NEW GROUP- 30 Day Shred-Starting Monday!!



  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
  • SageGoddess320
    SageGoddess320 Posts: 2,589 Member
  • Schula03
    Schula03 Posts: 171 Member
    I just took my before pics...and got my measurements ready for Monday. Boy was that scary!!!!:devil:
  • bethany_85
    I started on Tuesday and had to do something else today because I was so sore. I thought if I did it again I wouldn't be able to get out of bed tomorrow. Instead I did a Weight Watchers video and it was rediculously easy compared to the shred even though it was double the length. I'm going back to the shred DVD tomorrow but FYI-- it is much harder than it looks! :noway:
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    Schula-scary is good! It can only get better, right????

    Bethany-thanks for sharing and scaring! LOL, Ummm, It can only get better....right???? (I sure hope so!) hehehe
  • tobebetter
    I am justing talking to my friend and i will do it with her. it's going to be great and should be fun too!
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    Ok, so no loss today....UGH!

    But I have upped my calorie intake and am depending on Jillian to kick my butt and for you to motivate me to continue to let her!

  • jhollyw00d
    jhollyw00d Posts: 68 Member
    I'll be shopping for a copy this weekend....
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    I'll be shopping for a copy this weekend....

    Target has it for $10

    Walmart for $8.86

    Amazon for $8.99 (though it may cause a late start, but Hey, a start is a start and that's all that is required!)
  • LuvnAG10
    I'll be shopping for a copy this weekend....

    Target has it for $10

    Walmart for $8.86

    Amazon for $8.99 (though it may cause a late start, but Hey, a start is a start and that's all that is required!)

    Thanks for the price info!
  • Jerzeebabie04
    I am going to take before pictures on Sunday and will do my weight and body measurements early Monday morning. I'm nervous about posting that, last I saw my body measurements I was NOT happy and it made me feel even fatter! haha

    I can't wait to start this with all of you, it definitely helps having people to be accountable to! It's motivation that I'm not getting from family or friends, since none of them want to join this journey with me :(

    I'm already looking ahead to when we complete this 30 days, I want to begin another challenge after it's over, I'm thinking Power 90 so that eventually I can do P90X. But for now 1 thing at a time, cause I know 30 day shred is going to be tough at first
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    I am going to take before pictures on Sunday and will do my weight and body measurements early Monday morning. I'm nervous about posting that, last I saw my body measurements I was NOT happy and it made me feel even fatter! haha

    I can't wait to start this with all of you, it definitely helps having people to be accountable to! It's motivation that I'm not getting from family or friends, since none of them want to join this journey with me :(

    I'm already looking ahead to when we complete this 30 days, I want to begin another challenge after it's over, I'm thinking Power 90 so that eventually I can do P90X. But for now 1 thing at a time, cause I know 30 day shred is going to be tough at first

    I could be mistaken but I believe you do each level for 30 days and there are 3 levels. So this may be a 90 DAY challenge. Obviously, if level one is too easy for some of us, we will bump to level 2 and make it a 60 day challenge....or we may have to stay on the same level for 60 days. It all depends on each individuals abilities...
  • l8ybug
    l8ybug Posts: 24
    I'm in! I started today, it was great! It was way harder than my usual elliptical workout, but hard is good. I did workout with a trainer a few years back, and he swears by this type of interval training. I just kept repeating what Jillian said when it got hard and i wanted to stop, 'When it starts to burn, you can't stop! Those are the ones that count!' FYI - input the activity as 'circuit training' to get the right cals burned. Hopefully I can still move on Monday when you guys officially start :)
  • bizaggie07
    I am so thrilled that a new group is starting on Monday! I bought JM 30DS this week and was going to start Monday myself... what luck! I've got my weight/measurements ready and will take before pictures this weekend.

    I bought 5 lb weights to go with the video and hope to drop a few inches by the time this is completed.

    Good luck!
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    Ok, everyone, enjoy your weekend!

    If someone knows how to add pics to the thread, could you please post that information for the rest of us! THANKS!

    Dont forget--Monday is a turning point....and NO TURNING BACK! You're committed for at least 30 days!

    Measurements, Weights, Pics and Goal for the week. I will post the thread Sunday night!

    Good luck everyone!! Cant wait to do this with all of you!
  • callie365
    Please- please count me in !!!

    I have done the the Shred before but have only gotten 6- 7 work outs completed.

    I want to make it all the way this time.....No matter how long it takes.

    I am doing 3 days a week , tomorrow being my 2nd work out- L1 . If thats ok?
  • emmie305
    I am totally in!! I really hope I can do this!!
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    You are definitely "IN" and yes, you can do it!
  • Jerzeebabie04
    When looking around at other 30 day shred forums and searching for more information about it, I got the impression that you do each level for 10 days (unless you need more or less time on a particular level) and that after 10 days of each level you have completed the full 30 days and should see a difference. Maybe I didn't interpret it right and maybe it is a longer challenge. Guess we'll find out!

    I'm excited to start this with everyone, since I started before and was not losing weight I got discouraged and stopped. But now I will have to be accountable to each of you. I can't wait to see how everyone feels after day 1 and know that I'm not alone in the struggle of some workouts that look easy but are really hard.

    I also can't wait to see at the end of our 30 days, the group total of inches & pounds lost! With all of us participating our total losses could probably create a whole other person! Can't wait :)
  • l8ybug
    l8ybug Posts: 24
    I started yesterday and everything hurts, I can't even sit on the toilet w/out wincing in pain. This is by no means meant to scare anyone, this is living proof that this is an awesome workout. Muscles I haven't heard from in years are roaring in delight. I thought some yoga last night before bed would help with the impending soreness, but I may have just added insult to injury. I am determined not to miss day 2, even in pain. I am truly surprised that some many muscle groups are feeling it. This is going to be great ladies !