Amanda Todd. RIP.



  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    Thank you, Stacyhall, for posting the link for us to check out. It breaks your heart. She really did seem like a beautiful girl, and it is utterly tragic that a young girl was pressured by a stranger to expose herself at a young age, and then suffered nothing but hate ever after. How many mistakes have we all made at that time in our lives? Big, little, for whatever reason. Not being allowed to move on from them would have been awful, and would have been a waste of a lesson.

    Poor little girl, she could have been and done so much, and instead she is no longer here. What a waste and what an awful end to an awful period in her life. Hopefully all those involved learn a lesson, and it teaches others to be a little less cruel.

    Thank you for posting this thread. Amanda, you were a precious child, and deserved better. Wish we could have all told you this ourselves.

    Really well said, thanks for sharing that.
  • Rhia55
    Rhia55 Posts: 247
    Terrible. I was also bullied in school, but not nearly this badly. All because of Facebook... I really think that thing should be adult only.
  • ElementalEscapee
    ElementalEscapee Posts: 552 Member
    I feel sympathy for her. I also feel sympathy for all the other people all over the world who die every day from factors they can't control such as poverty and water shortages. For some reason a lot of people are crying over this one girl they don't even know, thinking they know her based on her videos/articles on her, but then those same people don't give two sh*ts about the kids elsewhere starving to death and everything else. This seems like just another bandwagon for white knights to leap upon, just like Kony 2012 or the whole Adalia Rose scene. Inb4"omgsocold-hearted".
  • Just watched the video :/ Poor girl. Can't believe people can do such things...
  • capriciousmoon
    capriciousmoon Posts: 1,263 Member
    However, I think that sending an exposed pic of her chest was careless on her part and her parents probably should have been a little more involved in what she was doing online, going in chat rooms and such.

    If she did it on webcam, she may not have considered that he would be able to get a picture from it. Some girls do those things because they think it will make people like them. I have a friend that went through a phase like that, she sent pics of herself in her underwear to my friend (now her boyfriend), the boy showed them to her mom. Even that only helped for a while.

    I wonder why they haven't done anything about people having a picture of an underage girl. They even had it up on facebook!
  • GypsysBloodRose26
    GypsysBloodRose26 Posts: 341 Member
    That is so sad. :-/
  • AimersBee
    AimersBee Posts: 775 Member
    I grew up in the area of where she went to school. Sad story, I feel for the loved ones and may she RIP. I think the reason why this story blew up so much is because she had her video on youtube just 3 weeks prior. Unfortunately there are still people bullying her even though she's gone (on facebook pages, etc).
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I'm sure to offend (this is the internet after all) but while i feel bad for her family, i feel like we shouldn't glorify what she did. Going from a bullied outcast to a social media darling albeit posthumously sends the wrong message to others in her same position. The last thing we need is people trying to become the next Amanda Todd

    I understand your point, but I don't see any glorification of suicide in this girl's story, just sadness that she really found no other way to go on...I have seen a few news stories that should bring some attention to the topic of suicide prevention (not just bullying). When I was in high school, I had two classmates commit suicide, one during sophomore year and one the day before our senior year started...very different situations, but as far as I remember there was no glorification or any copycatting. It was a different time period though, way before the internet or social media...
  • May God Bless her poor little soul.......
  • I completely agree with you and think the same, 100%!!
  • nikinyx6
    nikinyx6 Posts: 772 Member

    Her 'My Story' video.

    Very sad, I can only hope more will be done to stop bullying, especially online.
  • However, I think that sending an exposed pic of her chest was careless on her part and her parents probably should have been a little more involved in what she was doing online, going in chat rooms and such.

    If she did it on webcam, she may not have considered that he would be able to get a picture from it. Some girls do those things because they think it will make people like them. I have a friend that went through a phase like that, she sent pics of herself in her underwear to my friend (now her boyfriend), the boy showed them to her mom. Even that only helped for a while.

    I wonder why they haven't done anything about people having a picture of an underage girl. They even had it up on facebook!

    Yeah, I don't get how police didn't intervene with the under-age image that a man (probably older) had and was posting... isn't that what they consider paedophile behaviour? That he even found her details etc TWICE! Even after she moved to another city!
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    It is so very, very sad that young peoole today have to be subjected to all this crap with the internet/social networking.

    At least when I was younger, the bullying ended when you got home from school. Even if you didn`t want to share stuff with parents/teachers you had a little time to be free from it.

    I hope Amanda rests in peace in a better place x
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    This is why you don't get your kid a web cam.
    This is why you don't set up their computer /laptop in their room.

    Be aware of what they are doing! Have passwords to the fb/youtube accts so you can figure out wtf is going on when
    They're not talking.

    I feel for her family, but I hope all parents learn from this. The internet is like sending your kid to a party, no questions asked!
  • AimersBee
    AimersBee Posts: 775 Member
    I feel for her family, but I hope all parents learn from this. The internet is like sending your kid to a party, no questions asked!

    Hmmm... never thought of it that way, but that analogy is true enough.
  • AimersBee
    AimersBee Posts: 775 Member
    From the local news paper of where she lived (her mom, Carol, in an interview)...

    Her life was starting to return to normal, which it hadn’t been since grade 8.

    “She felt like a normal teenager, she was so proud of herself,” said Carol. “She went out with friends, she went to the mall, she said to me, ‘Mom, this is the first time that I feel normal again. I have had the best day ever.’”

    Carol doesn’t know what caused her daughter’s setback, but Amanda may have given Carol an answer in a private video.

    “She left me a video message on her phone. I’m not ready to look at it yet,” said Carol.

    “The coroner has told me it will provide closure for me but I can’t look at it yet.”

    Read more:
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    It's so sad. She made a mistake (who doesn't in middle school?) and couldn't escape it. It's scary to think you can move, change schools and still get tracked down. I think schools need to teach kids about internet safety and that what you put on there will never go away.
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    I feel sympathy for her. I also feel sympathy for all the other people all over the world who die every day from factors they can't control such as poverty and water shortages. For some reason a lot of people are crying over this one girl they don't even know, thinking they know her based on her videos/articles on her, but then those same people don't give two sh*ts about the kids elsewhere starving to death and everything else. This seems like just another bandwagon for white knights to leap upon, just like Kony 2012 or the whole Adalia Rose scene. Inb4"omgsocold-hearted".

    People tend to feel sympathy with those they can relate to. Most of us didn't grow up in poverty and with water shortages, but many of us were bullied as kids. Therefore, we are going to be more appalled about a girl committing suicide over bullying than being upset about kids who starve. Just the way it is. Nothing wrong with that.

    There wasn't much of an internet when I was a kid. Bullying must be so much worse now with it.
  • brevislux
    brevislux Posts: 1,093 Member
    Saw the video today, it's such a sad story. The saddest thing is no one was there for her.
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    It's so sad. She made a mistake (who doesn't in middle school?) and couldn't escape it. It's scary to think you can move, change schools and still get tracked down. I think schools need to teach kids about internet safety and that what you put on there will never go away.

    I think parents need to be educated. Kids know more about creeping and deleting than parents do. It's quite sad what people don't realize how permanent the Internet is.
    That first e-mail, ever, that you sent out? Still around. That ridiculous pic that could get you fired? Still there.
    Those nasty comments? Still there.
    There. Is. No. Internet. Eraser. I don't think most adults realize this, even teachers. Perhaps because i'm more closely acquainted with it than most, dunno.

    But parents need to wake up and realize that when they put a computer in their kid's bedroom, it's worse than pandora's box.
    It's more than parties, it's predators, an open book to the world you would never dream of or even have a nightmare about. If one were to go bible thumping, it's probably the worst thing to come around since Lucifer.