For the ladies, what do you do about creepers at the gym?



  • DJ2120
    DJ2120 Posts: 407 Member
    Thanks everyone for the great advice and the laughs! I'll update in a couple days and let you know how the fake headphones work :wink:
  • blakejohn
    blakejohn Posts: 1,129 Member
    take some boxing and punch them in the noise
  • citygirl04
    citygirl04 Posts: 286 Member
    I quit going to the gym. I work out at home.
  • kcoftx
    kcoftx Posts: 765 Member
    If you are afraid of dropping your phone, you can buy an armband for it.
  • ipod/earbuds... that won't stop the losers from hovering behind you while you're on the elliptical or treadmill though.. & they wonder why we act like "*****es".. it's because the second you show any kindness they think it's a giant "green light" to hit on you. I'm working on putting a gym in at home where I can lift & run & stretch all I want without creepers watching.. can't wait :)
  • Just try not to go when you know he's going to be there. But I wouldn't pass it off. I would bring it to the attention of the managers. I'm just glad my gym has a women's only section separate from the main gym. No guys allowed.
  • Just try not to go when you know he's going to be there. But I wouldn't pass it off. I would bring it to the attention of the managers. I'm just glad my gym has a women's only section separate from the main gym. No guys allowed.
  • blakejohn
    blakejohn Posts: 1,129 Member
    can I say just because I talk to a woman at the gym doesn't mean I'm trying to get her in the sack, the gym does not have to be a hostile.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Tell him to get lost, and if he doesn't, you should officially report him.
  • DJ2120
    DJ2120 Posts: 407 Member
    ipod/earbuds... that won't stop the losers from hovering behind you while you're on the elliptical or treadmill though.. & they wonder why we act like "*****es".. it's because the second you show any kindness they think it's a giant "green light" to hit on you. I'm working on putting a gym in at home where I can lift & run & stretch all I want without creepers watching.. can't wait :)

    I would love to have a home gym! I do have an elliptical at home which is where I do all my cardio so that it's less time that I have to be in the gym. It's my dream to have a good basic home gym one day :smile:
  • DJ2120
    DJ2120 Posts: 407 Member
    can I say just because I talk to a woman at the gym doesn't mean I'm trying to get her in the sack, the gym does not have to be a hostile.

    Well that's great for you. And if you find some women that like chatting it up with you that's awesome! The world is full of friendly people, I'm just not one of them. And if I give someone the vibe that I don't want to be bothered & they continue to try to interact with me, that's when I have an issue with them. I'm a don't bother me & I won't bother you type of person, always have been, always will be. Doesn't matter if I'm at the gym or just out in public running errands, don't talk to me, don't bother me.
  • DJ2120
    DJ2120 Posts: 407 Member
    Just try not to go when you know he's going to be there. But I wouldn't pass it off. I would bring it to the attention of the managers. I'm just glad my gym has a women's only section separate from the main gym. No guys allowed.

    I think the next time I join a gym I'm going to look for one like this. Either Women's only or one with a section just for the ladies.
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    Jaysus I've been in my gym for well over a year and I dont think I've spoken to a female that I didn;t know.

    Some strange people out there

    THeres a change of gyms in Ireland called Curves, strictly females only( i know i;ve tried so hard)
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    I just sleep with them

  • cbear017
    cbear017 Posts: 345 Member
    If he's not taking your hints seriously and the fake headphones don't work, just tell him point blank that you're there to work out and not to socialize.

    Just be forewarned that if he's the creepy type he might get nasty. If that's the case, report him to the front desk.
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    He must see you as a challenge.'

    Honestly unless he's doing something really offensive like touching you, making lewd gestures or anything like that I wouldn't complain to management just because he's trying to talk to you. Maybe just flat out tell him that you're not there to socialize and could he please leave you alone.

    This is my thought as well.

    ^^^This! Took the words right out of my mouth! You didn't ever specifically say, "I'm here to work out, not to socialize. Please don't try to talk to me." You just said, "I'm not a smiley type of person," but he heard, "I dare you to try to make me smile." So, if/when he approaches you again, just come right out and say, "Look, when I told you I'm not the smiley type, that was my way of gently telling you that I'm not interested in socializing. Since you didn't get that, allow me to be more direct. Please stop trying to talk to me."
  • Hopefully he'll get the idea soon, some great tips! There's nothing more annoying than people lurking behind you on the elliptical! It's especially awkward when you don't have headphones in and you can hear the whole weight section filled with men talking about your behind...!
  • I don't deal with any creepers...I always have my grrrr face on so everyone pretty much leaves me alone.
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    I don't deal with any creepers...I always have my grrrr face on so everyone pretty much leaves me alone.

    thats only cause I ain;t a member in your gym
  • DJ2120
    DJ2120 Posts: 407 Member
    I don't deal with any creepers...I always have my grrrr face on so everyone pretty much leaves me alone.

    I stay with a nasty look on my face, doesn't seem to bother this guy lol! Luckily, he wasn't at the gym today :smile: