NO, I'm not pregnant, but thanks for asking!



  • vabchloser
    vabchloser Posts: 223 Member
    Today I got a real kick in the pants when a guy at work asked me if I'm pregnant. I responded with, "No, I'm not pregnant and are you trying to get me to punch you in the face?" Not very professional, but its what came out. Anyway, I suppose its kind of a mixed blessing b/c it gave me the opportunity to step back and see how far off track I've gotten and the resolve to re-calibrate and move forward. Still, it wasn't very fun though. :embarassed:
    People are so freaking rude. Ridiculous.
  • LuridDreamer
    LuridDreamer Posts: 10 Member
    LuridDreamer-where do you live? I would have killed for that response when I was pregnant. Around here no one gives up a seat unless it's at gun point. I can't tell you how uncomfortable I was stand up on on 30 minute bus ride at 7 months pregnant. Thank goodness it wasn't longer!

    But I hate it when people ask. Even when I WAS pregnant I didn't appreciate it, though it was rare. At least most folks who know me know better than to ask stupid questions. Strangers rarely talk to me, thank goodness. One of my former friends use to get this question a lot, though, due to the way she carries her weight. It totally sucks.

    I'm in Ottawa, Canada. People are usually pretty good about offering up their seats, and if they don't, the bus driver will intervene. Admittedly I've made the occasional snarky remark when I see someone standing who should be in priority seating and yet no one offers up a seat (i.e. "Seriously? No one can offer their seat to a 3 year old on a packed bus? Talk about shameless..."). It really grinds my gears, though I have a thing for bus etiquette!
  • brendant1
    brendant1 Posts: 17 Member
    this poor lady was asked for a medical certificate as she was boarding her flight as if pregnant you need one to fly. She had been offered $100 by Jestar as an apology
  • GeliPearl401
    I had on a maxi dress once, which was in style at the time. I went to a baby shower and was asked by another guest who was a complete stranger, "what? are you pregnant too???"

    i felt so humiliated. The maxi dress was really long and it was a jersey material, heavy and drapey looking. I'm short so it probably wasn't the best choice but it WAS the style for that summer. I have an hour glass with a PERMANENT TIRE on my lower half so I can see why the dress made me look pregnant but serious? He had no business asking me what he asked, and in that tone.

    I wanted to jump off a bridge.
  • lostinthe619
    First job I had out of high school was working security at Comic Con, myself and another rover were doing rounds on the floor during vendor load in and this clown approached a woman, placed her hands on her stomach and asked when she was due...


    If there were any way to make someone spontaneously combust, I'm sure she was focusing her mind on making him explode.
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    Thats why I never ask if anyone is pregnant anymore, even when I think they have an obvious pregnant belly... NOPE I am not going to say anything in case I offend them!
  • MissSusieQ
    MissSusieQ Posts: 533 Member
    unless someone is actively in labour, you don't ask. and even then, you'll probably get a punch in the face for your troubles, because at that point the situation changes to 'of course i'm f***ing pregnant, can't you see the HEAD coming out of me???'

    i've had it happen a few times - the first was a patient, a really nice old guy who commented that he knew of another girl who was my shape, and followed it up with 'she's about 23 weeks'. i just said 'oh, i'm not pregnant' and he immediately went into apologetic morto mode! i told him not to worry about it, but to watch out for me at 8pm when i came by with his needle.

    the second, which i considered much ruder, was a colleague. we were talking about a bunch of girls at work who were pregnant at the same time, and she turned and asked me if i was pregnant too. at the time i was well aware i had a fat, sort of sticky-outy belly, and hey, we were talking about other pregnant people, so i just straight-out replied 'no, i'm just fat' and sort of laughed it off. would have ended there, with my pride slightly dented but no harm, but she didn't believe me!!