Goal of 20 lbs down by Christmas...any joiners?



  • xxcandywrathxx
    xxcandywrathxx Posts: 200 Member
    I'd love to join!
    I can honestly admit I will probably only lose around 10-15lbs, but 20 is still a good goal.

    Current weight 194.1
    goal weight 164.1

    good luck everyone!
  • BeautifulCateyes
    BeautifulCateyes Posts: 2 Member
    I am looking forward to losing 20 pounds by christmas!! So happy to join this group. Im looking forward to the support and tips. Im 217 pounds now. i would be extremely happy to be 20 pounds less.
  • I'm in! Hopefully this will be the added motivation that I need! Can anyone tell me how to join the group? CW 140 - GW 120
  • im in start weight 204 by xmas 284 but i am a sucky work out person help!!!
  • kcvitale
    kcvitale Posts: 4 Member
    I'd like to join, but I'm still new at this. Let me know if there's any settings I need to change to be included in a group, or receive group notifications.

    I'm 212.4 now. Ultimate goal is 170, but 192 by Christmas would be "One"derful! ;)
  • CricketWhiskers
    CricketWhiskers Posts: 64 Member
    i AM SO IN!!!

    Christmas Goal-200lbs (getting under 200 would be THE BEST X-mas present EVER!!!)
  • Emerya1978
    Emerya1978 Posts: 11 Member
    Im in Currently 235lbs would like to be 215 lbs by Christmas :)
  • this can be a goal of mines as well and i would love to join you on this journey.
  • witchy_wife
    witchy_wife Posts: 792 Member
    Yay I would love to be in! Currently 207 so will aim for 187 (wow that would be amazing!)
  • amyoliver85
    amyoliver85 Posts: 353 Member
    I don't have exactly 20 lbs left to lose. But I have had a heck of a time getting my last 19 lbs to come off and stay off. So if you'll have me, I'm in! (you never know...maybe I can go ahead and lose one extra pound just for posterity!)

    Weight this morning: 154.3 lbs.
  • ciarra1028
    ciarra1028 Posts: 6 Member
    In! Have a wedding in April and this would be the kick start I need ...
    Current weight 148 / 128 by Christmas!!!
  • I'm in! My current weight is 214 and I would love to be under 200 by Christmas!
  • AmberJo1984
    AmberJo1984 Posts: 1,067 Member
    20 pounds from complete starting weight, or 20 pounds from today's starting weight. If 20 pounds from before, I don't have much left to lose. However, if it's 20 pounds from today, that would be difficult... but, I'm up for the challenge. :)

    My current weight is 268.3.
  • darisey
    darisey Posts: 228 Member
    I'd love to be in!
    My current weight is 234
    So 20lbs less would be 214 :)
  • Love this !! My current weight is 194 I would love to be down to 174 ! Feel free to add me anyone!
  • Caseyann2501
    Caseyann2501 Posts: 43 Member
    I'm a little late, but will join in!

    Starting weight - 162

    Goal weight - 142
  • kkreed527
    kkreed527 Posts: 2 Member
    Just cancelled my WW subscription and joined MFP. Excited at saving money and trying a new approach to shedding weight. Not that WW didn't work, but I like the straight approach of my caloric intake. The points plus, says I can eat as many bananas I want a day (as they are 0/free points), and I tend to take free things to the extreme.

    I am 145 now, and would love to be 125 by XMAS. How many weeks till then? 10? Well, 2 pounds a week seems doable. Just jumped back onto p90X, moved to a new state, and just became a stay at home mom. I used to eat out at lunch everyday, so my weight starting going upward, especially before I moved. Excited and determined to get proactive about my weight loss, since I can't fit into any of my clothes and absolutely refuse to buy anything new. I am tired of living in t-shirts and sweat pants ; 0 )
  • I'm in!!!
  • moe3179
    moe3179 Posts: 12 Member
    Add me please!! CW ~ 188 lbs... Christmas Goal Weight ~ 168 lbs
  • mouraofam
    mouraofam Posts: 1 Member
    I am in! I see a lot of women who are on the same page as I am. :) CW 168 GW 148. This is going to be a fast track weight loss, but it wil be GREAT! Thanks for the support that is much needed. Lets help eachother out!