That 'Holy Crap' Moment



  • karabff
    karabff Posts: 98
    You can do this!! The next "Holy Crap" moment will be when you reach your goal weight!
  • amydee714
    amydee714 Posts: 232 Member
    Please add me as a Friend. I have been right where you are, and soon you will be right where I am.

    SW: 350
    CW: 257
    GW: 150

    With Support and Lifestyle changes you can make it happen.
  • quiltingducky
    quiltingducky Posts: 103 Member
    I had my HOLY CRAP moment the last week of August this year after not getting on a scale in over a year and a half. I weighed in at my highest ever and that was it. I started the day after getting on the scale and it's been 40-plus days for me and I am down 15 lbs and it has been easier than I could have ever thought so far. I have made some great encouraging friends here and been keeping the diary 98% of the time, save for 1 day when I didn't feel like logging (just was having a blah day). Everything in moderation is mostly my motto, except for a few trigger foods. I even eat ice cream from time to time!! I have learned that for me right now pizza is off limits and veggie burgers take the place of beef hamburgers. The calories are so NOT worth it for me right now.

    Read through the forums and then read some more. There's a lot of good advice throughout the site. Good luck to you!
  • AmberJo1984
    AmberJo1984 Posts: 1,067 Member
    I can definitely understand that "Holy Crap" moment. Mine was when I weighed 306 -- my largest ever. I was recently on my way back to the number, and decided to turn back around again. I'm a month into this journey, and have lost 12 pounds / 36 pounds since that first "holy crap" moment.

    Good luck to you. I know you can do this.
  • CTCMom2009
    CTCMom2009 Posts: 263 Member
    My moment was just some random night looking at myself in the mirror and thinking 'How is my boyfriend possibly attracted to this? I'm not even attracted to this! and then 'I need to do something about this for myself and for my little boy.'

    I had had a son 7 months earlier and was bigger than I had ever been before, 208 lbs... I'm now at 168 by being negligent all summer after bottoming out at 152.

    I am finally getting back on track with MFP and I also use a Fitbit pedometer... I want to be around for my son!
  • yorkiemom0820
    yorkiemom0820 Posts: 71 Member
    MY "holy crap" moment was when I went to a friend Bridal Shower and they were taking pics! They took my picture sitting on the couch and omg I couldn't believe that I looked so bad!!!!!!!! :blushing: :blushing: : My stomach looked like I had swallowed a pumpkin!!!!!! :sad: The next day I joined this group and I have lost 14 pds so far! :smile: It has just been over a month. I lost over 100pds back in my 30's by lowering my food intake and walking everyday. I use to walk 5 miles everyday!!!!! I gained it all back plus some due to caring for my family with health issues and let myself go! Today I am 53 yrs. old and I have a lot of health issues, but I am trying to change some of them.I am so glad joined this group and love to read every ones comments! Good luck to you and add me as a friend if you like!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • Seriously it is great to meet so many people and hear stories similar to mine. I have friends that are tiny and complain about eating a tic tac and gaining an ounce. That isn't real. All of your journey's are awesome and I can't wait to share more of mine!
  • LiliWray
    LiliWray Posts: 101 Member
    I had three of them:

    1. Size 26 jeans were almost tight.
    2. I went to the doctor and weighed 312 pounds.
    3. Seeing pictures of myself. Yuck.

    11.5 weeks and minus 29 pounds later, I feel great, and I'm thankful for the HOLY CRAP moments because it pushed me to get a grip on my health. It's still definitely a work in progress, but it's going just swell :)
  • I had three of them:

    1. Size 26 jeans were almost tight.
    2. I went to the doctor and weighed 312 pounds.
    3. Seeing pictures of myself. Yuck.

    11.5 weeks and minus 29 pounds later, I feel great, and I'm thankful for the HOLY CRAP moments because it pushed me to get a grip on my health. It's still definitely a work in progress, but it's going just swell :)

    Awesome! I can't wait to get down that road.
  • LiliWray
    LiliWray Posts: 101 Member
    I had three of them:

    1. Size 26 jeans were almost tight.
    2. I went to the doctor and weighed 312 pounds.
    3. Seeing pictures of myself. Yuck.

    11.5 weeks and minus 29 pounds later, I feel great, and I'm thankful for the HOLY CRAP moments because it pushed me to get a grip on my health. It's still definitely a work in progress, but it's going just swell :)

    Awesome! I can't wait to get down that road.

    It's an awesome road. You'll love it when you get there, and you WILL :)
  • moreORless50
    moreORless50 Posts: 261 Member
    welcome to MFP my holy crap moment was when on holiday and seeing myself in a full mirror wow i had grown so large then i weighed myself when i got home and wow i had got so heavy

    sw 182 Ibs
    cw 165 Ibs
    gw 140 Ibs
  • Mine was February 7, 2012 and the doctor gave me a prescription for high blood pressure pills, holy crap something got to change. I had never taken pills before.
  • paulywoo
    paulywoo Posts: 169 Member
    Mine was buying a new shirt for work and having to get a size 24. I didn't see a size 24 in the mirror as I was in denial but there was no arguing with the labels in clothes. That was in January but now I'm a size 14 and feel like a different person. Good luck in your journey and add me if you would like any extra support. :flowerforyou:
  • strawberrytoast
    strawberrytoast Posts: 711 Member
    Well done for deciding to make the change

    One good thing in your favour right now is the biggar you are the quicker you usually lose weight to begin with so you should notice results quickly, hopefully :)
  • Congrats on taking that very important first step! My HCM was when I reliazed that my size 28 jeans were getting tight, and Lane Bryant doesn't carry jeans bigger than that. I was faced with the thought that I may have to stop wearing jeans. I didn't want to become "one of thsoe people", but had to face that I was already there. At 41 years old, I FINALLY decided that I didn't want to live the next 40 years as unhealthy as my last.

    This site has been great! First, it gave me an awareness of what I'm actually putting in my body. I was able to see how horrible some of my choices were, and I've learned to make better ones. I'm getting better every day. It's also a great reminder of how important exercise is, and to see immedaitely the impact a good workout has on your daily activities is great!

    I started this journey at 370 pounds (and possible more, since I refused to step on a scale for YEARS). In just under three months, I'm down 25 pounds and that much closer to my goal weight. Even when it gets tough, remember what brought you here today. Never lose track of your "whys". You got this!
  • You can do it girl! You already took the first step and areon your way now :) I love mfp so many ppl are so supportive!!! You go girl!
  • laurallynn
    laurallynn Posts: 7 Member
    My moment was when I went to the orthopedic doctor about my knee and ankle pain an he told me that I NEED to lose weight. To drive his point home, he placed his hand on my head and pushed down. He told me that as much pressure he was applying to my head, my joints felt the same way when I stood up. I was a tad red faced, never went back to him, but I decided to change my eating habits and lose some weight.
  • kelseylou
    kelseylou Posts: 44 Member
    My "Holy Crap" moment was when I stepped on the scale at 293 pounds. And my size 24 pants were getting tighter. I decided if I was going to buy new clothes, they were going to be smaller NOT larger. Also, the pictures from my wedding. I told myself that if I get to my goal weight next year like I intend to, we will renew our vows around our 2nd anniversary and have new pictures taken.

    If you ever need any motivation, support, or a virtual shoulder to cry on - I'm here!
  • RLDeShazo
    RLDeShazo Posts: 356 Member
    I had my "Holy Crap" moment about 6 months after I got separated. I was starting to date, and it hit me that eventually, someone would want to see me naked. I didn't want ANYONE to see me the way I was. A friend of mine was using this, so I joined. 5 months later, and 40 pounds lighter, I am still a little worried about being seen naked, but I feel so much better about it. (and he doesn't seem to mind):smokin:
  • BogQueen1
    BogQueen1 Posts: 320 Member
    My scale flickers around to a lot of numbers before settling on the one it decides I weigh. When I lost weight a long time ago, I promised myself I would never get back above 300. I had gone above 300. But it wasn't really sinking in until the day those flickering numbers included 330. A full 10% above where I had promised myself I would never be again. Yikes. I started Atkin's the next day. But that only worked for a week. I got frustrated. I kept hinting around to myself there was something better. A way of eating I could sustain. I typed a paper about it honestly. But I just couldn't get over that hurdle and lose any weight. Stuck stuck stuck and the scale creeping up, that stationary number getting closer and closer to 330....

    Then a co-worker introduced me to MFP. =)