Staying full on a healthy diet



  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,721 Member
    hardboiled's very filling and nutritious. My dad lost a lot of weight by 'snacking' on hardboiled eggs and eating smaller protions of 'regular' food at mealtimes. Also drink more water or herbal tea......A tablespoon full of PB on some carrots or celery as a snack is also very filling. I find that eating high protein and some fat works well as filling snacks (just make sure you watch the total amount/cals and keep it at a snack portion.)

    I love hard boiled eggs. Very nutritious and filling snack.
  • yeshualovesme
    yeshualovesme Posts: 121 Member

    +++++I don't mean to offend you, and maybe I'm wrong, but it seems pretty clear from your post that you put the weight back on, so is eating a big pot of hot vegetable-flavored water really a sustainable plan? This sounds a lot like the "cabbage soup diet". I really enjoy the broth/tomato/cabbage/carrot/peas/green bean soup (my grandmother used to make it) once in a while but if you really need to fill your stomach up with something that has barely any nutritional relevance, aren't you just kind of nurturing an addiction to having your stomach full?+++++

    No - I put the weight back on due to thyroid issues and depression + stopped WW. The soup was AFTER I had filled my 22 points with other well rounded food choices but was still hungry, or if I knew I was going to an event (rare) like a wedding reception where the food choices were going to be more calorie dense. Still made my nutrients, but was able to fill up my stomach with yummy veggie soup if I was hungry instead of binging and going over points. Did that clarify?
  • Gramps251
    Gramps251 Posts: 738 Member

    The truth is, the more junk you eat, the more you'll want it instead of the good stuff.

    Actually that's not the truth. But thanks for playing! :smokin:

    Pretty sure it is the truth. I can't quote the science behind it, but when I cut out unhealthy carbs and fats... cookies, chips, all the delicious goodies that make us fat... I don't crave them anymore.

    Looks like coffeelover and I have more in common than coffee.

    When I eat something that is processed (sugar, flour) I get an urge to eat more of it in about an hour. If I replace that processed food with protein and reasonable fats I don't crave anything else.

    I don't think this is a universal thing that is shared by all people but that's the way it works for me.
  • rokarraker
    Go to Food Network and put in Ellie Krieger's name in the search. She is a nutritionist that had a show and she has tons on recipes listed where the calories have been reduced but not the taste.