What is it with negative people? [rant]



  • APBTChampion
    APBTChampion Posts: 93 Member
    Ive lost twice as much as my husband and he is the one getting hit on. Grrr.

    Think of it this way... your hubby is getting hit on. And he's with you, which means you're sexy enough to keep him!

    TAKE THAT! <3
  • APBTChampion
    APBTChampion Posts: 93 Member
    I know who your talking about and your not the only one to notice this person complaining. Lol this is supposed to be a positive experience that's why yesterday I wrote my positive experience with mfp because it is hon!! Focus on that not the ones that bring you down!! Your doing well xx

    Thank you hon! I have so many people who are my inspiration! *Hint, hint, you included!*
  • jesse1379
    jesse1379 Posts: 239 Member
    I swear that I've run across the most negative people recently... in person, on MFP, everywhere.

    What is so innately wrong with these people that they get their rocks off making people feel/look/sound bad in some form or another?

    Are they so disturbed that it makes them feel good?
    Or is it because they want someone else to feel as bad as they do?
    Do they not know any other way to interact with the general populace?

    Snippet of a convo I overheard:
    "I'm so close to my goal weight, just another 15 pounds!"
    "Maybe the last 15 will be your love handles."

    WTF... really? THAT is your response to someone who has managed to lose all but 15 pounds?!

    :huh: :mad: :explode: :devil: :noway:
    From what I can see of your picture above you have no love handles.
  • Melaniec78
    Melaniec78 Posts: 259 Member
    And very rude!! It seems as if MFP is turning into a dating site where everybody tries to show off by looking like a bigger jack **s. Hello people use a real dating site they are free too. Met my man of 4 years on plenty of fish NOT a dieting site!!
  • APBTChampion
    APBTChampion Posts: 93 Member
    I swear that I've run across the most negative people recently... in person, on MFP, everywhere.

    What is so innately wrong with these people that they get their rocks off making people feel/look/sound bad in some form or another?

    Are they so disturbed that it makes them feel good?
    Or is it because they want someone else to feel as bad as they do?
    Do they not know any other way to interact with the general populace?

    Snippet of a convo I overheard:
    "I'm so close to my goal weight, just another 15 pounds!"
    "Maybe the last 15 will be your love handles."

    WTF... really? THAT is your response to someone who has managed to lose all but 15 pounds?!

    :huh: :mad: :explode: :devil: :noway:
    From what I can see of your picture above you have no love handles.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: LOL No, my picture shows no love handles. It just suggests that I'm a dog.
  • opus649
    opus649 Posts: 633 Member
    This site has a lot of helpful, knowledgeable, supportive people...

    But for every action there is a equal and opposite reaction

  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    And very rude!! It seems as if MFP is turning into a dating site where everybody tries to show off by looking like a bigger jack **s. Hello people use a real dating site they are free too. Met my man of 4 years on plenty of fish NOT a dieting site!!
    At the risk of sounding negative, what pray tell does where you met your man of four years have to do with this thread?
  • Melaniec78
    Melaniec78 Posts: 259 Member

    Oh wait..dont forget that general respect is dying FAST

  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Just general assholism......I usually just hit DELETE!:drinker:
  • APBTChampion
    APBTChampion Posts: 93 Member
    I just want to say that I am a positive person and anyone can add me if they want. Thanks.
    It says user deactivated. :-/
  • Melaniec78
    Melaniec78 Posts: 259 Member
    And very rude!! It seems as if MFP is turning into a dating site where everybody tries to show off by looking like a bigger jack **s. Hello people use a real dating site they are free too. Met my man of 4 years on plenty of fish NOT a dieting site!!
    At the risk of sounding negative, what pray tell does where you met your man of four years have to do with this thread?

    Just giving the ones on here trying to hook up with anything with boobs alternatives so they will leave the people who utilize THIS site for the proper reasons alone.
  • Antonella64
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    upper lip?

    not to be rude, but after awhile if you suddenly seem to notice the same things everywhere it's probably because you're making some type of subconscious (or conscious) choice to notice it. there are plenty of positive things that happen but hey, if you just want to focus on the negative things then realize that it's YOUR choice and the world around you is not required to change just because you have your negativity receptors on high.

    as far as the snippet of conversation goes, it's really easy to judge a conversation when you dont know the dynamics of the relationship or the personalities of those involved, isn't it? this is one of those things where my great grandmother would tell me to stop trying to be all up in the someone's cake batter before i even knew the flavor was.
  • APBTChampion
    APBTChampion Posts: 93 Member
    upper lip?

    not to be rude, but after awhile if you suddenly seem to notice the same things everywhere it's probably because you're making some type of subconscious (or conscious) choice to notice it. there are plenty of positive things that happen but hey, if you just want to focus on the negative things then realize that it's YOUR choice and the world around you is not required to change just because you have your negativity receptors on high.

    as far as the snippet of conversation goes, it's really easy to judge a conversation when you dont know the dynamics of the relationship or the personalities of those involved, isn't it? this is one of those things where my great grandmother would tell me to stop trying to be all up in the someone's cake batter before i even knew the flavor was.

    Here's the deal. I'm a positive person, and I'm always trying to offer a smile, a kind word, etc. I don't know if it's the weather, or whatever - but the people around me have been seriously on the negative slide. So it's difficult to keep offering positive words and actions when everyone around you is negative. Difficult, not impossible. I never suggested the world needed to change, I just wanted to get some insight as to WHY people act this way.

    As for the snippet? Yes, it is easy to judge. I know both the people involved in the conversation quite well, and the girl on the receiving end is one of my weight loss buddies. So as for the cake batter? I know the flavor, and the icing.

    I'm not trying to throw a pity party for myself, "oh woe is me the world is so dark and dreary, I need some happy rainbows, unicorns, and scratch-n-sniff stickers that smell like cotton candy". It's a simple question that I posed: "what gives?"
  • elizawe
    elizawe Posts: 54 Member
    Don't give your power away by letting other people get to you. The example you gave wasn't even a convo you were involved in. Let it go! Think of your life as a canvas, in every moment you get to choose the color, the feeling, the mood. It's easier than you think most of the time. Remind yourself in every instance to choose joy. Most of the time, what we pay attention to in life is simply a reflection of what we have going on inside.

    I looked at your diary for the past few days, and I noticed that you are taking in half your calories from junk food. As a cardiology nurse specialist, that is not healthy for you, especially all the conditions you have going on. These foods are probably affecting your mood adversely as well. I know it's hard, but try to cut back on the sugary stuff. Once you get all that sugar out of your system, you will not crave it so bad, and you will feel better.
  • opus649
    opus649 Posts: 633 Member
    I remember scratch-n-sniff stickers. Man, life was a lot simpler back then.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member

    ...to remind me to read through a bunch of people tearing apart "mean" people.
  • Marystracking
    Rum was my choice for the night....The heck with neg comments.
  • APBTChampion
    APBTChampion Posts: 93 Member

    ...to remind me to read through a bunch of people tearing apart "mean" people.

    I don't really see anyone "tearing apart" mean people. It's just a discussion... I'm not saying all mean people should just go jump of a bridge because they're terrible. I just want to know why they say or do the things that they do.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I remember scratch-n-sniff stickers. Man, life was a lot simpler back then.

    Grape smelled the best.