Last 10lbs Group - March Challenges



  • francis_adriro
    I got on the scale and the same number was there....ahhhh. Why must I torture myself??
  • francis_adriro
    Awesome! We're up in Whidbey Island.
    No exiciting plans for the weekend yet... lame lol. If the weather stays nice up here in WA., then a nice picnic at the park sounds wonderful.

    I live in Washington State! On Fort Lewis.
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    No exiciting plans for the weekend yet... lame lol. If the weather stays nice up here in WA., then a nice picnic at the park sounds wonderful.

    I live in Washington State! On Fort Lewis.

    My parents moved up to Washington to retire about 4 years ago. They live in Port Orchard. I can't believe how GREEN washington is!
  • gym_rat
    Happy weekend everyone!
    Gorgeous morning here in WA so what did I decide to do?? RUN! I put in a solid 12.1 miles outside. I'm pretty sure i'll be signing up for the Rock n Roll Seattle Marathon on June 26th sometime before the end of this month :)
  • lvfunandfit
    lvfunandfit Posts: 654 Member
    That's awesome gym-rat! I only ran 5 today! I just did the rock n roll marathon (the half) in Las Vegas in Dec.! I'm planning to run another half this summer! And next December a full.
  • KelsoJet
    Hi everyone -

    I'm new to this thread. I joined MFP almost a year ago and lost my last 10 lbs really fast. It felt great! (See my profile pic) But this past fall was pretty rough, and I gained back 15 lbs due to stress/crappy diet/lack of exercise. I'm looking to get motivated and find some support to help keep me accountable. It's really hard to accomplish something that momentous (I'd struggled with that last 10 lbs since high school) and then end up worse than you started. I know I need to stop beating myself up about it and be proactive, but I keep falling down. I need help!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    Hi everyone -

    I'm new to this thread. I joined MFP almost a year ago and lost my last 10 lbs really fast. It felt great! (See my profile pic) But this past fall was pretty rough, and I gained back 15 lbs due to stress/crappy diet/lack of exercise. I'm looking to get motivated and find some support to help keep me accountable. It's really hard to accomplish something that momentous (I'd struggled with that last 10 lbs since high school) and then end up worse than you started. I know I need to stop beating myself up about it and be proactive, but I keep falling down. I need help!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter

    Know the feeling, I did awesome last year as well and then gained it back plus 5 freaking more pounds! WTF!?!?!?!?!:grumble:
  • gym_rat
    That's awesome gym-rat! I only ran 5 today! I just did the rock n roll marathon (the half) in Las Vegas in Dec.! I'm planning to run another half this summer! And next December a full.

    I've done 2 half marathons but want to really challenge myself and see if I can do the full. It's scary but exciting at the same time! I just can't believe how outrageous the price is - $100 and then it goes up to $120 at the end of February! My husband tells me "why would you PAY to run?" I guess he just doesn't understand!
  • princesspurple
    luv2run4fun ....i am in training for a half-marathon...i run 4 times a week, would like to do more but just don't have the time!
    gym_rat ....the cost is high, but running 26+ miles crossing the finish line, I bet is priceless.. i am doning my 1st half in april. I tell my husband it is like catching the big fish....i have to put it in his terms for him to understand!:bigsmile:
  • ellipse22
    Happy Sunday everyone!
    I decided to go visit family overnight yesterday and I am very proud to say that I ate well!!
    I made sure to bring my bottles of water and some good food choices with me to avoid eating out or eating whatever they had for me to eat.
    I don't check the scale daily so I won't know until Thursday!

    I will admit I have been "thinking thin" and trying to keep positive thoughts about the 5lbs I've lost but I certainly didn't feel thin yesterday at all. I feel like the 8lbs remaining may not be enough (personally). I'll wait till I get to 130lbs.

    Sorry I haven't had time to respond to everyone but I'll be back on more tomorrow!!
  • SarahJoy_79
    SarahJoy_79 Posts: 107 Member
    Happy Monday everyone! Hope you all had a happy and healthy weekend. I'm pretty proud of myself. I had an engagement party to go to on Saturday and opted for all healthy food and stuck to drinking water and splurged and only had 1 glass of red wine. I'm doing great with the water challenge too and really focusing on fitting it in to my daily routine. :happy: I'm hoping to get to the gym every day this week too!
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    I had a good weekend and managed to stay on track. Despite having a special breakfast (pancakes) on Saturday, I kept things in check calorie-wise and kept portions small. I had a reception to attend that evening so my dinner consisted of appetizers. I logged everything and only went over by a little bit.

    Sunday I also kept it together and ended up going to a hot yoga class in the evening. I was a sweaty mess by the end, but I'm pretty sure I burned a ton of calories.

    I was rewarded this morning with better fitting pants! I bought two pairs of corduroy pants during post-Chrismas sales. They were, honestly, just a tad too snug to comfortably button. The first couple times I wore them, I actually had to be sure to wear a belt so that I could sneakily unbutton the top button! No more! And I am pretty sure it isn't just because they stretched because I just washed them! Also, my belt is once again on the last loop!

    I hope everyone is ready to have a good week!
  • gym_rat
    Hey Everyone!
    I had a sneak peak at the scale this morning and I've already surpassed this week's 1lbs weightloss and my weigh-in isn't until Thursday. I'm hoping I stay the same or lose a bit more. Woot!
    Hope everyone had a great weekend and made healthy choices. Off to the gym for me.
  • SarahJoy_79
    SarahJoy_79 Posts: 107 Member
    Hey Everyone!
    I had a sneak peak at the scale this morning and I've already surpassed this week's 1lbs weightloss and my weigh-in isn't until Thursday. I'm hoping I stay the same or lose a bit more. Woot!
    Hope everyone had a great weekend and made healthy choices. Off to the gym for me.

    Great job on the early weight loss and healthy weekend choices! I'm hoping my healthy choices will show on the scale this week too! Have fun at the gym :happy:
  • KelsoJet
    Didn't go to my spinning class this weekend like I had planned to, but I managed to squeeze an extra elliptical session in this morning to make up for it. Really struggling to find my groove, but I have a feeling once I find it exercise will be less of a chore.

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • princesspurple
    My weigh-in is tomorrow. I don't feel like I have lost at all, even though I ran a total of 20.5 miles this past week! Keeping my fingers crossed!
  • ellipse22
    My weigh-in is tomorrow. I don't feel like I have lost at all, even though I ran a total of 20.5 miles this past week! Keeping my fingers crossed!

    Stay positive!! You never know :wink:
  • ellipse22
    As I mentioned earlier about "thinking thin" I have been thinking that my goal of 130lbs isn't going to satisify me. I'm going to get to 130lbs first and then see where I stand.

    After losing 5lbs I don't really feel much of a difference. My clothes feel the same etc. Mind you, I'm not exercising so I'm sure that has a lot to do with it!

  • Gogo
    Gogo Posts: 9,942 Member
    Dang TOM!!!! :grumble: I took a sneaky peak at the scale this morning (because I am a glutton for punishment) and it says I am up 4.2 lbs!!!!! Frightening. :noway: I know it will all go away, I just hope it is gone by Thurs on my weigh in or else I might have to skip it this week. :ohwell:
  • gym_rat
    As I mentioned earlier about "thinking thin" I have been thinking that my goal of 130lbs isn't going to satisify me. I'm going to get to 130lbs first and then see where I stand.

    After losing 5lbs I don't really feel much of a difference. My clothes feel the same etc. Mind you, I'm not exercising so I'm sure that has a lot to do with it!


    I know what you mean about your goal weight not satisfying you. I set mine between 145 and 150 and I'm 5'8. But I'm thinking it might go lower. Who knows. I just want to look toned and have sexy abs.