Halloween and the hated..



  • sewerchick93
    sewerchick93 Posts: 1,440 Member
    anything anise flavored went.

    smarties and sweet tarts were the prized candy because my brothers and I would use them to bet with when playing poker and 21 (our dad taught us cards at a young age)
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    My dad was addicted to Necco wafers for a time. I think they are made of asbestos. Those were dark days... I barely understood a word he was saying when he was riding the Necco train.

    Any kind of lollipop was like receiving a dead squirrel. Tootsie rolls are horrible. No one eats those. Anything that is mint flavored. I would rather eat a used condom.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    anything anise flavored went.

    wtf did you trick-or-treat in Ho Chi Minh city? I've never heard of this kind of candy
  • Michele7091
    Michele7091 Posts: 256 Member
    My give away pile always had gumdrops in it. I hate those things. Licorice or twizzlers went in there too.

    The only candy bars I would keep were snickers, butterfinger, reese cups, kit-kat, and twix...everything else was given away...almond joy, mounds, milky way, three muskateers...bleh!

    I'm pretty sure my mom would raid my candy while I was at school. So I started separating my really good stuff from my so-so stuff. LOL
  • cyndispot
    cyndispot Posts: 135
    LOL, I didn't like those peanut butter kisses things....

    When my son was little I didn't want the candy lying around, so the great pumpkin would come to visit. My son would get to keep a predetermined amount of candy a cup or a number depending on his age...the rest went out on the porch and at some point in the evening the great pumpkin would take the candy and in it's place he would leave a family board game or some other less than $10-$15 gift in it's place. The candy would come to my work and go in the candy dish to be doled out by coworkers.

    Jace was the only kid who had the great pumpkin come to visit and we told him it's cuz he was the only kid who left his candy out. But the GP, not having legs couldn't get around so efficiently as Santa, so he was pickier about the houses he stopped at. You had to put out a few of your favorites for him too (Darn those tootsie rolls) cuz that's how he knew you really wanted him to stop and trade.

    Jace Loved the great pumpkin for years. It was his favorite of all Santa, EB, tooth fairy and the GP...
  • RzRzRzR
    RzRzRzR Posts: 72 Member
    Keep: Homemade potato candy and brownies (no one hands out homemade treats anymore)
    Give: Apples and oranges (no one hands these out anymore either)
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    I eat Necco wafers.
  • Kerilynnda
    Kerilynnda Posts: 129 Member
    I love necco wafers!

    We never divided our candy into piles like that. The only thing we did was have our parents check to make sure the candy was ok which meant my dad ate all the good stuff. :(

    My dad did the same thing!! It was funny how all the snickers bars obviously might have a razor blade in them... :grumble: :grumble:
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    Oh, and when we were doing the candy sorting some how my bag of candy always got "mixed" with my sisters so I ended up with less :(
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    I love Necco Wafers! They might be my favorite Halloween candy ... but I am a big Candy Corn Pumpkin guy.

    Last year my kids each got a package of Ramen Noodle Soup!

    My giveaway pile was always Almond Joy, Mounds, or Rainetts

    Hey, How you doin'? I got some candy to trade with you....
  • luppic8
    luppic8 Posts: 580 Member
    Sweet tarts, jelly beans and anything that contained black licorice, hard grandma candy. I also hated those lame generic lollypops you get at the doctor's office! My boyfriend LOVES Necco wafers...lol!!!
  • castadiva
    castadiva Posts: 2,016 Member
    Anything that fizzed in my mouth - sherbert and all its' familiars are evil.
  • Kerilynnda
    Kerilynnda Posts: 129 Member
    I don't think i ever gave anything away - I have a big family (3 sisters, 2 brothers) and none of them liked sour stuff or licorice, so I ended up getting all of theirs. I just remember i'd always have a dresser drawer filled with candy - until August!!! I'd save it and then use it to bribe them to do something for me!! :flowerforyou:

    KitKat bars were always my weakness though (still are). :grumble:
  • ChrisRS87
    ChrisRS87 Posts: 781 Member
    The popcorn balls you always get from the senior citizens. First thing to go.
  • JenMcCrory
    JenMcCrory Posts: 105 Member
    I'm from Ireland and when I was younger you got fruit and nuts that was it. You might get one person that gave chocolate and you would be amazed.
    But we loved it honestly piling up all our fruit at the end can't remember if we ate it all cos I can't imagine eating tons of fruit would be good for you!
  • bigphatcat
    bigphatcat Posts: 7,843 Member
    Almond joys and Mounds....Who gives kids Dark chocolate anyways?
  • cindybowcut
    cindybowcut Posts: 250 Member
    I don't think I gave away any of my candy. My sister would always give me her almond joys. But my parents would take all our candy and put it away. We could have a little bit each day. Since they did that it lasted until Christmas.
  • WonderCort
    WonderCort Posts: 128 Member
    I am not a snickers fan, so my snickers would go in my giveaway pile to swap with my little brother for almond joys and dove chocolates.
  • RockinSkiBunny
    RockinSkiBunny Posts: 152 Member
    Almond joys and Mounds....Who gives kids Dark chocolate anyways?
    I love dark chocolate!!!
  • Raignbo
    Raignbo Posts: 9 Member
    Those little candies that were supposed to be strawberry flavor, but didn't really taste of strawberry and had the wrapper that looked like a strawberry. It was a plain out lie. From center to wrapper. Candy coated lie!

    Otherwise, I pretty much had a list of importance: Blow pops, now and laters, umm...gummi (though back in the 80s, gummi wasn't as popular), tootsie rolls/tootsie pops, and umm....chewing gum...then the chocolate I would save for last..that is if I weren't robbed of my stash.

    Those little strawberry things! I never knew the name of them, but I hated them too. They were totally sticky and a waste of flavor!