

  • felice03
    felice03 Posts: 2,732 Member
    I wasn't fat...the dryer just shrunk all my clothes....
  • _Wits_
    _Wits_ Posts: 1,286 Member
    Because I stopped loving myself.
  • ksmiley412
    ksmiley412 Posts: 274 Member
    In order of greatest to least:

    I eat too much food
    I drink too much booze
    I don't exercise enough
    I don't get enough sleep
    I am overstressed

    Simple as that.

    This^^^^is me to the tee!!
  • Potts1024
    Potts1024 Posts: 12 Member
    My mom is a serious "food pusher" (aren't you going to have seconds? thirds? there's still more food!)
    I LOVE the taste of food.
    I was "thin" until my pregnancy..
    I LOVE the taste of food.
    Wait, did I mention, I LOVE FOOD??
    Healthy wasn't a word we used. Fried, fatty foods are what I grew up on. The more, the better. Somewhere along the way, I didn't notice it happen, but I got fat.
    Even though I LOVE food.. I don't LOVE fat.. so I gotta make a change.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    because i got run over by an 18 wheeler on my 21st birthday 5 months after losing everyone I knew on the planet because I stood up and traded my old life for a new one with no history at all to my name.

    So I had to rebuild from the ground up with everything from walking to losing the 100 pounds I gained to knowing people on this planet to figuring out who I wanted to be that would make my spirit happy forever.
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    I don't control my portions, I use food to soothe my feelings. I get lazy and don't exercise. I sit in front of a computer all day, more than 8 hours. I make bad food choices. I see food as a treat.
  • rawrxamberx
    rawrxamberx Posts: 646 Member
    Because I grew up with a family that always said "eat until you're full" or just encouraged me to eat. Plus it didn't help when I grew up with all junk food and not much nutritious foods. So, I never learned portion control or to eat foods in moderation. When I hit high school, the bullying picked up and I was depressed, so I ate more and didn't exercise at all. I never had the energy and was just plain lazy.
  • PJmetts
    PJmetts Posts: 210 Member
    I self medicated....10 miscariages ....then the hysterectomy.

    I am over my mourning now (16 years after the hysterectomy) and will defeat this food addiction.
  • KittieLea
    KittieLea Posts: 1,156 Member
    I was fat because I was lazy. Simple truth, no excuses here.
  • xSakura
    xSakura Posts: 288 Member
    I honestly didn't know how I put on 30lbs+ in the space of 9 months, until the other day.. Getting tested for Hypothyroidism tomorrow :ohwell:
  • iampam4399
    iampam4399 Posts: 81 Member
    My mom is a serious "food pusher" (aren't you going to have seconds? thirds? there's still more food!)
    I LOVE the taste of food.
    I was "thin" until my pregnancy..
    I LOVE the taste of food.
    Wait, did I mention, I LOVE FOOD??
    Healthy wasn't a word we used. Fried, fatty foods are what I grew up on. The more, the better. Somewhere along the way, I didn't notice it happen, but I got fat.
    Even though I LOVE food.. I don't LOVE fat.. so I gotta make a change.

    This is so me, minus the "I was thin until my pregnancy" part. Because I have never been thin. I have been smaller than I am now, but never thin. My mother shows love thru food. However, I am NOT blaming her! I just love love love the taste of food. And I am so lazy, that I love the taste of quick and easy (read that as fast and junk) food!! And I think that my "you're full" button is broken, because portion control is a HUGE part of my fat reason! To top all this off...I don't really like to do too much physical activity. It's not near as much fun as sitting on the couch and doing absolutely nothing but watching the boob tube. And I am tired all the time. Yes, I have been checked for this and that and the other, and they can't seem to find any medical reason. It's just plain laziness!!!! And I hate it. But, apparently I don't yet hate it enough to do something about it. Sad.
  • lotsofboobsweat
    lotsofboobsweat Posts: 12 Member
    In order of greatest to least:

    I eat too much food
    I drink too much booze
    I don't exercise enough
    I don't get enough sleep
    I am overstressed

    Simple as that.

    Exactly!!! No sob story here.
  • Lindseyelizabeth87
    Lindseyelizabeth87 Posts: 151 Member
    I only recently realized how out of control my caloric intake was. :/
  • grasshopperone
    grasshopperone Posts: 2 Member
    I"m afraid of having my heart broken (again) so if I am less attractive, I don't attract anyone so I'm safe from ever being hurt again! Sounds crazy - I know.
  • dodihere
    dodihere Posts: 490
    I'm tall and was told I carry it well. 100 excess pounds later, not so.
  • NildaFrank
    NildaFrank Posts: 4 Member
    I get lazy, don't exercise and eat junk food way tooo much.
  • MsNewBooty83
    MsNewBooty83 Posts: 1,003 Member
    my mom never cooked us a decent meal and let me eat chips and drink pop every single night b4 bed until i moved out. i had zero cooking skills and ate like trash...then i had 2 kids and gained a pile, plus breasfeeding had me craving more food than my preganacies ever did! lol. after that it was just sitting on my *kitten*. lol. id say what it boils down to for me is no good healthy role models and pregnancies. now, im teaching myself how to cook without killing my entire family, lol. so far, so good!
  • toya316
    toya316 Posts: 137 Member
    I put in the work during the week eating healthy but I drink way too much Alcohol on the weekends. Need to work out more than I do and stop the drinking.
  • iFeelBrandNew
    iFeelBrandNew Posts: 263 Member
    because eating is comfort to me.
  • newhabit
    newhabit Posts: 426 Member
    well i was overweight, there were a few reasons. i don't call myself fat nor did i ever, but i was definitely overweight.

    i used to be able to eat whatever i wanted as a kid.
    puberty hit and i got just a little chubby. nothing awful.
    but i didn't exercise then and wasn't in sports. so i just looked bad.
    i started overexercising/undereating at 16 and realized i could look good . too bad it developed into unhealthy habits.
    then i was able to get back to normal, still exercised, looked good.
    got happy when i got in a relationship
    dieted again, back to current weight.
    then chubbed up again after i had a baby and used breastfeeding as an excuse to be a total pig
    still ate like that when i was done. because of that i reached my highest weight ever .
    i saw a video of my pale, overweight self that made me realize how i looked truly awful
    went on MFP, lost 27 lb. did well for a while.
    then started to get cravings for things and wanting to binge.
    gained 10-12 back.
    recently lost 5 of those 12. still want to lose a little more and tone up.
    it's a struggle every day. today was not too great. under 2000 calories but i have days where i want to eat everything.
    willpower is a battle every day! sticking with a healthy lifestyle is hard.
    i find the key is too keep exercising even if my diet is less than stellar.
    at least if i gain some it is easy to get back into the habit. diet is a lot easier to change than exercising if you have never done it before. i just have to keep fighting urges to eat whatever i want and keep developing those willpower habits.
    because when i am feeling run down, frustrated, tired, emotional tends to be when i give in.
    halloween candy was the culprit today... gotta watch that.