So frustrated! Scale hasnt budged!



  • jcoco
    jcoco Posts: 138 Member
    This happened to me & I ate at maintenance calories for a week, then went back down to my lower calories & began to lose weight again. I also have 10 lbs to go & my body is fighting me all the way. You have to mix it up.
  • jesz124
    jesz124 Posts: 1,004 Member
    Right, I'm gonna be honest and say what everyone else is probably thinking. You are fine, you don't look or sound like you need to lose any weight anyway. If you really wanna change your body and drop a bit of fat start lifting weights, heavy weights. Then at least you can eat a decent amount and you will improve your bod, not that it looks (or sounds rather) that it needs improving. Or maybe just start liking the way you look now ;-)
  • jesz124
    jesz124 Posts: 1,004 Member
    Oh and to add, I couldn't give a stuff about what I weigh, means less than nothing to me, weight is just a random figure, it's how you LOOK that matters!!
  • auntdeedee87
    auntdeedee87 Posts: 706 Member
    Measure everywhere!
  • Aleciarose123
    Aleciarose123 Posts: 44 Member
    Kms YOU should not be RUDE by calling me vain. You have no idea what my build or body structure is. 118 may not be unhealthy for my height, but it is also not comfortable or where I feel my best. I gain weight in the wrong places and my clothes do not fit right. Please dont crticize me for wanting to feel my best.
  • kellicci
    kellicci Posts: 409 Member
    I havent been using a scale, but have been logging total calories for everything pretty accurately. I also have been underestimating my calories burned through excercising and probably overestimating my calories consumed. The only thing that I can come up with is that I am possible eating too few calories. I am just scared to up it, since I am already not seeing results.

    Well how few calories are you eating? if it's less than 1000 you're probably right... if it's 1200ish it should work at first but if you want sustainable weight loss figure your TDEE and take 20% off off that. It's won't be fast but it will work.

    I'm 35 and I thought my metabolism was shot too it's scary getting older! like my granny says "getting old ain't for sissys!" Haha! Anyway I'm petitie, 5'1" and I eat 1300 a day plus I eat back most of my exercise calories. 1300 is just a tiny bit under my BMR but I figure underestimation of calories covers my rounding.I'm losing an average of .7 a week (when I'm good). Don't be scared to eat a few more calories sometimes it really helps.
    JBWILLOW Posts: 108 Member
    I have the exact same thing happening to me. I have 10-15 pounds to my goal weight and my scale has not budged in weeks, if not a month or so. I workout 5 days a week and eat under my calories. I am assuming when you have less to lose, it takes longer
  • Aleciarose123
    Aleciarose123 Posts: 44 Member
    Thanks Kellycici..that helps. I will try increasing my calories a little bit and see if that helps. Im not trying to lose it all at once. I just wanted to see a tiny bit of progress instead of the scale going in the wrong direction!
  • FutureMrsWarby
    FutureMrsWarby Posts: 96 Member
    Kms YOU should not be RUDE by calling me vain. You have no idea what my build or body structure is. 118 may not be unhealthy for my height, but it is also not comfortable or where I feel my best. I gain weight in the wrong places and my clothes do not fit right. Please dont crticize me for wanting to feel my best.

    If you are telling me you are weighing anywhere from 115-118, and want to lose 10 pounds, that means you want to weigh 105-108.

    As I said, DEPENDING on your height, that could be unhealthy. I don't know your height. But if you are 5'8 and wanting to be 108 pounds, yes, that is vanity.
  • I'm right there with ya! I went through the same struggles. But how do you feel? Are you hungry? How's your energy? Are you actually eating enough? Your body could be going into starvation mode and if that's the case weight loss will be harder. Your body will want to hold on to every bit of food you give it bc it doesn't know when it will get any more. Please don't eat less than 1200 calories a day(and 1200 still might not be enough) and drink a lot and I mean a lot of water. The scale might go up a bit bc of your water intake but in the end it will actually help flush out toxins and boost your metabolism. If you feel like you are doing everything right then I would look at your workout. Cardio is the best way to burn fat and get you looking lean. Up your cardio routine if you can. I do 5 different machines at the gym, stair-master, bike, treadmill, elliptical, and row machine for 10 min a piece and the only rest I get is walking to the next machine a taking a sip of water. This has helped me, not only do I feel better but I don't get bored. When your ready, up it to 15 min or go for a higher intensity. The weight is sure to fall off, just hang in there!
  • Aleciarose123
    Aleciarose123 Posts: 44 Member
    Im 5'4" with a small frame, so at 118 I do not feel good about myself. I dont carry the weight well. Not that I should have to justify myself, but my goal weight is where I felt the best about myself. I dont think that makes me vain. If thats the case, arent we all vain since we are here to get in shape and feel our best?
  • kellicci
    kellicci Posts: 409 Member
    Thanks Kellycici..that helps. I will try increasing my calories a little bit and see if that helps. Im not trying to lose it all at once. I just wanted to see a tiny bit of progress instead of the scale going in the wrong direction!

    I only have 10 pounds to lose too. I'm over halfway there. People are haters when they see me and I say I need tolose 10 pounds too. I'm not overweight but my clothes just don't fit right and I don't like it. So if 108 is where you feel like you then don;t listen to those people.

    If you've been working out like crazy and that's not oyur norm I bet your muscles are retaining water. That will last a couple weeks so don't freak out....but your measurements might still shrink in that time so do take measurements it's a great motivator. You can check out my dairy if you want to get a sense of what works for me. It's always open....keeps me honest! lol
  • elizawe
    elizawe Posts: 54 Member
    I read your profile. you're complaining about weighing 118? You want to weigh 105-110? Come on now. depending on your height 118 is most likely healthy for you. Don't be vain.

    That's not nice to call her vain. We are here to support one another. It looks like you have lost a lot of weight. Your before and after pictures are incredible. Anyone may look at your profile and say you've reached your perfect weight even though you may still want to lose some more. No one is calling you vain for wanting that. My weight in within my normal BMI but I know I look much better when I'm 5-10 pounds lighter still within my BMI). We are all here with different goals so let's stay positive.
  • FutureMrsWarby
    FutureMrsWarby Posts: 96 Member
    I only consider it vanity if you are already at a healthy weight, and the goal weight is unhealthy. I'm 5ft2 and aiming for 130. lol by your standards I'm pretty much going to be fat at my goal weight.

    but do what you think is best.
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    I'm not sure how you're approaching this, but I get the impression that you are eating as little as possible to lose as quick as possible. That's how I started MFP, too. I gained 2 pounds. And there's nothing else I can cut.

    I've decided that MAYBE it's best to start out near the top of what I can eat and see how it goes from there. That gives me a little wiggle room to make some small cuts in calories or increases in exercise if I'm not losing some weight.
  • I have found the closer you are to your goal the slower it seems. If you are doing the same exercises, you might have to change what you are doing or increase the time. From past experience, continue to stay on your food plan and exercise and you will get the results you want. I also agree with the other responder, measure the inches--you might find it here rather than the scale. Good luck!
  • DeannaPaige1
    DeannaPaige1 Posts: 84 Member
    You may also want to UP your calories. I personally have no tried that but I know many people on here that have and it got them out of that slump. I know it sounds horrible to UP them but I'd give it a try if I had the problem.
  • wahmx3
    wahmx3 Posts: 633 Member
    With only 10 pounds to go, you are going to have to exercise and eat clean.... no treats, junk, processed/boxed stuff etc. How much water do you drink? Is it your TOM? What are you doing for exercise? How many calories are you consuming on a daily basis? Make sure you are eating enough of the right foods and have some patience.
  • Aleciarose123
    Aleciarose123 Posts: 44 Member
    Thanks Kellycici..that helps. I will try increasing my calories a little bit and see if that helps. Im not trying to lose it all at once. I just wanted to see a tiny bit of progress instead of the scale going in the wrong direction!

    I only have 10 pounds to lose too. I'm over halfway there. People are haters when they see me and I say I need tolose 10 pounds too. I'm not overweight but my clothes just don't fit right and I don't like it. So if 108 is where you feel like you then don;t listen to those people.

    If you've been working out like crazy and that's not oyur norm I bet your muscles are retaining water. That will last a couple weeks so don't freak out....but your measurements might still shrink in that time so do take measurements it's a great motivator. You can check out my dairy if you want to get a sense of what works for me. It's always open....keeps me honest! lol

    Thanks so much!! I will check it out. Its nice to meet people with the same weightloss goals that will not judge me because my standards of comfortable do not match up with theirs. To each their own, but I think if you cant say something nice, keep your thoughts to yourself!
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    It is because you are UNDER your calorie goal.

    You need to meet those goals, not fall below them.

    The idea is to lose fat not muscle.

    The idea is to fuel your machine!

    Your body is not going to let go of the extra weight if you are falling BELOW your calorie goals. If it does, you will gain it back and then some once you return to normal eating.

    You're eating a deficit to the built-in deficit that MFP provides. You're doin' it wrong.