Attn parents - Christmas



  • PBsMommy
    PBsMommy Posts: 1,166 Member
    My lil one is 7 months and it is her first xmas!
    A couple of things we will be getting her to open:
    Ballapalooza - look it up! I think I may even play with it.
    Bath tub toys - She would live in there if we let her
    Some age appropriate books
    One of them sit and stand pushy things
    Trucks - They child loves pushing trucks... and banging them on random objects.
    Some clothes

    Of course the other day I realized all we really had to get her was a couple of wipe boxes and clothes baskets and she would be in heaven.
  • Scottish_charlene_84
    Has he got a sandtray?

    My little girl is 2. She is getting a tv and blu ray player, fancy dress things, new dolls house and goodness knows what else. loads lol
  • PBsMommy
    PBsMommy Posts: 1,166 Member
    A lump of coal...


    I am throwing that one at my husband, AKA the old lil one! :laugh:
  • tuffytuffy1
    tuffytuffy1 Posts: 920 Member
    I have a 7 year old boy who will turn 8 a week before Christmas. It is HARD coming up with ideas for both days! But he is a sports freak, baseball in particular. What we did last year was gave him the catalogue and let him choose what he wanted -- a jersey (Texas Rangers), helmet, bat, things like that. His grandparents are getting him two weeks of Phillies Baseball Camp for next summer, an iPod and a reader (maybe Kindle Fire).
  • guardian419
    guardian419 Posts: 391 Member
    metal tonka truck! one of my favorites when I was little
  • helyg
    helyg Posts: 675 Member
    Mine aren't having big presents this year as we are going to Center Parcs as a new year treat.

    I have 2 boys aged 10 and 8 and a girl aged 6. They boys will be getting books, a board game, a DS or Wii game, some Lego. Daughter needs new jodphurs and riding boots, plus will get books and little crafty things.

    I am having a Spa session and treatments while we are at Center Parcs (family are chipping in to pay for them). Bliss!
  • Val_from_OH
    Val_from_OH Posts: 447 Member
    For those with kids that love superhero things.. last year I made my younger son a superhero dress up kit. I hit Target and other stores starting the day after Halloween when everything was marked down to half price, and bought several costumes. He and my older son still play with the costumes all the time.

    GREAT idea. My son (7) and daughter (4) would have a field day with that.

    We have a small home, and have really focused on getting each kid one or two "big" toys, and not 8000 little ones. My daughter this year will get her first bike. For my son... we haven't really decided yet. We got him a Leapster last year, which he loves, so I am not too anxious to replace that yet. I might get him one of those nice Playmobile sets - like the Zoo or Construction site.
  • guardian419
    guardian419 Posts: 391 Member
    My 10 year old is getting legos and probably a computer game, along with a ton of new clothes.

    My 2 year old... probably the Cabela's atv someone earlier linked (THANK YOU!!!) and idk what else, probably more board-books, try to find a more advanced little einstein's toy (he already knows colors, numbers, letters, animals... everything we can teach him he tries to learn), hotwheels, and clothes as well.
  • DonM46
    DonM46 Posts: 771 Member
    Son is grown, age 28. Last year, we gave him and his girlfriend each a money card with ten $100 bills.
    They were pleased.
    Probably do a repeat this year.
  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    Books! No Christmas (or Birthday for that matter) can go by without my son and nieces and nephews getting new books. Reading is so important and it needs to be encouraged, so the first stop for present shopping is always Barnes & Noble or some other book store (I prefer the local ones, but for myself mostly--they don't seem to have a lot of kid friendly books).

    This year I am getting my son and iPad. He uses one at school and it's been very motivating for him and is really helping his development, so I know he'd love to have on at home. He's also got some Blue's Clues and Veggie Tales movies already stashed in the closet from when I got my taxes. I am also going to upgrade some of the movies he loves but has warn out to BluRay (Wall-E, UP) and there are some others (Cinderella, Madagascar 3) that I would like to get him, but I don't want all his gifts to be movies! Of course, the last thing he needs is more toys. He just throws them around and wrecks them! :laugh: Such a boy...
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    So far, I have gotten his traditional pj's to open Christmas Eve.

    Good to know I'm not the only one who does traditional jammies!
  • laydeneko
    laydeneko Posts: 54 Member
    I'm not a parent, but I have 5 (12-3) nieces & 1 (4mo) nephew. The oldest niece I buy books for, the 10y I usually buy craft stuff, 5y LOVES ponies so I got a stuffed one, 4y I have no idea, 3y is getting a pony like her sister, and I'll probably be getting the baby a book as well.

    For the most part I do the same for birthdays, except this year I giving the 5y my old Nikon. She has won some awards at the local fair for the pictures she took on my mom's camera, and she has been asking me to buy her a camera. I might end up giving the oldest my Nook when I upgrade that as well.
  • rhvandan
    rhvandan Posts: 185
    My 8 year old has been asking for an ipad/tablet.. but she has issues with responsibility (which is normal for her age, I know) so right now we're testing her with my old phone that we've set up as a mini wi-fi device. She has games and email on it so she can have fun, and we can see how well she does with not losing it and not destroying it (she has a tendency to leave things in the sun, in the bathroom, etc... you know kids!). If she does well, we MAY get her an off brand one. I know my mom is getting her a kindle.. Grandma's love to spoil!

    We have 2 year old twin girls too.. luckily they just like simple things. Puzzles and wodden train sets seem to be their BIG thing. They LOVE trains and airplanes. We'll probably get them jammies (yes, I do the christmas jammies as well), some books and puzzles, and maybe bath toys or their own "big kid cups". They keep stealing my hubby and my cups.

    Since we stopped our traditional tv service (F you time warner cable! lol) and only have netflix now our daughter has been asking for less "things". It's been GREAT. No commercials.. well, mostly none. Not sure if that was what made the difference, but it's sure been nice!

    My hubby is asking for a "cut" like those worn on sons of anarchy... anyone know where to find them? I'm a minivan mom.. no clue where to find a jean or leather one...
  • paulaviki
    paulaviki Posts: 678 Member
    Oldest Boy (15) - Playstation, games, MP3 Player, Tickets
    Oldest Girl(14) - Tablet, TV, DVD player
    Second Boy - (11) Remote Control cars, TV, DVD Player
    Second Girl (11) - Camera, TV, DVD Player
    Third Girl (10) - Camera, TV, DVD Player
    Youngest Girl (8) - Video camera, TV, DVD Player

    They will also get a grip of clothes, and their grandparents buy them about 3 gifts each, from each grandparent, my kids make out for christmas. They will also get games for the family to play together, that's always a tuff one, finding something that appeals to all of us....

    I sure miss when my kids were little and less expensive, we have to save all year for christmas.

    Wow that they have very generous parents! No wonder you have to save all year! Do you fancy adopting a 30 year old? I'd like a tablet, tv and DVD player!! :laugh:
  • OkieinMinny
    OkieinMinny Posts: 834 Member
  • MrsNina1972
    MrsNina1972 Posts: 105 Member
    22 year old son: money
    20 year old son: money
    13 year old son: bike, Kinnect (already has the Xbox 360), video games, clothes and shoes, remote control car or truck, and he loves action figures and trading cards (all this depends on report card)
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    For those with kids that love superhero things.. last year I made my younger son a superhero dress up kit. I hit Target and other stores starting the day after Halloween when everything was marked down to half price, and bought several costumes. He and my older son still play with the costumes all the time.

  • mom2handh1975
    mom2handh1975 Posts: 224 Member
    Nothing says Merry Xmas like cash.

    Love this! We spend a TON on our kids for Christmas. I can't imagine the reaction if we gave them cash instead. They would die!!!
  • tyrantduck
    tyrantduck Posts: 387 Member
    so far, my daughter is getting a purple Furby, a plush Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, and a Moxie Girls walking horse/doll set. still planning on getting her a new tricycle for spring because she outgrew her old one, complete with matching helmet/pads, possibly a play tea set and dress up clothes for tea parties, and maybe a new game or two for her Leapster Explorer. She's 4... we had a huge blowout christmas last year and she got not only her leapster explorer, but her own laptop to play games on PBS kids and Nick Jr. She also uses it to watch movies and cartoons when she's bored. This year we're definitely cutting back but she's still getting mostly what she wants. My husband wanted her to have one completely insane memorable christmas in her life, just like I had when I was 3 years old. I still haven't forgotten it.
  • Kerri_is_so_very
    Kerri_is_so_very Posts: 1,005 Member
    Last year was a bit crazy....this year will be much less, but we are looking at putting in a new pool in the spring. We are pretty active and do all things outdoors. They tend to do better with the "less is more approach"

    Just Dance 4 is on the top of my list (No idea what I'm getting my girls...ha!!!)