Mama back on track challenge,any takers?

Hey everyone,Ima a 28 yr old mother that has been on mfp before,got on track last yr and lost a total of 60 lbs,lost my motivation and now trying to get back on track to lose the last 40..I'm sure like every other woman,mother,student,we have busy lives and forget to take care of I need a challenge! For the next 30 days I challenge myself to focus on my health! I'm tired of feeling tired,and the 12 lbs I've gained back is no bueno.. they say it takes 30 days to make something into a habit,and that's all I need to get hooked again,so who's with me? All you got to do is report back here every week (Monday) and put down how much we've lost for that week..You can also add your personal goal,how much you want to lose,how much you want to workout,eat,etc..

This is an open group to whoever wants to join,I want us to help one another,post when you are feeling sad,angry,hungry or bored..let's help one another!!! Also feel free to add me!! Let's go hot mamas!!!!:)

Personal Goal: to lose 5 lbs at the end of the 30 days,workout 5 times a week at least 30 mins..drink more water,and make better food choices!!!!

P.s.any tips are welcome:)


  • No replies:( o no..
  • em376
    em376 Posts: 5
    I'm REALLY new to "just started today" new. I used to do weight watchers but the point thing wasn't really for me and I have friends who have had great success with MFP. I need support though...I know I'm not good at this alone. My best friend (who lives 12 hours from me) is supposed to be joining later, too, but I would LOVE to be a part of your group! Like I said, I'm new so I don't know much about this site yet and I'm not sure how to add people (lol), but I'll catch on. Okay, about me:

    From: South Carolina
    Age: 36 (ughhhhh)
    want to lose 15-20 pounds by Christmas/New Years
    Need to work on: more water!!!!! More movement!!
    Why I want to lose weight (again): I'm tired of feeling tired...of achy joints...of heartburn. And of course, the obvious, I'm tired of being flabby!!!

  • awilmeri
    awilmeri Posts: 218 Member
    I'm really bad at coming back and reporting but you can add me if you want more accountability...and remind me! :).

    My goals for the next 30 days....lose four pounds, finish 30 ds and calculate bf %.
  • Yay,I got some replies!!! The important thing is yall are wanting some change..I'm struggling a lot myself,and I need to be held accountable,even if I don't get any replies,Ima use this as a journal to help when I want to go eat junk or just having a bad day,and everyone is welcome to do the same,thanks for joining and good luck,most importantly,just keep moving!!!!
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    I am 48 years old and my baby is 12. So what is my excuse? I have 4 kids and I always come last. Its easier to just go with the flow then stop and do for me. But I need to do for me 1st and let the rest follow my flow from now on.
    I'd like to be successful. Count me in!

    SW 201
    Goal? I have no idea.

  • MeMeg10
    MeMeg10 Posts: 18 Member
    Hello! I have fallen off the wagon recently with MFP. Was doing great until a job change/schedule change, back to school for my child, change in weather, and recent vacation. Would LOVE to do a 30 day challenge to get back on track!! Count me in!!

    Login every day to MFP and stay within calorie goal
    Exercise 4x/week for at least 30 minutes
    Lose 5lbs at the end of 30 days

    (Can someone let me know how to find this thread to check back in on Mondays?)
  • Fittabulous
    Fittabulous Posts: 17 Member
    Hey!! I am actually starting up a similar group as well, but its through a private online facebook challenge. Thats awesome that you are ready to get back on track. I had recently stared that journey myself. Back in May i said enough was enough, and started doing Insanity... fast forward 5 months, and i've now lost 20 lbs, and gone down almost 5 sizes. I feel soooooo much better, and motivated to helping others. Getting started is sometimes the hardest part!! Great to meet you ladies! :)
  • Great job ladies,welcome!!! I was going to start a new post each monday,but I think that gets to complicated to find,so on your main profile page under your friends list,it will show all the posts you have replied to,you can click on there and it will show there:)
  • I guess I should join this too... I am 36, almost 37, and have about 40 lbs. to lose. I've been at a standstill for a couple months now. It's not really a plateau because I know what I am doing wrong - eating and drinking too many calories. I have gotten into way more exercise and fitness this year, but then I eat back all my exercise calories and then some. So what I really need to focus on is not rewarding myself with too much food/wine every time I have a good workout.

    I am running 3 - 4 times a week and then doing some light strength training 2 - 3 times a week, so I'll just continue that. I just need to stick to my calorie goals. I'd love to lose 4 lbs. this month.
  • ChelleDJM
    ChelleDJM Posts: 161
    Wow, you must be in my head. I could have written almost the same post. I started mfp in February and by July was down almost 60 pounds. Then I started not logging and recently my exercise routine has stalled. Oh, I have 10,000 excuses, but those excuses were things that were there in Feb/March/April/etc and I didn't get to use them then.

    I stepped on the scale today and am up 10 pounds since my lowest in July. I got back to the gym this morning. I need to lay off the sugar that is everywhere lately. My original goal was 75 pounds gone by the end of October and then I fell off and have been (half-heartedly) trying to pull myself up ever since.

    On the mommy front, I have a 7 year old and a 2 year old. I do a great deal of volunteering with things that usually involve food, so that takes restraint and I need to get back to saying no to all of those temptations. The events are not about the food....the events are not about the food...the events.....

    Original SW in Feb - 351
    SW - today - 304
    Goal - be under 300 again at the end of the month (for us bigger gals, we can lose that when we first start out again so it's very possible)
    Perfect Goal - log in and complete food diary every day. Exercise 4 times a week. Feel better about myself again!

    Thank you for starting this. Please find me and kick me in the butt with a message if I am not here often.
  • I so need this. I originally joined MFP last summer, lost about 30 lb's and then found out i was pregnant in November. I am once again back to almost my highest weight. I have a 4 yr old, 2 yr old, 3 month old and work outside of the home.

    Exercise 5 days a week.
    log all meals each day.
    Plan all meals for the work week , Breakfast, lunch and dinner

    CW: 339
    1 GW: 329
    2 GW: 319
  • Hello all!
    My name is Holly, I am ready to get my health and weight back on track. My family has a history of heart issues (diabetes, high bp ect.) And I can't follow in their footsteps. I am 24 with a 2 ½ year old son and happily married for nearly 4 years to my best friend.

    The reason why my health and weight got out of hand-
    I was plagued by serious health issues after giving birth to my son. I was so sick for 2 years and could not even think about being healthy. Thankfully many doctors later I am now on the mend and feeling better than I have in 2 years and ready to tackle my weight and make a lifestyle change for the better.

    My goals-
    I just want to be a healthier person overall. I know losing weight will make me happy because I will look good on the outside but it is also going to change the way I feel on the inside. I want to be proud of myself again. And I want my family to be proud of me too. I want to change forever the way I eat, nothing good is going to come of the way I eat now.

    My current weight is 188#
  • Thank you all for joining me,I am overly excited to do this with yall!! I know we can all this!! Let's do this most importantly for us first,and for our families,they want to see us healthy and full of life,I'm here for you all and support you as much as I can!!
  • I really want to join too, I have fallen off MFP recently but really need to get back into things and back on track. I need the support and motivation something like this will give me and the accountability is huge for me. Thanks for starting it.

    Age: 33
    SW 283
    CW 260
    Goal: to lose 5lbs at the end of 30days
    I am keeping with the smaller goals now, I think looking at the total I had to lose was scarry and lost how great losing just 1lbs really is
  • QueenMother14
    QueenMother14 Posts: 438 Member
    Im in! I just decided this morning I have to get back to working out and eating right. I have 34 lbs to lose! Im 38 years old (ugh, first time I have typed that since my bday this month) and I feel 68. I dont want to feel that way anymore!
  • allnaday
    allnaday Posts: 54 Member
    Count me in.....Mom of 10 year old. being doing it for about 2 months but really needs to step it up.........

    Mini goal goal=170

    30 day goal=more water, better attitude and a 10 pound loss!!!!!!!!!!!

    i'm not good at checking back but will try to do it this time...........Looking forward to some new motivation.

    anyone doing c25k, i could really use some help!!!!!!!!!!
  • Hello,

    I want to join too! What a great idea! I've been trying to restart my diet for about a month and haven't been able to stick with it. I think this challenge is just what I need. Thanks for starting this!!

    Current weight : 195

    30 day goal : 185

    Age :30
  • MzNeecie
    MzNeecie Posts: 107 Member
    I am in! I have been on mfp for two years now and it has been a significant part of my weight loss. I want to join this movement and challenge myself in the next thirty days to get the sugar intake down.

    My goal is to not have a sweet after dinner which is very hard. Since i work out and go home and eat a sensible meal if i have calories left over (which is most of the time) i end up eating cookies (this is my one biggest weakness oh and doritos) . If not cookies some sort of sweet and i think that is why i have begin to feel sluggish and tired. I drink plenty of water I go to bed at 9 and I exercise most weeks six days for at least 1.5 to 2 hours so it has to be the sugar that has my weight loss at a stand still.

    Starting weight: 192.6
    goal weight (30days from 10/16/) 187.6 five lbs down

    please feel free to add me as a friend i need all the help and motivation available.
  • DivaSkinnyJeans
    DivaSkinnyJeans Posts: 9 Member
    Haha...I need this bag. I was already overweight when I got pregnant, so it was downhill from there. I was talking to an old friend a while ago and he jokingly asked, "Are you still fine?" I was like, "Nope, I had a baby, so that went out the window." He then said, "Oh, I didn't know you had a baby. How old?" Me: "3." Him: "Really? That was three years ago. She's a not a baby and that's no excuse." I laughed, but I knew that there was some truth to that statement. 3 more than enough time to lose "baby weight." It's time to kick it in gear. Let's support and motivate eachother and get this done!!!

    Age: 24 (25 in 15 days, Yay!!)
    SW: 305
    CW: 304
    Goal: 1 hour of exercise/5x week. No fast food and cook at least 4 days a week.
  • destinee1103
    destinee1103 Posts: 42 Member
    PERFECT today I felt like this was it Im just not motivated not doing it blah blah blah, then I see this im so down for this thanks ladies.

    My goals for December:

    work out 4 days a week
    finish 30DS
    get out of the 200s I dnt care if its 199.5 :)
    WE GOT THIS !!!!!! (ihope)