Just weighed in and sadly crying like a baby



  • ♥ChUbByCoyLe♥
    ♥ChUbByCoyLe♥ Posts: 267 Member
    I looked at your food diary. You eat so little, I see quite a few 800 calorie days in there. I can't imagine that your food intake caused an actual gain. Did you take in more sodium than usual the past couple of days? I'm so sorry you have to go through this. Try to keep in mind all the weight you have lost so far - it's an impressive feat! And good for you for not falling prey to comfort eating right now. You WILL overcome this scale malfunction! (Hey, could your scale need new batteries?)

    I had a look too and agree with this.
  • LovePBandJ
    LovePBandJ Posts: 288 Member
    Hang in there! Scales are evil. Surely you've figured that one out. They lie, lie, lie! Don't let it trick you into a frustrated food frenzy. Did you take starting and progress pictures? If you did, great, because now is when you'll need them. Take a new progress picture and SEE the difference.

    We women have such tricky bodies. So often we are not even in control of what they do. We eat right and exercise right and still, our bodies do things that can derail us. I am usually so motivated, but lately, I have been hungry and grouchy. :( I cannot seem to exercise it away. My big exercise and diet these days is not chewing my family's head off! Sadly, it is neither a calorie burner nor fulfilling.

    Shopping therapy is in order! Go walk a mall. Burn some cals. And buy something really cute that you would not have been able to fit into just a few short months ago.

    The bottom line is this: if you continue to make healthy food choices, you will get to your goal. Your body has no other option.
  • trufaith01
    Just think of it this way....you have made great strides thus far...four pounds could have reflected water or just plain hormonal changes that we women go through. Do the cardio exercises that you have missed and it might come off quicker than you think! You can do it! You have done so much this far.....
  • WarriorReady
    WarriorReady Posts: 571 Member
    Focus on the positive! Look at how far you have come - 4lbs is a drop in the bucket. And really it could just be the sodium intake or your body's natural fluctuation. My scale isn't always my friend. Focus on taking care of you, you have come so far! My hat's off to you lil' lady! You are already amazing and have done amazing! :happy: :heart:
    BELIEVENME5 Posts: 8 Member
    :wink: Some people dream of losing just 5 pounds, you have come a long way to drop that much weight. So you have to give yourself a pat on your back, please don't let the scale determine your day. Stay active and one day at a time. good luck.....
  • AEcklar813
    AEcklar813 Posts: 184 Member
    It's devastating when our bodies don't cooperate with us. We eat right and exercise and sometimes gain. However, other factors play a part in that number on the scale. Sodium is a killer for me. If I have too much sodium my weight goes up because of the water weight. However, in like 3 days it comes off and then some. I'm sorry you have been upset this morning but you obviously know what you're doing since you have lost over 90lbs! That is AMAZING! Don't let this get to you. You can do this!
  • Morethanwillpower12
    I agree with others...it is probably fluid retention or something like that. It seems very unlikely to gain 4 pounds that rapidly. I will give you an example of how fluid can affect weight loss. I wanted to get off my blood pressure meds. The doc said ok, try it. I went off. I went from 195 to 202 in two weeks! The next two weeks I was down to 198 but my bp started creeping back up. Doc said to get back on meds. I then went from 198 to 191 in the next two weeks after restarting the med. I seriously doubt I gained or lost much actual fat in those 6 weeks at all. I think it was mostly fluid. Congrats on your weight loss so far. It is very inspiring! :)
  • SweetNSassee
    Just remember that you fought HARD to lose 92lbs hun...four pounds is NOTHING compared to what you've already shown that you can accomplish. It will be okay *hugs*
  • irishcanadianwoman
    Please don't worry or cry. This is just a temporary blip.

    As one of my friends says, "It was just a strong gravity day!"

    Graph your weight loss on a large piece of paper and look at the trend line. You are doing awesome!
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Great job on losing the weight so far! It's awesome!

    But looking at your goals, you rarely (if ever) meet the goal of even 1200. Try going to maintenance for a couple of weeks, and after that, try maybe 1300-1400 a day plus exercise calories.
  • Beckyloo80
    Beckyloo80 Posts: 1,088 Member
    I have been on my journey to health since March 3 and have moved through my weight loss loosing 92lbs to date. When I stepped on the scale this a.m. my weight was up four pounds. (I haven't deviated from my food plan and although been exercising irregularly--not everyday as I should but every other day).

    I know how hard it's going to be to re-loose those four pounds and it has just devastated me. I'm so, so sad and depressed.

    Since I always try to be positive...I am proud that I'm not going to food to find solace.

    But, I can't stop crying.....

    You've lost 92lbs. NINETY TWO .

    Look in the mirror.
    Go look at your before pictures.
    Go look at the clothes you used to wear that don't even come close to fitting properly anymore.

    And when you're done doing that, pull yourself together.

    You got this.


    92 Pounds!!!! that's AMAMZING and all since march!!! No matter what, you are 92 pounds less then you were 7 months ago! That is HUGE! WTG! 4 pounds....... water retention.........too much sodium over the last few days........PMS........muscle gain....... all could be factors to that 4 pounds. Remember that your body needs at least 1200 calories to function.... you should never be eating less then that (before exercise).

    Your doing great!!!
  • Rozh1970
    Why is it always the little things that cause the most upset, as everyone has said previoulsy you have lost an amazing amount, so celebrate that, don't be upset by the tiny little addition :bigsmile:
  • LCBinGA
    LCBinGA Posts: 102 Member
    try this: go to the gym, pick up weights that equal or come close to 92 pounds. Now walk around with it (or even borrow them for an afternoon) and carry it everywhere you go for a day/morning/afternoon. Hard huh?! Yeah, guess what, you're not doing that anymore!

    Set backs help us enjoy the joys that much more!!
  • pickledginger
    I stepped on the scale once after a week of water and weak broth (stomach bug) and it said I had gained five pounds. o.O

    The body does weird things sometimes with hanging on to water, and other stuff.

    I bloat like crazy if I get dehydrated or if I eat something with gluten in it. I also temporarily "gain" weight and inches if I don't eat enough fiber-filled greens. And I bloat up if I don't get enough protein.

    It's probably just a freak fluctuation. But you might take another look -- are getting enough protein? Veg? Water? Did.you eat someying salty? Do you have any food sensitivities you might have acvidentally triggered.
  • annehart00
    Please don't cry. You've accomplished sooo much and you as a person are much more than the four pounds you might have gained (which could be water weight). Keep going and focus on health (ie getting all your macro and and micro nutrients), as well as exercise.

    Also, I don't know what your height is but unless it's very short, 1200 or less calories might be too small of a goal to sustain -whether you're losing or not. In my experience (I'm a recovered Binge Eater, 5'5", 180 #s), I would eat around 1200 to lose weight, lose some, and then get to your point. I would feel like such a failure and frustrated because I worked so hard and still had so far to go. Normally a combination of those feelings would lead to an implosion of any diet plan I was on. I don't know if this is an issue you would struggle with due to your possible set-back. If it is though, I would recommend uping your caloric intake to no more than 250 below maintenaince if you might have a similar problem. It is helpful for avoiding the diet/binge/diet/binge cycle.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    The longer you fight your body by feeding it next to nothing, the longer you will struggle.

    92lbs lost is FANTASTIC. You've done a great job. But now I think it's time to reward yourself by stopping the self-starvation, changing your tack, and loving yourself.

    Many people who have a lot (90lbs qualifies as a lot) of weight to lose can do the very-low-calorie thing for some time and see great results. But as you approach a healthier body mass, you lose the ability to continue losing weight on 1000 calories a day, and your body is going to start fighting back. I'm not going to throw out "starvation mode" but unless you are extremely short or completely sedentary, you're just not feeding yourself enough. It's time to start looking at developing habits you can maintain for the rest of your life and keep the weight off. Eating too little is not a sustainable long-term goal.

    Best wishes to you and congratulations on the progress you've made so far. I think everyone here who has lost weight has, at some point in the process, seen an increase on the scale of 4lbs AT LEAST. Please don't let it get you down. There are too many variables involved to get upset over a number on the scale. You did not gain 4lbs of fat from the last time you weighed yourself, I guarantee you that much.
  • Marlys101
    Marlys101 Posts: 100
    I totally understand how you feel and know from recent experience since I'm going through this as well. After getting engaged I feel my habits changed so I need to focus in and get back on track. It will get better and it looks like you've done an awesome job!!!!
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    A sudden increase of four pounds is usually water weight and will be gone in a couple days.
  • njgirl50
    njgirl50 Posts: 62 Member
    It happens, a while back I had lost 40 pounds, did a 10 mile walk for charity & gained 7 pounds! I too was devastated. Just focus on the incredible loss of weight and keep going - you are truly an inspiration to all of us!
  • kwoodson94
    :flowerforyou: Hi! I just had to reply because I have had the same thing happen. It is probably water you are retaining and you will lose it in a day or two. My body responds so differently to sodium these days. I lost 50 lbs before starting FP. There are many weeks that I have struggled with water weight gain. Just flush with a lot of water next two days and see what happens.
    Either way, you seem to be doing amazing!!!!!! I would cut off my foot to have lost 92 lbs! That is wonderful! Give yourself credit! You are winning the war!!