How did you stop caffeine?

I'm currently trying to stop caffeine completely and I was wondering if anyone had any tips on how to do this without feeling like COMPLETE crap. I am already expecting to feel somewhat crappy, but I don't want to be super-cranky lol


  • GiggityGiggity88
    GiggityGiggity88 Posts: 20 Member
    I was drinking atleast 4 cans of diet pop a day (usually more) and sometimes I would also drink a cup or 2 of coffee if I had time before work. One day I just switched to only drinking water. I drank it constantly... I haven't had any withdrawals it seems. I feel pretty good overall.

    Don't go into it thinking you will feel crappy. Expectations play a huge role in how you will perceive things. If you expect to feel bad, you probably will.
  • Skmellyg
    Skmellyg Posts: 158 Member
    Symptoms will vary. I am on my 3rd week and I will never go back! I feel more energized throughout the day. Anyways, I had headaches for the first week. I was always tired. Some people suggest doing it slow. Like 1 can a day, the maybe 3 cans for the whole week next week, then 2 the next week, then 1 then you are off. I cut it out cold turkey. I did however have BC powder to reduce the headaches, limit those though because they are not the best and have smaller amounts of caffeine. Chocolate had caffeine in it too. That is what I did.
  • diadojikohei
    diadojikohei Posts: 732 Member
    I worked out one day how much I was spending on mochas and realised that in 2 years I spent the price of a second hand car in coffee! I went cold turkey after that! Instant isn't the same, so now it's just tea, herbal teas and milk for me ( oh and gin!)
  • Amberonamission
    Amberonamission Posts: 836 Member
    I worked out one day how much I was spending on mochas and realised that in 2 years I spent the price of a second hand car in coffee! I went cold turkey after that! Instant isn't the same, so now it's just tea, herbal teas and milk for me ( oh and gin!)
    I asked my Dad how to give up smoking.. His suggestion... Start drinking. I love when people show me their genius.
  • lolly2721
    lolly2721 Posts: 56 Member
    :::Looking lovingly at my iced tea:::::: Why would you want to give this up? ;)

    I tried giving up caffeine once. I don't drink sodas and don't put sweetners in my tea but the caffeine is addicting.

    I would suggest not going cold turkey if you have been a long time caffeine drinker. I experienced severe headaches that rivaled, and sometimes morphed, into my migraines. I also found that I was tired and cranky. Unfortunately, I didn't kick the addiction. I have cut back but personally don't want to give it up. I would suggest cutting back slowly to let your body give up the addiction to caffeine.
    I just stopped one day,drank plenty of water or herbal teas.Didn't have any problems with headaches or feeling cack.Go into it with a positive attitude.Haven't had caffeine for years now and if i do,like when i'm visiting someone and they make tea.I forget to ask if they have decaff.I feel dreadful afterward.Really sickly and weak.

  • ahoier
    ahoier Posts: 312 Member
    I just I used to be a coffee and tea kind of person.....before MFP.....well.....MFP "motivated" me to ditch the iced teas and coffees, for the sheer fact that, "ugh, I don't want to have to log these empty calories..." it was kind of like self control.

    Don't get me wrong, I still drink caffeine, but hardly/barely ANY sode....honestly, can't remember the last soda I had......errr....wait, actually, take that back, had a Rum and Coke at the bar one night.... :X lol. Couple weeks ago :)

    Don't just jump off of it, just moderate your intake.....that's basically what I've done.....I still drink iced tea, but only home made iced tea that I can be accountable for what goes in it....
  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    I just changed to decaf tea..I don't drink fizzy..unless I have a large vodka in it :laugh:
  • jangyxox
    I just stopped drinking coffee and caffeinated drinks. But being a full time uni students occasionally I will have a cup of black coffee during an all-nighter. and now that i have gone off caffeine if I have a cup of coffee I will feel really crappy about 1/2 way in to my coffee. I think it just takes your body a little time to adjust.

    If you are waking up tired, do few jumps on the spot or have a nice shower to wake yourself up. I also don't close my curtains at night so when I wake up the room is nice and bright.
    If you are feeling the caffeine craving during the day go for a run or go to the gym? I find after I exercise I feel really pumped and I have trouble staying still haha

    good luck I know it can be hard but if you really want it you will get there!
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    for my afternoon soda/caffeine fix, i started eating an apple. i read somewhere that an apple has the same amount of energy that a can of soda has.

    but no one can or ever will take away my morning coffee.
  • MJ0214
    MJ0214 Posts: 36 Member
    Thank you so much, everyone! I went ahead and used a crystal light pack with a bit of caffeine and will wean off that way since any pop is super tempting to me lol.
  • PinkHurricane88
    PinkHurricane88 Posts: 156 Member
    Caffeine is one thing that I don't want to give up right now. I have given up smoking almost two packs a day (cold turkey), all soda, excessive alcohol, and I will not give up my coffee or tea!!!! LOL, but I did cut back on the coffee, went from almost a pot of coffee a day to now about 4, 6oz cups a day, if that. Eventually I would like to have just one 8oz cup, no more than 16 oz. My advice is to cut back slowly on whatever you are trying to eliminate.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I didn't give up caffeine, but if I were going to I'd just cut down a little each week for a few weeks, then give it up completely.
  • capnrus789
    capnrus789 Posts: 2,736 Member
    I was having some crazy blader, intestinal issues (TMI?) and the Dr.'s couldn't figure out what was wrong with me. I started taking out several things in my diet, including caffeine. I went cold turkey and endured the wicked headaches for about a week, then I was fine. Lot's of advil in the meanitme. Then I added back 1 cup of morning coffee and that's it for the day.

    I don't believe caffeine is necessarily bad, but too much of anything can be, right?
  • opus649
    opus649 Posts: 633 Member
  • butterfli7o
    butterfli7o Posts: 1,319 Member
    Stop caffeine??? Noooooo...... :sad:
  • emtjmac
    emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
    Just drink unsweetened tea or tea with a tbsp of honey (60 cals). And increase your water intake to at least 8 cups every day.
  • tattedchic
    tattedchic Posts: 66 Member
    I just quit caffeine this week since I found out I'm preggo! I had to quit cold turkey, I thought it would be bad cause I was a caffeine junkie before, but by the 3rd or 4th day I was fine. Drink lots of (decaf) green tea and eat small meals throughout the day to keep your energy up.
  • reree6898
    reree6898 Posts: 42 Member
    Cold turkey worked for me. I was addicted to cola and mt. dew, I would have a coke first thing every morning and several more soda's through the day. I joined a gym in May and gave up junk food, fast food, etc and started working out. Hydration is a key element to losing weight and my trainer told me that for every ounce of caffinated beverage you drink it will take two ounces of water to replace the hydration in your body. That really helped me. I did have the wtihdraw symptoms for a few days but once all the junk was out of my system I have felt better then ever. I have not had any caffeine in 5 months and I now drink at least 1 to 1&1/2 gallons of water per day. I have lost 59 lbs as well. Good luck to you!
  • CacophonyJen
    I spent all summer cutting back on caffeine. Instead of keeping track of the amount I was consuming, I set a cut-off time every day and moved it back 10 minutes per day. I'm a little embarrassed to admit that my starting cut-off time was 6 PM, but it was a pretty bad addiction! (ah, the life of a full-time student!)

    Now I still have 2 cups of coffee most days, but my cut-off time is strictly set at noon. It's a happy medium - I have enough caffeine in me to get through morning classes, (I swear, nothing in the world should happen before 10 AM!) but I'm no longer dependent on it to get through my entire day.