Personality or Looks: What do you notice first?



  • Cougarita65
    Cougarita65 Posts: 240 Member
    Of course you see someone first, you can't see their personality, unless they're wearing paper bags for shoes & a blanket as a cape ( those are my boyfriends from the, I notice body shape if they're at a distance, face if they are close.
  • Sick_Beard
    Sick_Beard Posts: 407 Member
    Of course you see someone first, you can't see their personality, unless they're wearing paper bags for shoes & a blanket as a cape ( those are my boyfriends from the, I notice body shape if they're at a distance, face if they are close.

    Are you 65? What is the chance of you being such a gilf....
  • head_in_rainbows
    head_in_rainbows Posts: 290 Member
    Looks is an appetitizer. Personality is the main course.

  • Im not going to sit here and lie and say oh personality for sure.. because how do u really know someones personality from across the room... You notice there looks.. and then as soon as their mouth opens you will know if you like there personality. Its bull **** when people say i fall for personality first.. u really dont know someones personality until you truly get to know them..

    but personality does play a big part in being attracked to someone... In the end the looks are a bonus.. But i would say Looks then Personality for sure!
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    Most people don't realize that women typically make up their mind in 10 seconds to give you 3 minutes.
    That said personality and confidential flows through someone when they walk. Making her smile or laugh will buy you a few more minutes. Make them count. She's probably meeting more people because she has more confidence.

    So if you're out to meet people walk tall, with confidence and a smile on your face. Slap that smiling on BEFORE you walk into a bar because believe it or not when people are in groups, at least on person has an eye on the door. Usually the alpha.
    Funny how interesting it is and how it's been true with every group i've hung out with! People will typically watches year from afar also. So don't sit their with a scowl on your face and kvetch the whole time. You can assess whether someone has a good personality from far away.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member

    i like a girl with a nice set of personalities.
  • first thing i would notice is looks...since I am looking at them...
  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
    Personality only comes through when you talk to someone, and since I don't like talking to most people, I'm going to notice how they look.
  • 3under2
    3under2 Posts: 133
    I'd say I notice height first. I LOVE tall men (hubby is 6'6" so there you go). Personality is key for me though. With a great personality you can become much cuter to me and if you're a douche, well, 100% ugly in my eyes.

    Who knows though, I've been married for so long so what do I know ... LOL!


    P.S. I'm only 5'5" so get the evil eyes from tall women for taking a tall man ... lol!
  • ClementineGeorg
    ClementineGeorg Posts: 505 Member
    Unless you are speaking on the phone or over the internet, without seing someones picture before, you will always see looks first. Unless you are blind to.

    Before a person speaks, before a person does something in your front, you see how that person looks.
    So a person seems charming, makes a joke from the start... that's not their personality or not all of it. It takes at least a few times to really notice someones' personality. Before that, you will get to see many times the looks, over and over again.

    It's not superficial, it's logic. You first see that a person is redhead, tall, small, with blue eyes, etc., and after a while you get to see that the person is charming, smart, outgoing, etc. Sometimes it really takes months or years to know someones true personality.

    Noticing something first doesn't mean that someone is superficial, just this is what you see first in a person. What it counts for a person is quite different from what that person sees first.
  • Both are important, but you'll never notice someone hot who hides their face and sits in the corner. An outgoing person will always get noticed first regardless of their looks.
  • dawn2313
    dawn2313 Posts: 125 Member
    Key word here is "first"

    Obviously you're gonna notice their looks first, you don't know what their full personality is like until you make an approach and somewhat get to know them. That being said, personality definitely trumps looks in my book- if there is a smokin' hot guy but he's acting like a *kitten*, he's the ugliest guy in the room. I don't care what anybody says about mean guys being sexy; guys who are genuinely nice and respectful are seexxyy.
  • Sarah_Wins
    Sarah_Wins Posts: 936 Member
    I LOVE the look of a great sense of humor. That's hot.
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    Im not going to sit here and lie and say oh personality for sure.. because how do u really know someones personality from across the room... You notice there looks.. and then as soon as their mouth opens you will know if you like there personality. Its bull **** when people say i fall for personality first.. u really dont know someones personality until you truly get to know them..

    Actually you notice quite a bit. Whether they're out going or shy, whether he likes to laugh and tell jokes. If he's stand-offish.
    People's body language will allow you to assess how approachable someone is. Is the person he's talking to looking for the closest escape route? Does he give genuine hugs to the people he knows? Does he engage in close conversation and does he listen?

    Is he off to one side looking like he'd rather be home with his computer or afraid someone might approach him. Then there is the please rescue me i am so bored.

    Men, you have an advantage most of you don't realize. That guy everyone tries to escape? When she looks frantic and cornered, go save her! That will buy you at least 10 minutes if shehow's worth it. Are her eyes darting everywhere? Does she keep backing up and he keeps getting closer. Make up the goofiest thing to pull her out of there. She'll at least thank you and if you're not her type, she has friends. "hey, i heard your gramma is the cat lady and has some kitties that need a good home. My little sister has been looking for one, how about we discuss terms over at the punchbowl, you look thirsty" sure it's all a lie, but she either knows or doesn't care that you mistook her for someone else. If you look creepier than the guy she's talking to, you're out of luck.
  • fawndam
    fawndam Posts: 595 Member
  • RobinvdM
    RobinvdM Posts: 634 Member
    Obv looks first, its the first thing you notice on any encounter but the minute he (or she) opens their mouth it can make or break it for me. Id rather hang with an ugly guy who knew how to make me laugh when I a down than with a hawt looking piece of human garbage.

    I got lucky and got the good combo with my hubby ;-)
  • Luvmesumkenny
    Luvmesumkenny Posts: 779 Member
    Looks is an appetitizer. Personality is the main course.

    LUV IT!!!
  • Coffeeholic8
    Coffeeholic8 Posts: 272 Member

    Hey, I'm a bloke, it's in our DNA so don't hate. :blushing: :flowerforyou:

    Unless you only ever spoken to them by email, text or telephone then it's always going to be looks that initially spark an interest. Personality then decides if that interest blooms or fades away.
  • Dub_D
    Dub_D Posts: 1,760 Member
    Personality. I have never been attracted to anyone without knowing their personality first.
  • There's got to be some basic physical attraction there before you wonder about the personality... So imma say looks! If the personality is s..hite they ultimately become unattractive anyway IMO.

    I agree! When I was single, 23 years ago, I dated a lot of guys, good looking and not, but the personalities ran me off. I was fotunate to find a good looking man with a great personality. Now, 23 years later, the looks are still there, but not as amazingly as when we were 25, but the personality lives on. His laugh is the best!