When was you "I need to do something about this" point?



  • goldengodd3ss
    goldengodd3ss Posts: 47 Member
    My enough is enough point was last July (2011) after coming back from a month long backpacking trip to Asia. While there, I felt unfit and couldn't keep up with all the walking and sightseeing to be had. I didn't want to wear my swimsuit in Thailand and go to the full moon party because I felt too fat and inadequate. After coming back, I was embarrassed of showing my pictures to friends and family. I didn't want to buy new clothes because I couldn't stand buying sizes from the XL racks. I hated how I looked. I hated how I felt.

    Since July 2011, I've lost about 35 pounds, my confidence/self-image has grown and I'm really enjoying my friendships made on MFP. I feel so much more enthusiastic about life and I'm determined to continue on this path to a healthier self.

    My most recent "I'm so proud of myself" moment was just a few weeks ago, just after my trip to Paris. In the 7 days I was there, I walked everywhere to see the sights (I only took the metro twice!!) and could walk walk walk all day long. Some nights it was well past 11 p.m. and I still had enough energy to keep going (and I did keep going!).

    Thanks for posting this topic sselraef! I've enjoyed reading everyone's responses! :wink:
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    When I gained 7 pounds on vacation in June. I usually lose weight while there because I'm usually very active.
    I remember when I moved and got a new doc, he said "you're turning 30 soon, statistically, you'll gain 10 pounds before you hit 40, so you need to watch out for that. I was appalled but he was so right! I gained 17!
    At my heaviest I was 178, but 9 months pregnant. I honestly hated the way I looked i found my thighs mostly disgusting. At my best, I weighed 125 and all muscle. In High School I was extremely active
    For me, it's more about getting my muscle mass back, not just getting back down to 130. I doubt I'll ever have all that muscle mass back as I had a very physically demanding job... but I dislike my body right now! The pic in my avatar was 5'ish years ago and I want to look like that again!

    My mom had a heart attack when I was 12'ish, and she was 41. By 60, she had 2 more, resulting in a quad-bypass. My husband's dad has full on diabetes, and neither of us even want to begin to head down that path.
  • kimmiedunne
    kimmiedunne Posts: 82 Member
    My moment came in September 2008 after a summer vacation. I saw pictures of myself and couldn't believe it. I was applying for a job and said "If I get that job - I'm going to go to Weight Watchers." I got the job and I started going with my mom - I dropped 85 pounds in 2 years on Weight Watchers. Put a little back on over the next 2 years so came on here in August of this year and since I started here I am almost back down to where I was at the end of Weight Watchers when I was a lifetime member. My goal now is to get to 130 - only 24 pounds to go! :) Hopefully going to reach it before I get married in April! I'm loving the support on MFP and all of the things you can do on here! It's been very helpful.
  • kodijhill
    kodijhill Posts: 116 Member
    when i went to the doctors just recently and they told me that i had high blood pressure and want to put me on medicine that would dform a baby if i got pregnant and i left that day saying f*&% that i will lower andget the blood pressure down myself just watch and see not everything is solved with a pill especially one that would deperjize a future childs life. I left so pissed i had to hold back my tears this was all because i was having kidney problems and the doctor automatically assumed it was because i was heavy so four days ago changed my life i have ate under my calories so far and will continue to do so.
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    When I read "Your Fat is Unequivocally Your Fault" by Jamie Lewis, and realized he was actually talking about me, and everyone like me. It was certainly time to harden the **** up, and stop sucking at life so bad.
  • As long as i can remember, I always had a flat tummy. One day I looked down and saw a bulge. I immediately got alarmed cause I thought it was a turmor (...just a tumor of fat -_-...) and when i couldn't bend over to give myself a pedi. That was at 160lbs. Joined MFP, did a round of Insanity. Now I weigh 144...got my tummy back. But the achievements that I'm most proud of is having a visceral fat of 2...0 being the lowest.
  • cpettigrew
    cpettigrew Posts: 168 Member
    When I was getting winded getting in and out of a school bus (I am a driver) and going up and down the 10 steps to my apartment.
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    After college in 2008, but have been gaining year by year then in 2011 i started double workouts, and eating healthy and was close ton onederland when I got pregnant. I gained 23 lbs overall pregnancy and have 8 to lose of those to start on my GW 165. Baby is 8 months and we baptized her late Sep and I saw myself in the pictures and said it is time to restart where I left off. i didn't like how i looked & I have a trip to Mexico in Dec (haven't been there in 8 yrs.

    I only have time to workout during lunch, 20-30 mins brisk walk for now. I need to change my eating habits entirely.

    Official restart date 10/10/12, the first week has been hardest although all this Halloween candy floating around the office isn't helping.
  • sugardarts
    sugardarts Posts: 1 Member
    Being 26 and having my gallbladder removed because i ate what i wanted and never thought it mattered.
  • DarthH8
    DarthH8 Posts: 298 Member
    When a large cat cannot distinguish the difference between your belly and a couch arm, that is the point.
  • OddballExtreme
    OddballExtreme Posts: 296 Member
    My point came on my brother's birthday this year, January 26, 2012. I had been feeling incredibly sick for more than a month, sluggish, vomiting a few days, feeling something weird secreting in my brain (yeah, I know, that does sound disgusting), almost couldn't eat some days. When that day came, my doctor said I have Type 2 Diabetes. I wasn't the least bit upset or angry about it because I knew it ran on both sides of my family. Knowing it finally caught up with me, I started making a lot of changes. I started counting my carbs, watched what I was eating, increased my exercise, and increase my water intake. That day I had the diagnosis, I weighed 181 pounds.

    The left pic was me on vacation in Arizona last year. That right photo is me at my job in August.

    Today I am down to 139 pounds (11 lost right here on MFP)!

    Another reason to celebrate...

    I ordered this Catwoman costume in medium, and it fit perfectly! I had been 192 at one point, but as long as I continue doing what I'm doing, I'll never be at that weight ever again!
  • When my dads cousin told me that she could hardly pay attention to my conversation with her bc she couldnt help but stare at how fat my face was

    It sounds like your dad's cousin is a shallow jerk off lol
    I can see how that would be motivating, but shame on her.
  • mrsvampette
    mrsvampette Posts: 99 Member
    My turning point was when I couldn't get up a small flight of stairs at a slow pace without sweating and losing my breath.
  • ipsamet
    ipsamet Posts: 436 Member
    My mom got really, really sick a little over a year ago. I realized that I wanted to change my life and start really LIVING it rather than just hiding away under the fat. I was 268 pounds and totally sedentary and miserable.

    Now, I'm 198 pounds, I've done two 5ks, two triathlons, a 10k and I have 3 more races before the season is over! My goals are just to continue getting stronger and fitter and enjoying my life and the new opportunities coming my way.
  • I guess i would have to say my moment was when I could no longer breath, walk anywhere with out getting winded, and when the button on two of my pants just flew off... yes, just like in the subway commericals. that was when i was 425 lbs. I am now down to 391 and feeling so much better, and proud of my self for finally getting started. I am scheduled for a GSV on Tuesday the 23rd and cant wiat.
  • Naytahlee
    Naytahlee Posts: 53 Member
    When I was 29 I weighed 327lbs. I was watching one of those shows like the 600lb man or something like that. I kept thinking how could they let themselves get that way? The guy in the show I was watching died, there was no happy ending. Then I realized if he would of changed when he was my size he would still be here, and if I didn’t change I was going to keep getting bigger and die. So, I lost 85lbs in a year. Fell down my stairs, injuring my back and knee, and gained it all back plus 15 lbs. Yes, that’s right 100lbs in 3 years. What made me decide to change again? The same thing, Im going to die if I don’t. The turning point was seeing a video of me and not knowing it was me. Who is that fat girl wearing my clothes? I had to get the scale out. I had to do the math. I had to change. Every picture is fuel, every picture shows me I’m not done. I joined MFP for Android to hold myself accountable with a calorie counter, not knowing I would find a wonderful community too!
  • baker150
    baker150 Posts: 112 Member
    I was talking with my boss one day about our "fat @sses" (we don't have a normal boss/employee relationship :P), anyways, I suggested we do a smoothie diet for a week and see if we notice any difference. Well, she lasted one day, but I made it the whole week eating only smoothies and fruits and vegetables. The next week, my dad told me I should come on this website and I haven't looked back since. :)
  • shanpwn
    shanpwn Posts: 66 Member
    When I graduated high school, I was 172 lbs at 5'4. I didn't think anything of it at the time. However, my living environment changed and since I was no longer living with my single mother (who could not cook, and did the best she could which was fast food), I taught myself to cook and began taking walks because I was lonely. I also began waiting tables to pay rent. I lost 50 lbs over two years and suddenly there was a huge difference in how people treated me. I got waitressing/bartending jobs on the spot because of my body. I got dates. I got new "friends". Not all of this was good, but it was enough to make me aware of my body.

    When I finished college and started graduate school, I became much more sedentary and gained back to 151. My last boyfriend made me feel terrible about my weight. I started lifting to try and lose weight to please him, but he was still unsupportive. I dumped him. I went to Turkey for fieldwork and started losing weight slowly eating probably over 2k cals a day because I was hiking 5-10 miles a day. This was a first spark of motivation. Then three more things happened:

    1. I went on a date and am 99% sure I didn't get a second date because of my weight.
    2. I went to the beach with my skinny aunt and cousins and we discussed healthy fitness strategies. And obviously I saw them all in their bikinis and got jealous.
    3. My grandmother referred to me as the "chubby" granddaughter.

    So now I'm motivated to get down to my weight at age 21, 122 lbs, and this time do it for ME and appreciate it.
  • cbwilliams2004
    cbwilliams2004 Posts: 24 Member
    When I couldn't breathe while I was tying my shoes :-( I know, it sounds funny. Also I saw an episode of The Simpsons and they mentioned Homer's weight. I realized I was only five pounds away. Double :-(
  • TheLongRunner
    TheLongRunner Posts: 688 Member
    When my student took a picture of a coworker and I when she was retiring in May of 2011. I couldn't believe it was me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! See my profile to see the picture...

    Another thing that sparked me to begin this journey is my mom died of complications from heart disease and diabetes at 63 in November of 2010. I was headed for the same fate. Plus, she begged me to be healthy and happy. Prior to me beginning this journey, I was neither of those things!