That 'Holy Crap' Moment



  • I NEVER, EVER weight myself. I'm too afraid. I just slowly watch my body appear bigger and bigger. But my HOLY CRAP moment was when I had to go to the doctors for a check up. I slowly stepped on that scale, fear and doubt clowding my mind....BAM 250. I could just chuckle, I was too embarrassed to cry. So for a few months after that the tears decided to crash down almost every night. I had to join this website for a course I'm taking but I'm really excited and it's helping my determination. I really hope I can do it. I just want to loose an hundred pounds. I know that's difficult and it's going to take time but I pray I can do it. So my next holy crap moment won't result in tears of sadness.
  • JennKie1
    JennKie1 Posts: 200 Member
    I think we all have that "Holy Crap" moment. I was in such denial that I would look at myself in pictures and wonder how come it looked like I had a double chin in all of them. Why would that be when I don't have a double chin.....??? (Deny, deny, deny). For some reason I decided to buy a home workout system that I saw on an infomercial. When it arrived, I took my own "before" photos. That was the real "Holy Crap" moment for me. My own photos made me cry. :sad: I could not believe what I had done to myself. It's crazy because since it's so gradual, you don't really notice. Just a pound or two here or there, just one size bigger, no big deal, right? Ugh. I definitely feel your pain. Congratulations on heading in the right direction! :happy:
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    Yup, know the feeling, one day you step on the scale and almost get knocked cold over by the number!

    This happened to me. I was 234 the day I went into labor with my older daughter (now almost 4). Back about 8 or 9 months ago now, I got on the scale at my mom's house and I was 228. I was blown away that I was nearly to my pregnancy weight.
  • 2012asv
    2012asv Posts: 702 Member
    When a particular sweatshirt I used to wear often became snug all of a sudden... then I noticed that my closet started filling up with larges. I realized I needed to fix this before it got worse.
  • Seriously it is great to meet so many people and hear stories similar to mine. I have friends that are tiny and complain about eating a tic tac and gaining an ounce. That isn't real. All of your journey's are awesome and I can't wait to share more of mine!

    It IS such a relief to see people who face the SAME feelings as mine. I thought I was the only one who felt so trapped and helpless. I really appreciate everyone on this website and wants to be friends with all of you! :D
  • mnmarie
    mnmarie Posts: 11
    My moment was when I realized I was terrified of getting my picture taken. My heart shouldn't start racing when I see that I've been tagged in Facebook photos. Talk about depressing. I can't wait until I see a full body photo of myself that I actually like!

    You can do this! Feel free to add me.
  • nomicat77
    nomicat77 Posts: 132 Member
    For me it was pictures. I hate pictures. :-(

    me too:( ...don't worry we will love our pictures again, in fact i have made it my goal to have a nude photo session by my 36th birthday. That's my love my pictures again.
  • xxempress
    xxempress Posts: 122
    Last year
    Operator at the carnival told me its a no-go sistah, get off the ride. Damn you hips!
  • Here's to the 'Holy Crap' moments that cause us to change not only our look but our outlooks on life. I'm game for many more friends on MFP, so feel free to add me. The key to this is that you can't do it on your own.
  • Juliet321
    Juliet321 Posts: 6 Member
    It was the shortness of breath, scale, pictures and clothes that gave me many of those crappy moments :(

    Don't lose your determination! It's so nice to read comments of encouragement and success stories on here. I hope everyone here remembes the family, friends and strangers who gave us the support we needed to accomplish our goals. It's a beautiful thing, a true testimony that there are positive places (environments) in this world :)

    Rooting for everyone!!
  • jacquelyn_erika
    jacquelyn_erika Posts: 524 Member
    Seeing myself in pictures. I don't like being in them anyway, but at nearly 200 pounds it was extremely upsetting to see myself so out of shape and heavy. Now, at 65+ lost, I still see myself as that 200 pound girl sometimes so I try to stray away from having my picture taken at all. I hate the camera.
  • Aeriesified
    Aeriesified Posts: 206 Member
    I'm a bridesmaid. A few weeks ago, I went to a bridal expo with the other bridesmaids and the bride, and because it was such a beautiful autumn day and the venue had a balcony overlooking the river valley, we decided to take some pictures. I thought I looked good, and I ended up letting a random person take pictures of us on my phone.

    Then I looked at the pictures and nearly cried. I looked so massive compared to them.

    The other bridesmaids are asking about the pictures, and I don't know what to tell them. I don't dare share them because I'm afraid of them going up on Facebook.

    We're not gonna have that problem at the wedding. Hell. No.
  • I think my oh crap moment was when my husband asked me what happened and why i let myself go...OUCH
  • PaprikaPrincess
    PaprikaPrincess Posts: 89 Member
    Pictures! I hardly recognize myself in photos.
  • kpnive
    kpnive Posts: 64 Member
    My holy crap moment, was a picture from a babyshower i went to and another picture that my husband took of my profile. I broke down crying. I've NEVER been this heavy before. In my early 20's my heaviest was 205.

    Jan - SW: 225
    OCt - CW: 192
    GW: 150 (i'd take 160).

    The thing is me at that 205 in my 20's, I looked heavier there than I did at 205 now! that is a good 10 years but then again, I have never been this active either.

    My positive holy crap moment: Hubby and i went out to eat for his birthday in April and I had these pair of jeans on that were stretchy - I sat down and RIP went the thigh in these jeans. We went to Old navy and I was dreading getting a size 18 and I said I've been working hard, so let's try 16's and HOLY CRAP - they fit - made me feel so good!

    Good luck to you all. Don't forget to use these "holy crap" moments as the motivation to light the fire under our *kitten*!
  • AliciaStinger
    AliciaStinger Posts: 402 Member
    Welcome to MPF. Sorry about your 'holy crap' moment - but at the same time, congratulations! One year from now - maybe even less - you will look back on that moment and be pleasantly surprised at your progress! My "holy crap" moment was when I looked so big in XL shirts that I refused to go shopping anymore! I'm down about 25 pounds...had been down 35, but unfortunately I also have a little willpower issue with sweet/high-carb foods. If you need support, we're all here for you! Good luck!
  • gauchogirl
    gauchogirl Posts: 467 Member
    I didn't have a moment like that. My husband and I worked together and ate lunch together every day. He was moved to a different work location in town that made it so we couldn't lunch together anymore. The first day he was at the new location I went to the closest gym on my lunch hour and joined. Now I go every day instead of out to lunch. That was all it took, that change in routine. We get into such routines (I think it's why many of us are overweight) and sometimes just one small change can lead to many, many more.
  • AliciaStinger
    AliciaStinger Posts: 402 Member
    Then I looked at the pictures and nearly cried. I looked so massive compared to them.

    I went out last weekend and had a similar experience. I was out with a group of girls...four of them were really thin and the other two were also thin. I'm not THAT BIG - but when I saw the pictures, I looked twice the size of the smallest girl, and I'm about 40 pounds heavier than the second heaviest person in the group. It was really disappointing. I hope you're where you want to be in time for the wedding!
  • Louie1956
    Louie1956 Posts: 25 Member
    pruduegurl - - This is an awesome website. Take time to learn it and work it!! I have tried EVERY program out there for all of my 74 years and MyFitnessPal TRULY covers it all. Even at this point in life I want to feel good - stay heathy - play on the floor my GREAT grandboys and hear people say "WOW you certainly don't look 74 years old!!!" I have a lovely home - a husband of 55 years and we still love each other - wonderful family and many long time friends. These are MORE than enough reasons to work this program and succeed.
    Take one day at a time - or only a half day if that is all you can handle. Sending you a huge hug and wishing you success. Please post as I will be watching as you take control!!!!
  • Mine was when I saw a pattern of "Oh my God, I can't believe I weight x lbs! I'll definitely not let myself go over this." starting at 140 lbs... to 212 lbs, when I started my journey. Also, even looking at old pictures wouldn't work for me. You know that denial they talk about with hair growth? How you can't tell how much it really has grown because you see yourself every day? Yeah, that was me. I'd look at pictures at 150-160 lbs and thought I looked the same, maybe a LITTLE bit different. But it was a whooping 50 lbs over!!! Lol.