Drinking More Water - How?



  • wahmx3
    wahmx3 Posts: 646 Member
    Do you just not like water or is there a reason why you don't get enough? I try to always have a glass on my desk and keep it full. I also try and remember to take a water bottle with me when I leave the house. If you don't like plain water, try adding a slice of fruit, lemon, or even ice. Crystal lite and other flavorings are okay but not good to drink too much of them.
    Just wondering how you get more water into your daily routines? I do well on some days, but most of the time I know I am lacking on my water intake.

    If anyone has any helpful suggestions, I would appreciate it. Thanks!
  • SeaChele77
    SeaChele77 Posts: 1,103 Member
    Its easy -

    I drink at least 3 glasses before I even leave for work. One when I first wake up, one to take my vitamins one more cold glass before I walk out the door.
    If its a workout morning then add another 2 glasses before work.

    Then I have a 24oz tervis cup at my desk. I drink one before lunch, one with lunch and two before the end of the day.

    So by the time I get home at 5p I've had about 100oz!!

    Then I'll have 2-4 glasses before bed.
  • MdmAcolyte
    MdmAcolyte Posts: 382 Member
    I keep a 32 oz. thermos with me (it looks like an oversized thermal coffee mug) and I keep water and unsweet tea in it throughout the day and refill it each time it gets low/empty.
  • AwesomelyAmber
    AwesomelyAmber Posts: 1,617 Member
    at work and at home I keep a 2 cup measuring cup at the sink... and drink right from it when I walk by. Some days I still have trouble getting it in but this really helps!
  • scottg1024
    24 oz water bottle on my desk at work. I know I need to fill it at least 4 times during the day, which isn't a challenge when I get in my 4 mile lunchtime walk. Weekends are more difficult. The visual reminder of the bottle right there in front of me helps me tremendously!
  • rhonniema
    rhonniema Posts: 522
    Get a tumbler & keep it full!
  • MissLuana
    MissLuana Posts: 356
    Luckily for me, my job has music that comes on every 30 minutes for 1 minute. This is to reduce the number of repetitive motion problems we have at my job. Anyways, when I hear that music, I try to get to the water cooler and get me a cup of water. Each cup is 9 ozs. By the end of the day, I'm usually at 6-8 cups.
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    I have a rule of drinking 1 pint of water before each meal. If it's time for the meal, and I haven't finished my pint, I just chug it.

    It's usually not a problem, though. I keep water beside me all the time.
  • iampam4399
    iampam4399 Posts: 81 Member
    I carry a gallon of water w me to work in the am and make it a goal to be done by the time I clock out!! It actually really helps w staying full!! When I drink I drink straight from the gallon and count out my age in my head, lol =)

    DO IT:drinker:

    Not a bad idea at all!! But I'd have that whole gallon gone in first drink, I'm that old!! haha!!!
  • McBully4
    McBully4 Posts: 1,270 Member
    I carry a gallon around with me and make it my goal to finish it by the time I leave work.
  • DrDrea411
    Just like many of the other members that commented, every morning I fill up a 64 oz water jug (bought at Giant) with water and a whole tray of ice. After my coffee in the morning at work, I open the jug and keep a straw in it and drink it all day long. I think that it is very important to have a visual of how much you are drinking. But be prepared for many trips to the restroom :)
  • hkry3250
    hkry3250 Posts: 140
    Well, I hate water, especially out of a glass. The only way I drink it is out of either a sports bottle or gallon jug. Try different containers, and I also use flavoring sometimes. I especially like the energy flavors, but don't get the liquid drops, they use propylene glycol which dehydrates you by absorbing water in your system as well as the fact it is used as an antifreeze agent under certain conditions.
  • Brighteyes9
    Brighteyes9 Posts: 8 Member
    I had a difficult time with this in the beginning. Diet Coke was my beverage of choice . . . breakfast, lunch, dinner . . . all day every day. When I began modifying my life I made my diet coke a reward. If I hadn't had my 8 glasses of water I didn't get my diet coke. It wasn't easy but now when I'm asked what I would like to drink, my automatic response is "WATER please". There are lots of good suggestions here. Find one that works for you and stick with it.
  • Yogi_Carl
    Yogi_Carl Posts: 1,906 Member
    Where is the proof that a body needs 8 glases of water a day? In fact, drinking water with a meal will dilute digestive juices and drinking such a large quantity of water will cause water soluble nutrients to be literally pissed out.

    Show me some solid prove, otherwise I will drink when I am thirsty and an hour before I am likely to sweat heavily - yoga, cardio etc.

    Check this out: http://www.cbc.ca/news/health/story/2012/06/08/water-eight-glasses-myth.html
    Drink if you need or want to.
  • rce884
    rce884 Posts: 47 Member
    i find that having oversize glasses helps a lot. i have huge water glasses. and use them religiously. theonly trick is to avoid at all costs puttting juice in them.
    also i have a stock pile of crystal light for when i get too bored of warter.
    ice water makes me crave moer water so i would go with as cold as you can handle.

    those are my tips.
    good luck
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I keep a glass near me at all times, and refill when empty. If it's there, I'll drink it.
  • angiechimpanzee
    angiechimpanzee Posts: 536 Member
    Force it at first. Have a refillable water bottle and take it everywhere. Every two hours or something, set a timer on your phone to drink a whole bottle (or maybe start with half). Just chug it.

    Soon you'll learn to like it. Also at restaurants don't ask for coke or any of that crap. Have a glass of cold water with a lemon on the side/squeezed in. Its refreshing, zero calories, and its free.
  • caseythirteen
    caseythirteen Posts: 956 Member
    Keeping it right next to my computer at work keeps it handy 8 hours a day! I usually get my "8 cups" in by quitting time (and usually more).
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Where is the proof that a body needs 8 glases of water a day? In fact, drinking water with a meal will dilute digestive juices and drinking such a large quantity of water will cause water soluble nutrients to be literally pissed out.

    Show me some solid prove, otherwise I will drink when I am thirsty and an hour before I am likely to sweat heavily - yoga, cardio etc.

    Check this out: http://www.cbc.ca/news/health/story/2012/06/08/water-eight-glasses-myth.html
    Drink if you need or want to.

    Exactly, you'd almost think the diet industry had stocks in water!
  • shadoewz
    Put ice in your water and use a straw. Sip on water all day. Try to drink a full cup of water every two hours, or whenever you go into the kitchen, or both. Put a cherry in your water, or a lemon or lime slice on the side of your glass, it makes it look a little fancier. It can be very difficult for adults to want to drink water after they have spent so much time drinking coffee, tea, soda etc. Drinking lots of liquids with tons of solutes in them tends to turn off our thirst center. When I first was told by my doctor that I had to drink water I felt sick getting down 8 cups a day....I felt like I was being forced to drink a kiddie pool. It took 2 months for me to get my brain rewired right, and now I don't think I could get by with less than 16 cups of water a day (and that is plain free-water, I do not count tea, coffee, milk, soda, crystal light, or anything else.)