Drinking Alcohol and losing weight

Does anyone still drink alcohol and lose weight at the same time?

I saw these new Crystal light Mojito mix packets and I thought that it would be great with Grey goose rather than Cosmos or lemon drop martinis.

I am trying hard to get back to where I want to be but I like drinking on the weekends with my friends now that I am single again.

Is it possible to still lose?????


  • SexyLovinmeCook
    SexyLovinmeCook Posts: 1,393 Member
    Truth be told...I drink almost every weekend....I am sure it slows my process of losing weight...It is just hard to give it up... But that does sound good...and do share the recipe of the lemon drop w/grey goose..
  • I am wandering that exact same thing. I try to stay under my calories, even exercise on the weekdays a little more to enjoy myself. But I do like my Michelob Ultra.
  • I try not to, but I do drink on the weekends. I'm going to try to give it up, but I can't give up my wine!
  • scs143
    scs143 Posts: 2,190 Member
    Just log it. If you can fit it into your day, you should be okay.
  • I have been drinking on weekends as well and have been losing weight. I probably would lose faster without it but I always track it and add it to my calories. I also make sure I am working out to offset it. Hope that helps.
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    I will drop the weight, but never the Captian/wine/beer!!!!!!!!
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    Yep, I just have 1 or 2 now instead of....well instead of more! :)

    I usually go for a glass of red wine or vodka and club soda with a lime, but I'm a sucker for any kind of calorie-friendly drink a bar has. This past weekend I got a "skinny martini" which was vodka, pomegranite juice, fresh muddled berries and a little lemon juice and it was awesome and under 200 cals.

    I've never tried vodka with crystal light but it's probably good!
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    Alcohol is empty calories. If you fit it into your daily meal plan, no harm done as long as the rest of your intake is nutritious.
  • MissyJessy
    MissyJessy Posts: 1,279 Member
    hard core alchoholics are usually super skinny

    Not the beer drinkers i mean the people who put vodka in there cereal
  • pbl1966
    pbl1966 Posts: 207 Member
    I have a glass of wine most nights and did while I was losing. Just make sure I burn the extra calories to cover it!
  • opus649
    opus649 Posts: 633 Member
  • holly3585
    holly3585 Posts: 282 Member
    You will lose weight faster if you don't drink calories....you will exercise harder if your not hung over...... Alcohol doesn't do your metabolism any favors as your body sees it as a toxin and will metabolize the booze before anything else (like fat)...... all that being said you can and will lose weight while drinking alcohol and maintaining a deficit. I lost the majority of my weight drinking every night. Sometimes a liquid supper of 4 beer (miller lite Baby!! about 400 calories) can put you right to bed without dinner ;~)

    All about balance and not letting a few drinks turn into a midnight pizza delivery. THAT will derail the weight loss train.
  • OkieinMinny
    OkieinMinny Posts: 834 Member
    I exercise solely so I can drink more
  • ravenforest3009
    ravenforest3009 Posts: 50 Member
    Hard honest truth....NO
    Drinking alcohol and loosing weight does not work together.
    An "occassional drink" is ok - means once in a blue moon....but every weekend wont work.
    All the good work during the week is being erased with a couple of drinks as they are all "empty calouries".
    Wanna loose weigh - ditch the alcohol
  • CayleyRidgeRunner
    CayleyRidgeRunner Posts: 56 Member
    Dance it off. Work it off. Or...my personal favorite, run it off...just be sure you're not drinking as you run. It seems to generate unwanted attention by the boys in blue.
  • funsteps
    funsteps Posts: 74 Member
    I do my best to fit it into my daily calories when I go out. I've switched from vodka pineapples to rum and diet coke when I go to the bar, because it comes in somewhere around 70 calories per drink. The drinks aren't really a problem for me to fit into my daily calories though... it's the late night trips to Denny's when the bar closes and everyone has the drunk munchies :(
  • CayleyRidgeRunner
    CayleyRidgeRunner Posts: 56 Member
    I exercise solely so I can drink more

    ^^^ Truth.
  • samhigh
    samhigh Posts: 86 Member
    Yes - you absolutely can lose weight while drinking.


    In a nutshell - Avoid high carb drinks and mixers. Don't eat while drinking.

    I drink excessively once or twice a week (talking 10+ drinks) and was able to get from 11% to 8% body fat.
  • sonoranstar
    sonoranstar Posts: 4 Member
    I gave it up. In the first month I lost 13 pounds. I really did not think I would be able to give it up, but I did. My husband is a jazz musician so his life finds me frequently 'out'. I must say, I like NOT drinking when I am out, way better. I'm a much better driver!! on the way home...my evenings are more productive and mornings much brighter. I also did not become someone who is judgmental of those who drink, I just choose not to. My doctor recommended the book, "Killing Yourself with your Fork?" and he definitely does not recommend drinking and states the health reasons why. Sold me. Anyway....there is balance in everything, and the point of all of this is to enjoy your life....so enjoy, and do what makes you happy.