Advice needed, from a very worried Mom! please help?



  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    Something sounds odd to me. Maybe I don't understand because I'm from another country but surely parents know the whereabouts of the adult children regardless of their profession.

    Sorry OP but your only option seems to be ring the police. They will find him.
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    Is NikkNak85 back?

    If not, something/ someone very similar. :huh:

    Seems a bit strange to not have any information. If he is security and everything is supposed to be kept secret, you are risking blowing his cover by asking for advice on the internet. Why not just call local authorities.

    Or if eldest son is in a similar line of work...ask him what protocol is.
  • jacquirich
    jacquirich Posts: 105 Member
    My father worked in a similar business in the UK and used to disappear for months at an end, has he never given you a secure number to contact (with password) . Normally they give out no information just tell you he is safe
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    Thank you so much for all your advice, and I do have his DOB and insurance number and bank account details!!

    So am going to phone police tomorrow and give them all these details that I never thought has given me something to cling onto for today!

    Thank you so much for your advice xx

    All UK police can be contacted by dialling the national 101 number. The operator will be best placed to know whether you need to speak to West Midlands or Greater Manchester Police. You can even call them this evening to get the ball rolling - at least then you will know what they can or can't do to help.

    Hopefully it's just a case of your son being young, foolish and a bit thoughtless but better to put your mind at rest.

    Will be thinking of you.
  • wwmorrow
    wwmorrow Posts: 118 Member
    I guess this is a dumb question, but how can you not know where he works or any way to contact him in case of an emergency?
  • rompers16
    rompers16 Posts: 5,404 Member
    Wondering why you would wait until tomorrow to call?
  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    If he has three cell numbers, then the bills have to go somewhere. Give the numbers to the police--even if the provider won't give you a billing address for him, they would give it to the police and that should give them a start, leading them to his home or work.

    You should post pictures on the social networking sites you've joined that way people will know if they've seen him or not.
  • Blessedbythebest1
    Blessedbythebest1 Posts: 971 Member
    Why not call now?? I wouldn't wait at all!

    My sentiments 911 NOW!
  • cindyhoney2
    cindyhoney2 Posts: 603 Member

    THIS!! Please .. set up a Facebook page with a picture of him and his full name and start posting everywhere .. and getting your friends to post as well!

    If you must .. hire a private detective to hunt and search for him some how. Use the local police .. try and find him!!! ASAP!!

    My thoughts are with you.. I hope you find him soon!!!! :heart:

    This since you don't know any of the other info. I'd be terrified as I'm sure you are. I wish you the best, hugs
  • cgarand
    cgarand Posts: 541 Member
    Please, call the police if you haven't already. Have you spoken with his girlfriend? Let us know when you hear from him!
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    Why not call now?? I wouldn't wait at all!

    My sentiments 911 NOW!

    Please don't call an emergency number (which would be 999 in the UK) and call 101 instead. You will get to speak to the right people faster and won't be blocking a call from someone phoning with a life or death situation. (this message is for other people rather than the OP - I've worked with the UK emergency services and people using 999 unnecessarily is one of the biggest problems we have as it stops people in real need getting responded to quickly).
  • katy84o
    katy84o Posts: 744 Member
    Do you know the girlfriend? Try to contact her? Good Luck
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    Is NikkNak85 back?

    If not, something/ someone very similar. :huh:

    Seems a bit strange to not have any information. If he is security and everything is supposed to be kept secret, you are risking blowing his cover by asking for advice on the internet. Why not just call local authorities.

    Or if eldest son is in a similar line of work...ask him what protocol is.

    I don`t know who niknak is...but I am so grateful for all the people that have give me suggestions which I am going to look into tomorrow with the police...I am so sorry if nik nak has made you think that this is a thread that isn`t real!

    But trust me I am taking on board every suggestion
  • It_never_ends
    It_never_ends Posts: 105 Member
    Wait why are you waiting to call tomorrow? You don't know what happened. You should call right now.
  • shellyhef1
    I would at least get the ball rolling. Even if there is nothing else you can do, at least call now to get things started. Listen to everybody who is trying to help you... DON'T WAIT!!!!!
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    Do you know the girlfriend? Try to contact her? Good Luck

    I don`t know who the g/f is :-(
  • katie070563
    Don't leave it any longer and call the police. They will be familiar with the security services, but also have the ability to check hospital admissions lists (especially important if he has been under a lot of stress and pressure). You need to stress to the police this is out of character for him, and the nature of his work. As the other friends on here have said....don't wait, do it now. Good luck and my thoughts are with you.
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    Thabnk you so much for all your help x

    it is 22.12 here...and if I phone the police now with a missing adult they are going to leave it while tomorrow.

    This gives me time to get all information, insurance papers, old bank account details, I still have his security badge photocopy on my computer, so I can get all this stuff prepared.

    I reallly hope to give you an update tomorrow telling you that I was being an over worried Mom x
  • rlw911
    rlw911 Posts: 475 Member
    CALL NOW. Why wait until tomorrow? I also work in a 911 center and the police make welfare checks all the time. Call your local police and they will help or call the police in the town where your son works. You're not being a silly, worried mom based on what you've said. Just call and get the ball rolling.

    I saw you posted while I was typing, but that doesn't change my reply. The police work 24/7. Call them.
  • Ali_TSO
    Ali_TSO Posts: 1,172 Member
    gOOD LUCK!