Which piece of equipment do you prefer



  • AnnACnd
    AnnACnd Posts: 72 Member
    Treadmill for sure!
  • fitQueenbeast
    Love my elliptical and it is one of the BEST investments I made this year. It's a cardio-core elliptical that works the core in addition to the other benefits of using an elliptical. Wouldn't trade this thing for anything else!
  • hrouns
    hrouns Posts: 9
    I would get an elliptical! One with the moving handles too. I'm always on the elliptical at the gym, it's my favorite machine!
  • MayFartDuringSquats
    A gym.
    that is not a option for me at this time.. if it was I would not be looking to purchase equipment of my own.

    What sort of space and budget are we talking here ?
    And what are your goals ?

    The power racks, barbell and plates are great but take up a lot of space (and will pizz your neighbors off too, so you''l need a platform as well). It will cost $$$$ Elieko is friggen expensive too and probably a complete waste of money for someone on a budget who is not competitive and does not need to have zero bounce with 0.000001gm tolerance (if you don't know what I'm talking about, then you don't need it).. Go with hi-temp and if no snatches, cleans or jerks are going to be done, then go with steel. (juts put your deadlifts back down - don't drop).
    Same as the bowflex etc - no idea how good it is but I suspect it is expensive.

    For less than $100 you could go kettlebells (get two so you can do both one arm and two arm stuff). It depends on how much weight you want to use.

    Simply getting an "olympic bench" will be worthless too because I don't ever recall there being a bench used in the Olympics, so I don't know what that is, but without any other useful pieces of equipment to go with it, a bench is simply a chair or a step.

    You can find all sorts of cheap stuff on craigslist.
    But even cheaper is going for a run and stopping at a playground. There you can do dips, swings, pullups, situps, pushups (decline incline) all that stuff for free ... and if you run too, you'll bump your heartrate up. A jump ropre is also cheap and very useful.

    It really depends on your goal. Strength or conditioning or both?

    I believe the original topic was centered around your preference or "if", not necessarily reality. Not a single thing in your last topic helps me with my goals, so yes goals are important. "If" I had the room for the home gym I wanted and the money to invest in one that's what I would buy. Don't be a douche'.

    Only one of us is trying to help here. And when did I ever become concerned with your goals.
    Thanks for the words of encouragement.
    God bless you.

    Clearly the "if" is reality too.
  • RealWomenLovePitbulls
    elliptical, i have a small one, it's nice, fairly small and has wheels so that i can move it up against the wall when i'm not using it
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    A squat rack that also comes with a bench and a barbell and plates. LOL. It counts as one piece of equipment!
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    $300 won't get you a decent rowing machine (which would be my choice of machine-type cardio as well).

    I'd go for like a set of BBs and DBs, which is about $300 most places. Here's why:

    - No matter which cardio machine you pick, if you do the same thing every day, you could get overuse problems. With weights, there's a huge variety of movements you can choose from, no matter what you have (or develop). (If you could afford TWO machines, plus weights, I'd be like, yeah, rower & probably bike. And then - not a machine - just stairs, that a lot of buildings have. Not nec yours :) )

    - You can work lighter weights into calisthenic movements to get more of a cardio workout, or lift heavier, to lose fat & gain muscle.

    - Non-impact weight-bearing activity is good for bones. The only impact on offer by machines is running (treadmill), and that's not great (or quickly becomes not great) for a lot of people.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    For only $300 I'd go with a set of adjustable DBs and a bench. Can do just about any exercise with DBs when it comes down to it. You'll max out fast on squat and DL but it's a good start.
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    A power rack. So long as it has a decent pin layout, there's nothing more you need, other than the barbell and plates to go with it. All other weight training equipment is just fluff.
  • itsbakertime
    itsbakertime Posts: 85 Member
    The elliptical is the only machine that doesn't kill me. It seems like I'm on it forever...but I stay on!
  • trimom10
    trimom10 Posts: 388 Member
    Elliptical. I wouldn't know what to do with many free weight things that others have mentioned.
  • midschool22
    midschool22 Posts: 1,267 Member
    Road bike.
  • midmomike2
    As much as I hate them, a treadmill (aka dreadmill). Takes away any excuse for not running (weather, gyms too far, something on tv wanting to see,etc.)
  • Sarah_Wins
    Sarah_Wins Posts: 936 Member
    That huge, long rod-shaped thing you put these big, gray plate thingies on until it's super heavy, then you pick it up and put it back down. Yeah, that one.