
  • Those that are participating in this, what are you giving up?
    I'm giving up peanut butter. I have a sick obsession (no really, its sick) and feel I'm adding on an extra (average) 400 cals/day just eating spoonfuls out of the jar! Sadly, I do this all the time!
    2 TBS. = 190 cals.

    most likely you are lacking copper which is in beets and carrots.....just found this out..cause i have same problem.
    there is such a thing as no calorie no sugar peanut butter....WALDEN FARMS.$5 a jar saves you 50 lbs !
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    I sort of slipped up a little the other day when I had a little bit of butter on my toast but other than that I've had no dairy and I don't crave it. I'm totally fine with soy milk!

    Try avacado on toast...it's very tasty. Also, I'm a vegetarian and while I do eat dairy, I was a vegan for 3 years and I used Joy Soy Instead O' Butter (it's not that bad)...here's a link. It's about half way down the list.
  • I gave up Fast Food
  • Nikiki
    Nikiki Posts: 993
    I sort of slipped up a little the other day when I had a little bit of butter on my toast but other than that I've had no dairy and I don't crave it. I'm totally fine with soy milk!

    Try avacado on toast...it's very tasty. Also, I'm a vegetarian and while I do eat dairy, I was a vegan for 3 years and I used Joy Soy Instead O' Butter (it's not that bad)...here's a link. It's about half way down the list.

    :laugh: its not that bad? :laugh:
    I was vegetarian for a while (my mom was when I was growing up) and didnt find it all that hard to give up meat, and I've done the Daniel Fast a few times and again the meat wasnt the difficult part. Dairy was killer though, I craved cheese & chocolate milk so bad I actually had dreams about wanting it!
  • The last two lents I was in college and gave up two very very important things: Sweets one Lent and Caffeine the next one. Lets just say, the latter actually affected my grades. I swear I was going through Detox it was so painful, for a week!! But it was worth it in the end once I realized what I had been doing to myself! I gave up energy drinks and mountain dew for life and now stick to tea and coffee and only in moderation (2 cups of green tea a day with honey).

    This time I'm not taking away, but adding. I HAVE to be active and plan to go to the gym 6 days a week. If I don't make it to the gym (my free work gym is 30miles round trip, tough on weekends), I have to do something active. Worked last weekend, I ended up going to the dog park, washing my car, my big dogs, and a plane at the museum with my coworkers! So far so good!
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    I sort of slipped up a little the other day when I had a little bit of butter on my toast but other than that I've had no dairy and I don't crave it. I'm totally fine with soy milk!

    Try avacado on toast...it's very tasty. Also, I'm a vegetarian and while I do eat dairy, I was a vegan for 3 years and I used Joy Soy Instead O' Butter (it's not that bad)...here's a link. It's about half way down the list.

    :laugh: its not that bad? :laugh:
    I was vegetarian for a while (my mom was when I was growing up) and didnt find it all that hard to give up meat, and I've done the Daniel Fast a few times and again the meat wasnt the difficult part. Dairy was killer though, I craved cheese & chocolate milk so bad I actually had dreams about wanting it!

    That was one of my issues as well...I love milk and as much as I love soy milk I do sometimes crave cow juice (even though it's pretty gross) and butter. Avacado on toast may take some getting used to...I happen to enjoy it but most people you've tried it aren't as fond of it as I am.
  • Nikiki
    Nikiki Posts: 993
    That was one of my issues as well...I love milk and as much as I love soy milk I do sometimes crave cow juice (even though it's pretty gross) and butter. Avacado on toast may take some getting used to...I happen to enjoy it but most people you've tried it aren't as fond of it as I am.

    i love avocado, and use it instead of mayo on sandwiches all the time (best burger ever: teryake marinade + grilled pineapple + avocado= yummmmm) but I dont know that it would mix too well with the cinnamon & stevia I sprinkle on my toast :)

    *i'm pretty sure I spelled teryake wrong... you know what I mean :)
  • JABehler
    JABehler Posts: 82 Member
    I gave up processed sugars. Was a little envious when hubby had a big gorgeous cupcake! Also made the decision to see how many UFOs (unfinished objects) I can complete in the sewing room. That will hopefully keep the cravings at bay.
  • Nikiki
    Nikiki Posts: 993
    I gave up processed sugars. Was a little envious when hubby had a big gorgeous cupcake! Also made the decision to see how many UFOs (unfinished objects) I can complete in the sewing room. That will hopefully keep the cravings at bay.

    UFO's lol!!! I have one of those in my crochet basket... I'll send it to you!!
  • I also gave up cussing. I am doing pretty well so far, just a few slip ups. I am hoping it will lead to using cuss words less often even after lent.
  • i gave up facebook. :D

  • I gave up sodas and eating after 8pm...so far so good :bigsmile:
  • dujennifer
    dujennifer Posts: 162 Member
    ok i'm totally late but here goes:
    #1 I am giving up the snooze button I am an AWFUL snoozer, 5-6 times every morning, on the weekends I have all sorts of big plans to get things acomplished around the house and I snooze my alarm or shut it off an oversleep. I dont work out in the mornings because I snooze too many times. I will set ONE alarm and get up when it goes off!!!

    #2 I am giving up getting take out for brekfast/lunch. I wont be oversleeping so I'll have plenty of time to make breakfast and I dont care if i leave my lunch at home, I keep extra food in the office so I shouldnt have that excuse. I waste a horendous amount of money on Panera & Arbys & Chipotle and I have a beach vacation to save up for!

    hopefully between those two I can cut down on the extra money I spend, cut down on the extra calories I eat & workout more and get more acomplished at home.

    You are a genious. While I am a few days behind....I am going to give up both Coke and my snooze button too. It will lead me to making breakfast in the mornings and also working out just by getting up when I intend to.
  • Nikiki
    Nikiki Posts: 993
    i gave up facebook. :D


    yeah I'm with you, I dont think I could do it!!!
  • Nikiki
    Nikiki Posts: 993
    ok i'm totally late but here goes:
    #1 I am giving up the snooze button I am an AWFUL snoozer, 5-6 times every morning, on the weekends I have all sorts of big plans to get things acomplished around the house and I snooze my alarm or shut it off an oversleep. I dont work out in the mornings because I snooze too many times. I will set ONE alarm and get up when it goes off!!!

    #2 I am giving up getting take out for brekfast/lunch. I wont be oversleeping so I'll have plenty of time to make breakfast and I dont care if i leave my lunch at home, I keep extra food in the office so I shouldnt have that excuse. I waste a horendous amount of money on Panera & Arbys & Chipotle and I have a beach vacation to save up for!

    hopefully between those two I can cut down on the extra money I spend, cut down on the extra calories I eat & workout more and get more acomplished at home.

    You are a genious. While I am a few days behind....I am going to give up both Coke and my snooze button too. It will lead me to making breakfast in the mornings and also working out just by getting up when I intend to.

    yay another anti-snoozer! good luck with the coke i gave up all pop once for lent and didnt drink it for about a year! keep me posted on your snooze button :)
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    I'm not Catholic, and I'm a little late to this discussion - but I gave up soda and swearing. Doing great with the soda! The swearing... meh...
  • trishp1
    trishp1 Posts: 10 Member
    When we drink alcohol at home, we only drink red wine with dinner and once in awhile, a Bailey's irish cream after dinner. Giving it up was not as bad as I thought it would be however our pastas & meats don't taste as good. Maybe I'm not as good of a cook as I thought I was!! :laugh:
  • bennettv
    bennettv Posts: 152 Member
    Ok, can't believe I'm doing this...giving up the snooze button. Thanks for the great idea. I was raised Catholic, but have not been observant in many years. I also challenged my never-been-Catholic husband to give up the snooze...he's thinking it over.
  • I'm giving up gaining weight.........I'm also giving up chocolate candy and soda....I have an unhealthy obsession with soda....I'm not a big cake eater or chips eater so that's not a problem..
  • gemfox
    gemfox Posts: 107
    not Catholic, although was never brought up catholic and have ALWAYS done lent, mus blame grandparents!
    anyway I know im late to this thread but...I gave up chocolate and WHITE WHEAT FLOUR! seriously hard!!!! Its in EVERYTHING! bread, pasta, etc. My thoughts behind it was i know how bad white flour is it being bleached and stuff and im trying to only eat wholemeal at home anyway but man...eating out is TOUGH. went to Giraffe today - ordered a falafal burger with NO BREAD! sad sad day!
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