1400 cal diet - I'm a boy and other questions

Ok so I'm a 6 foot guy, in between small and medium build (wrist measurements) currently 77.3kg and on a 1400 calorie diet created by the MFP calculation. I eat a fairly balanced diet and I havent had any problems sticking with this diet as I'm quite strong willed, I just wanted to get a clear and definitive answer on the following:

is 1400 acceptable / safe for me?

can I adjust the sugar level as ATM is too low to eat much fruit?

see the below image for a typical day for me:





  • mulderpf
    mulderpf Posts: 209 Member
    I don't think it's too bad. I'd say anything below 1200 for a guy is probably not good.

    Personally though, I think you should maybe consider doing some exercise (so eat a bit more and do a bit of exercise).

    In terms of the sugar goal, I've consistently lost weight and some days I go up to 99 grams of sugar - I just focus on calories rather than the micro-nutrients.
  • a5hnk
    a5hnk Posts: 10 Member
    Need more info, whats your macronutrient ratio?(Carbs, proteins, fats)
    1400 is TOO LOW! These calculators are mere estimates, they do not account for so many factors. Increase your food intake to about 1700 atleast!. Burn the rest off with exercise, create your deficit mainly through exercise. What is your goal though?
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    @a5hnk pie graph below


    my goal was / is to change my diet which consisted of almost only junk, to a healthy one and loose weight in a sustainable manner as i dont want to mess up my metabolism.
  • AngryDiet
    AngryDiet Posts: 1,349 Member
    I don't see too much issue with the 1400 calories as long as you don't do it forever. What's your TDEE? Have you worked it out?

    You might consider eating more protein and lifting some weights.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    The more important question is this:

    At 6' and 77kg, why are you dieting to lose weight?
  • NyimaR
    NyimaR Posts: 108 Member
    The more important question is this:

    At 6' and 77kg, why are you dieting to lose weight?

    If you do need to lose when you're already at a pretty healthy weight I'd be going for the minimum possible weightloss setting (1/2lb per week) if you really want to be sustainable.
  • AngryDiet
    AngryDiet Posts: 1,349 Member
    Ticker suggests 2 kg to go, is that the goal?
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    A man should not net lower than 15-1600 calories. That said, MFP gave you an intake based on your goal, this tells me that your weekly weight loss goal is too aggressive. I would suggest changing it to 0.5 lbs since you are boarderline underweight already.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    The more important question is this:

    At 6' and 77kg, why are you dieting to lose weight?


    And since you're so close to your goal, you should be eating near maintenance. No more than a half pound a week goal, and eating most of your exercise calories.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    The more important question is this:

    At 6' and 77kg, why are you dieting to lose weight?

    Wow, I didn't even consider that, but SS is right.

    If you want to drop fat, I would suggest doing a bulk cycle now, then go into a deficit to drop fat later, that way you may weight the same or more than you do now, but have a lower BF%
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    I'm 6' myself, but I weigh 215-220ish lbs (97-100kg), and have a lot to lose (62 lbs (28 kg) total, at this point in time). I'm going by BF%, so my UGW will change as I build muscle. I'm currently at about 34% BF and have an UG of 8%. I will be taking it in steps. Currently aiming to lose 2 lb/week, and slowing the weight loss as I get closer to my UGBF%.

    I eat 1400 calories these days, and that decreases every week. I highly doubt I will go below 1300 by the time I increase my intake, to slow my weight loss. I have been doing it for over a month and I haven't felt any negative side effects. I don't even get hungry any longer (I did at first).

    Adding: That being said, if you have very little to lose, you should set your goals to be a minimal amount of weight lost every week. I only have a large deficit because I have a lot to lose.
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    The more important question is this:

    At 6' and 77kg, why are you dieting to lose weight?

    its 50/50 - I used to have a healthy diet and I wanted to get back to eating healthy, and I was 84-86kg when I decided that.

    my BMI is 22-23 and I'm in the healthy weight range, but my frame is on the small side so theres still some bulk to go.

    my TDEE is 2211, I used the fitness frog calc but I need to read about it / its implications a bit more as its a relatively new term for me.

    I guess you would ask why i havent factored exercise into my diet/regime - thats because I'm crap at keeping up with exercise so I thought I'd make a plan that doesn't rely on something I have been average at in the past. i'll be looking to add a fitness regime in the near future.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    I'm pretty sure you know that this doesn't make sense.

    You can probably eat a thousand calories extra, at least, be diligent with your macros (especially protein, for obvious reasons), hit the gym for a heavy lifting regime, and lower your body fat percentage.

    I'm a 137lb 5'6" female and 1400 calories is too low for me.

    Eat for the body you want.
  • lavieboheme1229
    lavieboheme1229 Posts: 448 Member
    I'm a 6' tall female, and I eat 1450 calories a day. if you have a small build, and I have a larger build, I'm guess that would put us around the same size. I don't speak European, but I currently weight 169 lbs.

    As long as you eat back some of your exercise calories, I would say keep listening to your body. If you feel weak, eat more. If you feel good, keep going :)
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    The more important question is this:

    At 6' and 77kg, why are you dieting to lose weight?

    its 50/50 - I used to have a healthy diet and I wanted to get back to eating healthy, and I was 84-86kg when I decided that.

    my BMI is 22-23 and I'm in the healthy weight range, but my frame is on the small side so theres still some bulk to go.

    my TDEE is 2211, I used the fitness frog calc but I need to read about it / its implications a bit more as its a relatively new term for me.

    I guess you would ask why i havent factored exercise into my diet/regime - thats because I'm crap at keeping up with exercise so I thought I'd make a plan that doesn't rely on something I have been average at in the past. i'll be looking to add a fitness regime in the near future.

    If you want to keep your muscle, since you are at an acceptable rate, cut 20% from TDEE and eat higher protein. Also, get in a habit of exercising. 1400 calories is too aggressive though for your size.
  • AngryDiet
    AngryDiet Posts: 1,349 Member
    If it were me I'd up my calories to around 1700, eat more protein, and lift some weights. :)

    That would give you about a 1 lb a week deficit, which is aggressive, and so for 2 kg would be about 5 weeks. Two months to be conservative.
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    Are you serious? I didn't think MFP would put a male at anything less than, say, 1600. Are you sure you didn't accidentally put yourself as female? I don't think 77kgs is much weight. Perhaps you should see your doctor for a better calorie recommendation. Good luck!
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    Depends entirely on your activity level.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    I'm 6' myself, but I weigh 215-220ish lbs (97-100kg), and have a lot to lose (62 lbs (28 kg) total, at this point in time). I'm going by BF%, so my UGW will change as I build muscle. I'm currently at about 34% BF and have an UG of 8%. I will be taking it in steps. Currently aiming to lose 2 lb/week, and slowing the weight loss as I get closer to my UGBF%.

    I eat 1400 calories these days, and that decreases every week. I highly doubt I will go below 1300 by the time I increase my intake, to slow my weight loss. I have been doing it for over a month and I haven't felt any negative side effects. I don't even get hungry any longer (I did at first).

    Adding: That being said, if you have very little to lose, you should set your goals to be a minimal amount of weight lost every week. I only have a large deficit because I have a lot to lose.

    This method will increase the chances of making you lose lean body mass (aka muscle, bones, etc..) and ultimately, make it a lot harder for you to cut fat. If you look at all the guys that have low body fat on this board and are active, I can bet they are all 2500+ . You gotta fuel your body with calories to burn fat because if you don't, it will catabolize your lbm for energy. I am 5'11 at 192 and 10% body fat and I eat 2700-3000 calories to cut fat. Also, it is extremely difficult to gain new muscle on a calorie deficit... so that is why there are bulk phases and cut phases.
  • AngryDiet
    AngryDiet Posts: 1,349 Member
    If it were me I'd up my calories to around 1700, eat more protein, and lift some weights. :)

    That would give you about a 1 lb a week deficit, which is aggressive, and so for 2 kg would be about 5 weeks. Two months to be conservative.

    Actually, if it were really me, I'd start eating at a surplus and hit the weights hard, come to think of it.