their high school sweethearts....but they are few and far between.

    You've got a lot more living left to do. Don't let someone take away the best years of your life. You will regret it! We get very little time on this earth (in the big scheme of things) you shouldn't waste a second of it being unhappy.
  • dg730
    dg730 Posts: 62
    First thread I have started in this topic.
    But anyways having some boyfriend problems, and would really like to know that A. I'm not the *****/self-centered person in this situation and B. WTF should I do?.
    Been together for 3.5 years, lived together for a year and then I found my own place and waiting for him to get a job so he can move in with me. This guy has never had a stable job, no driver's license no ASSETS ...other then me to his name.
    Our problems and fights (fighting almost every weekend right now which is why I'm getting fed up) come from drinking.
    I love my couple of drinks and have changed for him from a glass of wine or two every night to barely drinking on the weekends only. Now I get in trouble every single time that I hang out with his mom and her friend when they drink because b/f doesn't like to drink, so I drink with next best thing in the family.. his mom. He says he feels second which I totally understand but what he doesn't understand is with how he treats me when I'm drinking I don't want to be around him and he starts fights with me. ( I'm the most happiest drinker, give me a bottle of wine and nintendo64 I'm as happy as can be) So I don't understand why he thinks I want to be around him, as well I would like to go out and have my own time with friends and at least it is his mom and not a friend he doesn't know or some guy friend of mine. So am I in the wrong for this? I really don't think so I think he should be happy I have such a good relationship with his family.
    My second point is this guy is such a **** starter and "evil-plan" maker that I'm scarred the next time I go to see him he is going to have some course planned out for me that I have to jump through. (Not literally) I'm tired of being made to feel like ****, I've turned into an unhappy/ depressed person when I use to be so carefree.
    Any advice for me? I say I could never leave this guy but if pushed far enough I'm sure I could.
    I want to know any other guys option on this, there are points and sides that I have not added into here just because there is so much but would like to hear what other people think.

    Not sure why you were with him to begin with, let alone for so long. Move on to something better.

  • findfan4ever
    findfan4ever Posts: 153 Member
    By posting this very topic you have answered your own question. Do you really need to ask us here? Not trying to be mean, just brutally honest with you.

    You are the same age as my oldest daughter and she, too, had a similar situation. It turned real ugly. I point blank told her if she wanted to see how much the *kitten* cared, to stop opening her wallet and legs to him. If he was a real man and cared, he would get the message and change his ways; otherwise he would be gone in about 3-4 weeks.


    Another point to remember ........ having sex and living together DO NOT solidify a relationship. They actually cloud the mind and inhibit true and real intimacy between two individuals. While this, to many, will be the MORAL or RELIGIOUS argument, resent scientific research is PROVING that God's way is the ONLY way.
  • bonniecarbs
    bonniecarbs Posts: 446 Member
    The statement below, what someone else said:

    FYI: YOU ARE NOT AN ASSET. You should never be "to a man's name". Ugh. That line makes me vomitous and want to go native.
  • arcticfox04
    arcticfox04 Posts: 1,011 Member
    Just move along. Break up with him and see what happens. Will he get a job and realize he made a mistake and do whatever it takes to make things work or will he just move on the to the next sap to take care of him. Most of the time people like this just find someone else to latch on to and mooch off of. Luckily you don't have kids with him. I'm not being mean I'm being honest I see it too much these days.
  • LAWoman79
    LAWoman79 Posts: 348 Member
    Just move along. Break up with him and see what happens. Will he get a job and realize he made a mistake and do whatever it takes to make things work or will he just move on the to the next sap to take care of him. Most of the time people like this just find someone else to latch on to and mooch off of. Luckily you don't have kids with him. I'm not being mean I'm being honest I see it too much these days.

    ^^^This! 100%.
  • bonniecarbs
    bonniecarbs Posts: 446 Member
    Also what arcticfox04 said! and you young lady, these are very modern times for women to be thinking like this, women are strong, not edith bunkers.
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    I say have another drink!
  • Flowers4Julia
    Flowers4Julia Posts: 521 Member
    Yeah - he's definitely not good for you. I would agree with the leave him and move on advice. You deserve so much more out of love and life than that.

    I'd also spend some time really reflecting on what makes you stay? This may answer deeper questions and lead to more happiness as you grow through life. Because that is really the secret to a happy life! Learning and growing!

    Best of Luck! :flowerforyou:

    Be strong, you can find happiness!
  • Nessiechickie
    Nessiechickie Posts: 1,392 Member
    Thank you for the replies even the brutally honest ones.
    Slap to the face to realize.
  • leejayem
    leejayem Posts: 120 Member
    I found it hard from what you wrote to see anything positive in your relationship with him at all! It sounds like a terrible situation. Not sure why you are with him really? If you were my daughter I would beg you to see the incredible value & dignity you have & GET OUT of this relationship - but your choice...
  • imchicbad
    imchicbad Posts: 1,650 Member
    By posting this very topic you have answered your own question. Do you really need to ask us here? Not trying to be mean, just brutally honest with you.

    You are the same age as my oldest daughter and she, too, had a similar situation. It turned real ugly. I point blank told her if she wanted to see how much the *kitten* cared, to stop opening her wallet and legs to him. If he was a real man and cared, he would get the message and change his ways; otherwise he would be gone in about 3-4 weeks.


    Another point to remember ........ having sex and living together DO NOT solidify a relationship. They actually cloud the mind and inhibit true and real intimacy between two individuals. While this, to many, will be the MORAL or RELIGIOUS argument, resent scientific research is PROVING that God's way is the ONLY way.
