No time to work out.. any tips?



  • anoette
    anoette Posts: 29
    I'm a student and have to juggle my time between constantly working, handling a relationship and trying to crack out an adequate amount of study, so I get what you mean about time. I always used the excuse that I didn't have enough time, which quite honestly, wasn't true.

    I'd set my alarm in the morning 20 minutes earlier so I could get up and do some small exercises. Now i've completed Day one of the 30DS i'll be using that 20 minutes bonus to do that workout in that slot. Then I can carry on to have a nice relaxing shower etc and finish the rest of my day. I work out and study - I was doing push-ups whilst having my book propped up against the door the other day so I could read, and when I'm on a computer I tend to sit there and idly do my weights.

    The point is, you have to make time. If you don't, and as horrible as it might sound, you won't, and you will continue to find some sort of excuse until after your studies are finished and your son is a little older.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    You can get plenty of workout done during your downtime between classes and even at work. I used to walk about 5 miles a day while at work. You can do plenty of pushups and squats. Between walking, pushups and squats you get a decent workout and you don't even have to sweat
  • treatingmybodyright
    treatingmybodyright Posts: 184 Member
    Check out and search for ZWOW on YouTube. The workouts are so effective and only 12-15 minutes, and you can always go two rounds instead of 3 to start and then increase the sets as you have time and get into shape. I've found that it takes me about two weeks to get used to working out, and then I'm practically addicted and crave exercise as a means to handle everything else in life. You need to make time for yourself, even if it's only 12 minutes! Take care.
  • _AllieCat_
    _AllieCat_ Posts: 515 Member
    I used to ALWAYS claim I was too busy to exercise. I have two kids, own a company (and work at least 50+ hours a week), until this past December I was in school full time working on a Masters'. But I was losing myself in the process. I finally made myself find time every day for something, a run, the gym, riding, etc. And there's still enough hours in the day to get everything else done. You just have to tell yourself that exercise is non-negotiable, and you will find the time.

    I can relate to this, and it's so SO true. If you don't have the time, make the time.
    Your health is important because without health you won't be able to do anything.
  • peachNpunkin
    peachNpunkin Posts: 1,010 Member
    Between classes throw in some jumping jacks, while at home studying, get up every 20 minutes or so and throw in some push ups or dips, while cooking do sqwats and lunges. Where there is a will, there is a way. YOU can fit it in, you just have to think outside the box.
  • CSwitts
    CSwitts Posts: 14
    10 minute trainer by Team Beachbody is great! Quick workout and will see results!
  • sunnygirl87
    sunnygirl87 Posts: 40 Member
    Five minute walk counts. Take your child, your friend, anyone! Just move.. soon, you will want to move more!
  • Morgantam
    No time to exercise? Try to incorporate exercise into your lifestyle, e.g. walk to the grocery store, take the stairs if less than 3 flights, if you choose to spend time watching TV then at least use the commercials to do some sit-ups or get up and dance to the music! I know people who do squats or balance on one-leg when brushing teeth in the morning...but that's a little extreme :-)
  • AlicynH
    AlicynH Posts: 201 Member
    I don't know where you work, but with me, when I'm at work, when I have a couple of free minutes, I'll do 20 squats or wall push ups or even some jumping jacks. I usually this 2 or 3 times while I'm there.
  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    Maybe you're not ready to put in the effort. When you're serious about it, you'll make time.
  • sarahisme18
    sarahisme18 Posts: 574 Member
    As someone who used to overeat (and still struggles with this every day), I think you could start with changing your eating habits and overcoming those feelings of other people seeing you eat. This is a great book that really helped me:

    Once you start eating better, I promise you will have more energy to work out! Even a quick walk around the campus between classes at school can help. I totally understand not wanting to sacrifice time with your son—my husband is a pilot and is only home 2-3 nights a week, but I still have to make my M-W Zumba class. I know that he isn't always going to be there, and so I need to make time for myself whether he is or not, and it makes us both happier when I'm doing something good for myself. I think you'll find the same is true with your son—even if he's coloring and you're doing a workout DVD in the living room. In fact, boys really appreciate that kind of proximal interaction even as much as face time :)

    The big thing is that you have to find out what works for YOU. And it is going to take some time, trying different things, making adjustments. There are so many different ways to arrange hours in the day, activities, get in a work out and a good diet. It doesn't have to be one-size-fits-all. It will take some time to figure out what your routine will be! It has taken me since January to get into a diet habit and a workout schedule that fits into my life and still lets me value everything else that is important to me.
  • maryjay52
    maryjay52 Posts: 557 Member
    sorry but theres always time to work out ..if you dont its because you tell yourself that you dont have time.. 20 minutes ..thats all you need for when you are really strapped for time..everyone has 20 minutes to give ..just do it in the house --walk up and down the stairs, run in place, run outside ,walk outside, get a cardio machine and put it in front of the tv , dance something which is better than nothing
  • diligentjosh
    I may reccomend getting a dietary supplement. Not diet pills that replace meals, but a supplement.
    My sister uses Sensa, and it does okay for her. She is souvirely obese for her age, and she hates physical activity. If you dont have the time, you dont have the time. Maybe carry weights with you to walk with around campus? Looks kinda dorky though.

    That is the best I can offer. I am in school full time, but I don't have a kid or a job at the moment, so I have a lot of time.
  • diligentjosh
    Maybe intensify the time you have. instead of jogging with your son, do sprints. It elevates your heart rate faster, and if you sustain, you will burn the same calories in half the time.
  • EatClean_WashUrNuts
    EatClean_WashUrNuts Posts: 1,590 Member
    Putting this as honest and blunt as possible...Make time. You either want it or dont. Stop making the excuses that keep from taking action.
  • RachM
    RachM Posts: 113 Member
    When I was a student and working full time I would set aside 45 minutes at the gym a day. I would bring a textbook or notes to the gym, prop it up on the machine and run/walk/climb. It was what worked for me!
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    I'm sorry you're feeling lousy. Others have provided good tips but I just wanted to stress the importance of getting enough sleep. Lack of sleep will affect everything in your life, including your appearance. You must find a way to manage your time so you get 6-8 hours of sleep every night.

    Read some books/articles on time management. I took a time management class once and it changed my life. Seriously.

    Hang in there hon.
  • sarahisme18
    sarahisme18 Posts: 574 Member
    I may reccomend getting a dietary supplement. Not diet pills that replace meals, but a supplement.
    My sister uses Sensa, and it does okay for her. She is souvirely obese for her age, and she hates physical activity. If you dont have the time, you dont have the time. Maybe carry weights with you to walk with around campus? Looks kinda dorky though.

    That is the best I can offer. I am in school full time, but I don't have a kid or a job at the moment, so I have a lot of time.

    1) Exercise is important, dietary supplement or not. You shouldn't just add diet pills or whatever and call it good....

    2) Please DO NOT carry weights while you walk around, especially do not swing them. You will tear up your joints that way!!!
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    walk faster to class. just ten-20 minutes here and there of fast cardio will help you. sitting on a bench and do some leg lift or crunches.
    when you're in the kitchen cooking dinner, you can squeeze in 3 reps of 10 jumping jacks of push ups off the counter.

    then there is floor play with your kid.

    I'd suggest weigh bearing cardio since you can't make it to the gym.
    burpees, albeit evil, is a good one. make sure you get in some core work outs such as
    "mountain climber" exercise is good

    "superman static"
    Just put it on mute and go to :37, hold for 10 seconds, do a quick set of 20 reps, hold for a count of ten, and do 3 sets of this.

    Youtube has a bunch of short work outs you can view to try and get some variety in there.

    Good luck! As a mom, I completely agree, if you get too sleep deprived, it just won't work.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    It sounds like you're pretty overwhelmed with your life right now. Not to sound insensitive, but, finding time to exercise is usually more about making it enough of a priority. We find time to do the things that really matter to us. Look, in order to fully be there for your son and whoever else needs you, you HAVE to take care of yourself. No one is going to do that for you. Be creative. Is there someone who can take your son for an hour a couple times a week so you can exercise? Can you get out and walk? You know the ins and outs of your life better than anyone, so take some time to think about when and where you can carve 20 mins out for yourself, or start with 10-15 if you have to. Something is better than nothing. Really. Blessing to you!