Evening Snacks?



  • traciepetersen
    traciepetersen Posts: 1 Member
    Cottage cheese with frozen mixed berries heated up in the microwave. Or cold cottage cheese with natural applesauce.

    This may also sound really strange, but I've been doing a glass of orange Metamucil at night before bed when I get a sweet craving. I personally really like the flavor (I'm weird), and the fiber kills your craving and hunger completely.
  • sarahisme18
    sarahisme18 Posts: 574 Member
    I always have a banana a day (: i love peaches and raspberries/blackberries too! Or dark chocolate covered rice cakes, they always feel very desert-y to me so one or two is great after dinner.

    Dark chocolate covered rice cakes??! Okay, where can I found this NOW.
  • maryjay52
    maryjay52 Posts: 557 Member
    its hard for me to use the word snack .. snacking to me is a negative thing because a snack to me is candy , chips ,ice cream ect .. im chaning my mental mode and just gonna eat meals only smaller meals
  • tbruegg
    tbruegg Posts: 283 Member
    My wife and I sit down every night and have a bowl of ice cream. 1 serving, mind you, not a tub (that's 1/2 cup of ice cream). It's in no way filling, but also isn't that bad for you and helps curb my sweet tooth during the day because I know that the ice cream is coming.

    I'm sure someone here will tell me how horrible that is, but the 70 lbs I've lost tells me you can do it and still lose weight.

    Totally agree.....

    Haha :) Moderation IS key! Maybe I shouldn't worry so much about allowing myself something sweet at the end of the day, in moderation.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    its hard for me to use the word snack .. snacking to me is a negative thing because a snack to me is candy , chips ,ice cream ect .. im chaning my mental mode and just gonna eat meals only smaller meals

    That's interesting! I always think of candy and ice cream as dessert. (I don't eat chips anyway.) It's funny how we can put negative connotations on words like that! I am trying to completely reevaluate my thinking.

    To the OP:
    I think SideSteel has it right with high protein desserts. That way you can satisfy your sweet tooth plus get more protein.
  • 130annie
    130annie Posts: 339 Member
    Sounds good to me. Thanks
  • JesGilb
    JesGilb Posts: 30
    I love sugar free white choc. pudding and dip strawberries in it.
    Or blue bunny frozen yogurt.
  • utomjordingen
    utomjordingen Posts: 20 Member
    apple slices with cinnamon :)
  • archgrrrl
    I always like something sweet to end my day on as well. I've been known to have a slice of toast with almond butter, chopped macadamia nuts and a sprinkling of cinnamon. Sweet but not too sugary. :)
  • debbecake
    debbecake Posts: 20 Member
    I have a Luigi shaved ice almost every night. 100 calories and it takes a while to eat it so you are satisfied. The mango is the best!

    Or one of my new favorites is chocolate mini rice cakes with peanut butter. I use the PB2 (45 cals for 2 tbls) and make it runnier than regular pb and dip away. That's usually my afternoon snack at work.
  • SaraEWrig
    SaraEWrig Posts: 88 Member
    Nutella on a graham cracker.

    Or a handful of cocoa puffs. We don't eat chocolate cereal in our house for breakfast, but sometimes I'll buy it and have a handful of dry cereal if I'm craving chocolate later in the day.
  • mwooderson
    mwooderson Posts: 254 Member
    I often have a piece of Paleo bread (the coconut only 40 calories) or Cinnamon Carb Zero Bread from Julian's Bakery and put PB2 on it with one package of sweetner and some cinnamon in the powder when I making it. Sometimes I'll also add sugar free jelly on top like apricot or strawberry or fresh berries are great! This keeps the calorie count low, provides protein and fiber and satisfies my sweet tooth. The make PB2 in chocolate and that can be dressed up and put over sugar free fat free vanilla Kemp's frozen yogurt....GOOD STUFF!!!
  • mfp_1
    mfp_1 Posts: 516 Member
    Fresh cut pineapple with soya ice cream.

    A brand I like is:
    It's sometimes hard to find but worth searching.
    Don't measure by volume. Measure by weight.
  • pandorakick
    pandorakick Posts: 901 Member
    Sometimes I have a piece (25 g) of extra dark chocolate, only 140 kcal's and it satisfies my sweet / chocolate craving better then say milk chocolate does.