Handing out the sweet stuff this Halloween?



  • cmwhited6204
    cmwhited6204 Posts: 210 Member
    I think you misunderstand the true meaning of Halloween. It is not about the candy. Yes, they enjoy the candy but in 10 years they remember the fun of dressing up and running around with their friends. But believe me if you choose to be the house that gives out something that you deem to be a better choice: they will remember you and not in a good way.

    My kids are 13 and it is the funniest thing to watch on Halloween night as their friends trade candy between themselves. Most of it gets thrown out or we take it to the dentist who pays kids to turn it in and they send it to the troops. Personally I do not take the money but kids remember the thought and fun.

    Now it you lived on our cul-de-sac, we also have adult beverage for the adults who walk around and that is what we remeber each year. There is nothing like getting shots of stuff as you walk the neighborhood. So sad I do not have to walk our kids anymore for that reason.
  • skinnylion
    Set out a bucket of cheap Halloween toys on your doorstep, like plastic spider rings and vampire teeth, that kind of thing. That might make you feel better about not giving kids unhealthy stuff? But they would still feel like they got a "treat".
  • mrswarrick
    mrswarrick Posts: 20 Member
    CANDY!!!!! If you are wanting to not have temptation in your house buy a 'good' candy that you don't like. One of my neighbors gives out full size candy bars!!!!! She is the best house to go to on Halloween b/c you know you aren't getting Mary Janes- yuck!

    I enjoy seeing all the costumes and giving out the candy. I hate it when they don't speak- kids better open your mouths before you open your bags at my house. I make them say trick or treat. Good kids get 2 pieces. I don't let them reach in my bucket and pick- I pick. But it's fun.

    If you have a party to go to and you're not home....I don't see why your house would get egged. :)
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    we buy the good stuff (chocolate, none of that crappy peanut taffy lol) and hand it all out before and after we take our kids trick or treating. theyre still young (5&6) and love seeing just how much candy they can get each year. they get one day to eat candy, then if theres any left (and there always is) i pick through and keep what i want, hubby takes the rest to work to share with the work buddies.
    halloween is once a year, and like another poster said - its up to the kids parents to control their kids candy consumption, not yours. we've been doing trick or treating since my kids could walk, and theres never been a need for extra trips to the dentist, just their 6 month cleanings and everything is perfect
  • xxloveiswarr
    The kids are in for a treat when they knock on my door they are all getting one grape each.

    Haha! Love it!
  • DoingitWell
    DoingitWell Posts: 560 Member
    The kids are in for a treat when they knock on my door they are all getting one grape each.

    Too Funny!
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Now it you lived on our cul-de-sac, we also have adult beverage for the adults who walk around and that is what we remeber each year. There is nothing like getting shots of stuff as you walk the neighborhood. So sad I do not have to walk our kids anymore for that reason.

  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    One year my mother-in-law gave out Beanie Babies. O.o She has been VERY popular ever since.

    Little fun-sized packets of pretzels are not quite as awesome as candy, but generally pretty well received. (Plus the leftover packets will be portion-controlled and easier for you to regulate your own consumption.
  • Linbo93
    Linbo93 Posts: 229 Member
    I think another question the OP had that has yet to be addressed is how to avoid temptation if she does hand out candy. I'd agree with the above posters...let the parents do the policing. But if you're going to give out candy and you can't pick something you won't snack on, then I'd suggest getting a treat for yourself for the evening that you have in lieu of the halloween candy.

    For me, whenever I see the fun size bags of candy, i instantly want them in my belly. But I can't control myself with a bag of fun size candy bars. So, I'll buy myself an actual candy bar. Its still 200+ calories, but there is a guarenteed end to that candy, where as with a fun size bag I'd be doomed!! I can plan around the bar and know it wont spiral out of control.

    Perhaps you buy candy for the kiddo's and a candy bar of your favorite for yourself? You still get candy, they still get candy....win win! Just make sure that every last one gets handed out!!

    Good luck!
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    or simply turn off your porch light and problem solved.. least that worked for us when we were young.

    It's not just candy kids like, they like cool stuff too, someone suggested Oriental Trading, now that is some fun stuff to pick from! They'll already be getting tons of candy, so passing out something that will last and be unique is another option.

    But if you're not into the door bell ringing while movie watching, just don't turn the porch light on. That should do that trick.:tongue:
  • HMToomey
    HMToomey Posts: 276
    Little bags of multi-pack pretzels or chips or gold fish. Kids love them! I give the option here, candy or chips or pretzels the older kids want the chips and pretzels over the fun size candy! :smile:
  • crimsoncat
    crimsoncat Posts: 457 Member
    Don't be that person. Don't be the *kitten* who hands out carrot sticks and string cheese. Hand out candy. It's for kids. It's the one day a year they get to do it.

    Heck if you really wanna make a good impression buy a ton of full size candy bars and hand those out.

    Amen to this. I hated chips, popcorn, pretzels and goldfish. Give me sugar any day.

    OR, the better option: Hand out juice boxes for the kids and liquor for the parents (with ID)! There is a lady down the street from me that does this every year. By the time we got to her house we were so thirsty and it was actually nice to get a drink. My dad only volunteered to take us out because of this lady.

    The way I got around temptation last year, I handed out candy I hate. I dislike tootsie rolls, and toostie pops. I still ate one of them, but that was all I could stand.
  • xxloveiswarr
    Thanks guys! Lots of good ideas. Definitely not doing candy though. Money, Play-Doh, novelty stuff sounds good to me. Not worried about getting TP'd or egged. Nor am I concerned with being 'that lady', considering odds are we'll only be here another year or two.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    we keep a bucket of rocks for the older kids...
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    Im going to hand out Celery and Peanut butter
  • lukeevans85
    lukeevans85 Posts: 108 Member
    Don't be that person. Don't be the *kitten* who hands out carrot sticks and string cheese. Hand out candy. It's for kids. It's the one day a year they get to do it.

    Heck if you really wanna make a good impression buy a ton of full size candy bars and hand those out.

    I would totally shovel the sidewalk (once, let's not go crazy) for the person that gave out full sized candy.

    I hear tales of an area near here that gives out full sized candy and gift cards...yes gift cards. It is a super rich part of town...and I fully intend on going there this year with my children. They can have the candy...I'll take the gift cards.

    Hmmm..maybe there will be liquor.
  • skinnybitchbarbie27
    skinnybitchbarbie27 Posts: 306 Member
    We live in a sad world where we have to toss out all fruit that is handed out. There was a bit of an epidemic one year where a woman was handing out apples that feared to have made people sick. A lot of parents will not allow their children to keep much fruit from someone's house, I have seen it myself.

    My hand outs this year is going to be mini boxes of goldfish (of many flavors to choose) and capri sun. I know they aren't the best but I do not want to have that temptation of chocolate laying around :)
  • crimsoncat
    crimsoncat Posts: 457 Member
    Thanks guys! Lots of good ideas. Definitely not doing candy though. Money, Play-Doh, novelty stuff sounds good to me. Not worried about getting TP'd or egged. Nor am I concerned with being 'that lady', considering odds are we'll only be here another year or two.

    I will say, I would take a 50 cents to a dollar for halloween any day. That'd be perfect if you live near a candy store where the kids could just go buy their own.
  • SammyPacks
    SammyPacks Posts: 697 Member
    We'll have a bucket of the good stuck. Chocolate. Snicker, Hershey, Reese's ....
    And if Paranorman is on Blue ray by the 31st we'll be showing that in our driveway while the kids are trick or treating.

    I'd come to your house and stay there till it's done.
  • Prettylittlelotus
    Prettylittlelotus Posts: 239 Member
    If you put razor blades in the candy the kids will be dead long before the sugar does them any harm. Problem solved.

    I laughed out loud.