How do I stop being a binge eating whale?



  • elebel82
    elebel82 Posts: 69 Member
    Just had to read the heading to think "well quit with the negative self talk for one", it's hard to do good things for yourself when you don't even like/respect yourself, so first of all, perhaps working on those feelings, and finding out what you like about you.

    Now I see that others have said the same, so I'll leave it at that, there are good things about you and the sooner you find those out for yourself and come to respect and love yourself, the sooner you'll be happier and ready to embark on a new eating plan. Everything else can come about then.
  • AbsoluteNG
    AbsoluteNG Posts: 1,079 Member
    You could try intermittent fasting. If you eat a pound of food one day, the next day you just eat vegetables. You're basically counting calories for 2 days instead of one.
  • Rho_Ro
    Rho_Ro Posts: 201 Member
    Hi :flowerforyou: (I hope you like flowers - a special flower for a special you)

    There are some gr8 pieces of advice given already AND you've only just posted your comments - it just goes to show how much others care. We all think you are a pretty amazing person and you're definitely worth us all taking the time to stop a while and talk.. And if you look carefully you will see where there are a great number of us who have been there or similar, and if you look again you can see where it is possible to work through this and come out the other side. No, it isn't easy, but IT IS POSSIBLE.

    I think the most important thing you can do is to do this for you. It's taken me 20 odd years to finally work this out! I've been encouraged over the years to lose weight for my health - oh yes I lost the weight but I piled it all back on PLUS!! So high blood pressure, high blood sugar levels and arthritis in my knee haven't been enough to spur me on to a slimmer me. Then for some strange reason in April of this year I decided to lose weight and to go all the way down, no messing about and the reason this time - yup, this one is for me!!!!! And I'm nearly half way there. AND I'm not even finding it that hard this time. I go for walks when I can, at the very most 3x per week. I can't afford to go to a gym and I can't get on the floor to do exercises as I wouldn't be able to get up!!!! LOL BUT I am still losing weight. And to make things easier at home I eat what the family eats but in smaller portions. I have the world's worst sweet tooth, so I have one or two pieces of cake or lollies or something sweet per day. I sometimes cut the cake in two to keep the calories down.

    One thing you may notice is that if something sweet and nice comes into the house or you go out and there is heaps of nice food, you may eat and eat and eat. I used to do this - I call it pigging out (yes, not a very helpful phrase really). I've realised this time around that I don't have to eat all of it right then and there. I can have one today, one tomorrow and so on and so forth. We put baking in the freezer and out it comes one piece for me and hubby and about 4 for our adult son LOL. But it works. Why I used to have to eat it all then and there I don't know, but if you can get your head around the fact that the nice stuff isn't going to disappear and it will be there tomorrow, you'll be okay..

    I think you will be fine. You made the second move - you yelled for help, the first one was joining up in the first place. I would be inclined to take over your own food diary and that way the one person you will be lying to will be yourself not your wonderful trainer. And what's the point in lying when it's you that will be suffering.

    By the way, you have a gorgeous face - look into those beautiful eyes of yours a bit more often and see the real you. You are amazing.
  • jlohcook
    jlohcook Posts: 228 Member
    Learn to love yourself more and things may start to change. Love your goal of wanting to be healthy, stay healthy, maybe you can state when your are healthier what are you going to do? Like me, I still wanna travel when I'm in my 70s or 80s, unlike my parents who can hardly walk now, that's why I'm starting to stay healthy now. Give yourself a reason to be someone that you like. We are all here to help!
  • TriedEverything
    TriedEverything Posts: 175 Member
    I wish I had some really useful advice for you, but I'm afraid I don't (if I did, I would be following it myself too!!). But I can certainly relate to a lot of what you're saying, and I do sympathise (very much).

    We have a few things in common, although you have had a worse time than me (infact, it sounds like you've had a lot of tough things to cope with). Like you, I always felt big at school, and started dieting young, with some success, but I've been struggling more in recent years.

    I also work nights, and find that really hard at times - I am only part-time (work 3 nights out of every 14) so I never get into much of a routine with sleeping/eating - it's all over the place!

    I am also a comfort eater - my daughter became really ill at the age of 10, with a horrible virus, which then lead to M.E/CFS - and she is just beginning to get her life back at almost 15 yrs old. To begin with she was housebound, and I was so upset, I just ate & ate.

    I do find now that I can be reasonably "good" most days. But if something throws me, I am still capable of over-eating, big style!

    I think it helps to stay busy, and to find some kind of diversion when the desire to overeat begins to surface. I agree with what someone else said too about eating fairly frequently - don't leave it too long between meals/snacks, or let yourself get too hungry.

    But there is no magic cure - worse luck! :frown: Have you been on MFP very long? I do sometimes find that on days when I feel I can't be bothered, if I log in and look at everyone's posts, it encourages me to try harder.

    Feel free to add me as friend if you like :smile:
  • astralweeks
    You seem like a very sweet person, maybe try being a little kinder to yourself to start with. Binge eating can be such a spiral sometimes, the harder you come down on yourself the more you binge, and the more you binge the harder you are on yourself... deviating from a plan doesn't make you a bad person, just a person in general. You can do this and I'm sure you will find support from many bingers and bingers past here. It wasn't easy, but I changed my binging habits over time, eventually replacing that pizza delivery with an hour or two of heart pumping exercise or an immersive hobby. Maybe not the healthiest thing replacing one vice with another, but it's just another option.

    I wish you the best, just take it one day at a time.
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    You seem like a sweet person, maybe try being a little kinder to yourself to start with.

    I agree with the above, and you have a very pretty face - give yourself a break and try to become your own ally.
  • jlohcook
    jlohcook Posts: 228 Member
    Learn to love yourself more and things may start to change. Love your goal of wanting to be healthy, stay healthy, maybe you can state when your are healthier what are you going to do? Like me, I still wanna travel when I'm in my 70s or 80s, unlike my parents who can hardly walk now, that's why I'm starting to stay healthy now. Give yourself a reason to be someone that you like. We are all here to help!
  • teambringit247kr
    teambringit247kr Posts: 1 Member

    You are an amazing individual who needs to give her self some credit. and to cut yourself some slack. Insulting your self will not help you get to where you want to be. I am here for you, First thing first. Please stop insulting yourself, it wont help. and keep trying we willget you through this
  • shellux
    shellux Posts: 164 Member
    Great posts. I have responded because I want to be able to read it all later when I have more time.
  • leanne2376
    How i stopped bingeing was realizing that i was hurting myself and my family - they saw my destructive behaviour and were really upset, plus i am 36 - i will NOT be fat at 40, and still single, NO WAY

    You need to find an exercise you enjoy - like a good dance or zumba class and u need a mentor someone to look up to

    Will message u more later as i am at work
